I'm still hopeful. I also think it's encouraging that the Delorean is under $700 considering the details and complexity of all the greeblies and gadgets and the lighting. Makes me think the batmobile would be less expensive.
The Hot Toys Hong Kong site doesn't even mention or display the 1966 Batmobile anymore, so I think we've been had.
Two months ago they said they were tweaking it. Until they say it's cancelled, I'd say it's still coming.
I'd like to hear more from them, but I also think people should avoid jumping to conclusions. I'm more concerned with whether or not we'll see more figures. I hope that, at the very least, they could give us a Romero Joker. I'm equally partial to the Gorshin Riddler and my biggest want, actually, is a Meredith Penguin. If sales are an issue, I wouldn't mind if they did then as Toy Fair Exclusives with smaller edition sizes.
I have a feeling we sadly may not see the villains. I'm betting the 66 Batmobile is announced eventually and that will round out this line. It's a shame as West Batman and Ward Robin are two of the most fun characters in my collection and I'd like villains to put with them.