I'm actually REALLY excited about getting a Hot Toys version Adam West Batman. Cesar Romero Joker would totally rock as well!
Has anyone any updates on the 1966 range ?
Any ideas of when we're likely to see this 66 Batmobile up for pre order?
you better waitlist this beauty, because the secondary market's going to be a *****.
I think I ordered the last three.
Can't wait!
SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Lottery Ticket, Batman!!!!!!!!!!
We seriously need to find another hobby.........
... an old car...
SOLD OUT!!!! But Don't worry, the 2.0 Version will be up for pre-order next week.
I don't know what people were going on about with all the supposed inaccuracies. Seriously. This looks just like a screen shot.
This thread got funny.
$699.99 is a big hunk of Avengers cash to spend on an old car. Good thing I'm not a huge Avengers fan.