I don't know if I'm brave enough to try that on my figure. It does look better though.
LOL love this review.
Prepared, almost determined to hate it from the "talk on-line", by the end of his review comes to terms that your never going to get great holding possibility with solid rubber suit this represent anyway, and as the out of the box gloss impact wanes it's totally grown on him. (that cape helps too), by end side by side he thaught the DX19 would look far superior, and even that he's not convinced by, he's taken to it so much.
What do you mean? You don't think this is the pinnacle of how to properly display and present a figure?Is it just me that finds that video hard to watch with the belt so high and the right arm gauntlet pointing inward the whole time.?I'm odd I know.
Even the DX19 is posed so awkward looking. Not claiming to be a great poser of figures or anything but it hurts my eyes to see them looking so goofy and unfutzed in simple museum poses.
The MMS155 peeled too.
Hot Toys really doesn’t care.
we needa shrink the QS down to 1/6
Oh wow...so they didn't even give us a functional/wearable balaclava like the quarter scale...Welp there goes the night out look, for me at least
No there is one included, it's just not meant to be worn like the 1/4 figure. You can have him hold it in his handOof I didn't realize it wasn't included. In that case then I'll just use a small piece of black cloth and put it in his hand as if he's abut to put it on and call it a day.
No there is one included, it's just not meant to be worn like the 1/4 figure. You can have him hold it in his hand
Really cool of Hot Toys to make a The Collector horror figure.Well yes, it's not meant to be worn
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Madman Begins.