Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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It's mother ____ing Keaton Batman. This thing could leak rubber like Gumby out on a goddamn Texas heatwave and I'd buy it. It'll be the best Keaton action figure, hell the best Batman action figure for at least 6 months after the release when they announce the DX 2.0 on it.

Lol, it'd be a sweet 6 months though.
Just out of curiosity... Are you guys pumped for this figure because you prefer the Keaton Batman movies to the current Nolan Batman films? Or is it because you guys grew up with this Batman?

Reason why I'm asking is because I've grown up with the Nolan Batman movies and have never watched the older Batman films. The only future release that got my attention was the batmobile... And I still prefer the Tumbler.
I'm actually more excited to get the '89 batmobile, as I think it is the best design for the batmobile so far.
Just out of curiosity... Are you guys pumped for this figure because you prefer the Keaton Batman movies to the current Nolan Batman films? Or is it because you guys grew up with this Batman?

Reason why I'm asking is because I've grown up with the Nolan Batman movies and have never watched the older Batman films. The only future release that got my attention was the batmobile... And I still prefer the Tumbler.

You should watch them. They're pretty good for what they are.
Personally I'd suggest watching the first two and then stopping... :lol

I love the two Burton Batman films for what they are, but they are very much Tim Burton's own particular take on Batman, so don't go expecting exactly what you get in the comics. But then, the same could also be said of the Nolan films as well.

Regardless, how much you enjoy the Burton (or Nolan) Batman films, or how much you don't, will likely very much come down to how much you can accept that it is an interpretation filtered through a particular directorial vision, rather than a direct translation from comic to screen, and whether that particular interpretation works for you. And the only true way to find that out is to watch and see for yourself. :)
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Just out of curiosity... Are you guys pumped for this figure because you prefer the Keaton Batman movies to the current Nolan Batman films? Or is it because you guys grew up with this Batman?

Reason why I'm asking is because I've grown up with the Nolan Batman movies and have never watched the older Batman films. The only future release that got my attention was the batmobile... And I still prefer the Tumbler.

Well, I grew up watching Michael Keaton as Batman. I saw the first Batman movie when I was three, and it was pretty cool. As to my preference of who I think is the better Batman? I'd have to go with Keaton. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Nolan's movies, but I just think that Christian Bale's acting seemed "forced" a lot of the time, and I actually found myself laughing at the serious parts where Bale puts on his gravely Batman voice.

If I had to choose between the two, I'd go with a Keaton figure. But, I'd really like to have both!
Yep grew up on the Burton Batman films. The '89 Batmobile is still the benchmark design although the tumbler has grown on me a lot.

Btw has it ever been explained why Bale sounds like he lisps in TDK? Man sounds stupid
Yep grew up on the Burton Batman films. The '89 Batmobile is still the benchmark design although the tumbler has grown on me a lot.

Btw has it ever been explained why Bale sounds like he lisps in TDK? Man sounds stupid

Bale has a lisp in every film... it's especially bad in Terminator Salvation when he's screaming at Michael Ironhide through the radio. :lol makes me laugh every time.
Just out of curiosity... Are you guys pumped for this figure because you prefer the Keaton Batman movies to the current Nolan Batman films? Or is it because you guys grew up with this Batman?

Reason why I'm asking is because I've grown up with the Nolan Batman movies and have never watched the older Batman films. The only future release that got my attention was the batmobile... And I still prefer the Tumbler.

1989 Bats was from my childhood, and at the time set a new standard in marketing. You could not go anywhere that summer without seeing Batmerch and it was so cool that everyone from grown ups to kids were into it. With that said it reminds me of that summer. It was also the must have VHS tape that Xmas...I watched it 3 times Xmas morning, and plenty if times after it. It's a really well done movie and showed that a dark style comic book movie could work.

You should watch them. They're pretty good for what they are.

:exactly: :goodpost: also the score is amazing Elfman hit it out of the park. Also the Batmobile is BADASS!!
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Grew up on Burton Batman - loved them so I'm keen to get these figs

But then Nolan Batman came along and changed everything for me. Nevertheless want these guys and would love returns figs too
Just checking in and wanted to know...




Yeah Im with you . I havent been on the forum in over a week because I think sometimes the conversation becomes stale and redundant so somethime Ill wait a week or so to see if anything new has popped up. Im too lazy to read through all these pages so the only pic we have is still that fuzzy one of someone took of a poster of the Joker and Batman?
Summer of 89 was a great year to be a kid. I was bat crazy. Wall covered in Batman, had a different shirt for everyday of the week. Had to eat at Taco Bell whenever I could. There was nothing like it to me, since 1983 with ROTJ. And of course that all was forgotten in the summer of 91 with T2.

The Nolan films are wonderfully shot. But Begins is down right boring. And DK is eyecandy, but Bale for me is very very hard to swallow. Have to laugh at him in some scenes and he makes my throat hurt just to listen to him. :monkey4 He was pouring it on 10x compared to BB, the new one might be 100x cheesier.

And dont get me started on that stupid looking tank. The 89 Batmobile oozes cool and sex. The crumbler is an ugly turd, and from what Ive seen so far of the new movie, I will be sitting here like this :mad: because of this ugly tank . And the 89 Batwing is just as cool. And what do we get in the new one? A twin of a flying turd.

Keaton played both roles much darker, especially Wayne. Bale more of a spoiled brat or shall we say, emo lol
You should watch them. They're pretty good for what they are.

Absolutely!! Now I grew up watching the Burton movie and I love the Nolan movies all the same BUT the Burton movies have a certain nostalgia to them for me just because of the childhood memories. They are a bit dated but I think they still hold up with great performances and great set designs. Batman 89 is still my favorite bat suit. I dont like the Schumaker films though.. I dunno as much as Im a fan of hokey,cheesy and campy I could never get down with that representation of Batman. The 60's show can be somewhat entertaining at times but I dont know if Im laughing at it or with it.
Summer of 89 was a great year to be a kid. I was bat crazy. Wall covered in Batman, had a different shirt for everyday of the week. Had to eat at Taco Bell whenever I could. There was nothing like it to me, since 1983 with ROTJ. And of course that all was forgotten in the summer of 91 with T2.

The Nolan films are wonderfully shot. But Begins is down right boring. And DK is eyecandy, but Bale for me is very very hard to swallow. Have to laugh at him in some scenes and he makes my throat hurt just to listen to him. :monkey4 He was pouring it on 10x compared to BB, the new one might be 100x cheesier.

And dont get me started on that stupid looking tank. The 89 Batmobile oozes cool and sex. The crumbler is an ugly turd, and from what Ive seen so far of the new movie, I will be sitting here like this :mad: because of this ugly tank . And the 89 Batwing is just as cool. And what do we get in the new one? A twin of a flying turd.

Keaton played both roles much darker, especially Wayne. Bale more of a spoiled brat or shall we say, emo lol

Damn the Tumbler effects you that much :lol
Nolan's films are incredible- the look plus fine directing and involving, inspired scripts. DK is the supreme superhero movie IMO.
However the Buton films are unique and great in their own way. Same character, complately different take on it. Both directors top in their field!
I do plan on getting this, but only to complete the Jack Joker. Truth be told.....the film just doesn't hold up as well as one may think. Mind you that's just my opinion, but Bruce going all psudo crazy at the fire place with a poker (hey that rymes with Joker) LOL. So yeah it was cool for its time but times are a changing.
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