Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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[ame=""]Batman - Batman and Robin Frogs - YouTube[/ame]
2 different movies and 2 totally different portrayals of Wayne/Batman...I like both and I dont have a favorite.
2 different movies and 2 totally different portrayals of Wayne/Batman...I like both and I dont have a favorite.

I like both, too, but I have a favorite Bruce Wayne and a favorite Batman, and they're not played by the same guy. :wacky
There is no better, cooler, dynamic, batman as this....
Wow. Forget about the comparisons between Michael Keaton and Christian Bale. Adam West is the best Batman. Ever. Forever and ever.
Wow. Forget about the comparisons between Michael Keaton and Christian Bale. Kevin Conroy is the best Batman. Ever. Forever and ever.

Fixed. :D

In just being the voice IMHO he is a better Batman and Bruce Wayne than any live actor who has attempted it. :wink1:
Bale is the best Batman. He comes off as more menacing and serious. In Batman begins in the "SWEAR TO ME!!" scene he just shows how intense he is. Perfect Batman. Keaton was great for that era and bale for this.
Bale is the best Batman. He comes off as more menacing and serious. In Batman begins in the "SWEAR TO ME!!" scene he just shows how intense he is. Perfect Batman. Keaton was great for that era and bale for this.

Gotta admit, his Cookie Monster impression in that scene made me LOL in the theatre. :huh
Keaton's batman at the time was the best since it was all I can get at the time. I see Keaton and I think of beetlejuice or Multiplicity. Even when he played that serial killer I just couldn't buy it. Honestly, that movie should be retitled as, "Joker" Nicholson just overplayed keaton.

What I want to know is how accurate will HT's figure of Keaton's batman will be? Like someone asked, will we see Nike based boots? I don't want to. Will it have lifters on the boots?
Just out of curiosity... Are you guys pumped for this figure because you prefer the Keaton Batman movies to the current Nolan Batman films? Or is it because you guys grew up with this Batman?

For me, it's primarily because I grew up with this Batman. I had been watching the Adam West series as a kid, but when I was around 5, we rented Batman 1989 from the movie store, and it was a jaw-dropping experience - completely putting the TV show to shame.

Around then, "Batman Returns" was due to come out, so I had all the Keaton action figures as well. They were some of the toys I most remember playing with.

So getting this 1/6 release will really be coming full circle with my action figure collecting - I got into 1/6 because of the Nolan movies and figures (as a callback to my childhood action figures, I guess, combining with my love for Batman and the Nolan series). But now I'll have 1/6 versions of the very same characters and figures I played with as a kid - Keaton Batman and Nicholson Joker (and hopefully Catwoman and Penguin). I've grown up, but I haven't changed the kinds of toys I play with - just the quality of toys (and the price!)

But in all honesty, the Nolan films are better films than the Burton films. They are both better movies and I enjoy them a bit more (just a teeny bit!). That doesn't mean I don't still love the Burton films, and it doesn't mean they're not great movies as well.

Of course, comparing the two sets of movies in terms of "quality as films" is almost meaningless, as they're like apples and oranges. It's like comparing "The Godfather, Part 2" with "2001: A Space Odyssey" or "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." They're all excellent movies, but they're so different from each other - so you could compare them and try to decide which is better, that's still pretty meaningless because they're so different.

Reason why I'm asking is because I've grown up with the Nolan Batman movies and have never watched the older Batman films. The only future release that got my attention was the batmobile... And I still prefer the Tumbler.

Watch the first two (the Burton films). Just go in with the understanding that they're going to be very different films (from both the Nolan films and, to an extent, different from one another as well). Nolan's Batman movies are urban crime dramas. Burton's Batman movies are modern, dark fairy tales.

If you go in to them with that understanding, I'm sure you'll enjoy them.

1It was also the must have VHS tape that Xmas...I watched it 3 times Xmas morning

Wow, that must have been an extra-long morning, to fit 3 entire viewings in! :rotfl

Haha, the first time I saw "Batman Returns" was on Christmas evening. I had received it on VHS that morning from Santa, as it had just come out on VHS and I loved Batman. The extended family all gathered together in one room, and we watched it together.

I don't know why, but my mother never took me to see "Batman Returns" in theaters, even though I was obsessed with it (I had the action figures, got the happy meals and cups, and constantly drew Batman and mock-ups of the theatrical poster). I recently asked her why she hadn't taken me, even though she knew I loved Batman - she denied never taking me, and said she must have. Her memory has gone fuzzy, though - Christmas night was definitely my first time viewing it.
Batman '89, Batman Returns and Batman the Animated Series, especially the latter WAS my childhood.

All I played with was Kenner Batman figures, vehicles and playsets growing up. A few years ago, around the 2007 pre-TDK days I went back and re-bought them new MOC/MIB. One of the greatest eras of collecting for me.

I had '89 and Returns on VHS as well. I can still remember all the intros before the feature presentation. I even recall that it had trouble playing the Axis Chemical sequence and the museum/chase/alley fight scene because those were my favorite parts in the film as a kid.

Great memories. These figures are going to represent that.
Batman '89, Batman Returns and Batman the Animated Series, especially the latter WAS my childhood.

All I played with was Kenner Batman figures, vehicles and playsets growing up. A few years ago, around the 2007 pre-TDK days I went back and re-bought them new MOC/MIB. One of the greatest eras of collecting for me.

I had '89 and Returns on VHS as well. I can still remember all the intros before the feature presentation. I even recall that it had trouble playing the Axis Chemical sequence and the museum/chase/alley fight scene because those were my favorite parts in the film as a kid.

Great memories. These figures are going to represent that.

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