Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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Scarecrow looks pretty epic but demon bats looks hell cheap, and that's in THEIR pics. If anything, they make cheap figures look good, so imagine how he'll look inhand when he's looking that average in their photography. Just an observation
Scarecrow looks pretty epic but demon bats looks hell cheap, and that's in THEIR pics. If anything, they make cheap figures look good, so imagine how he'll look inhand when he's looking that average in their photography. Just an observation

This is the clearest photos Hot Toys have ever taken. I think they have a new camera.
No freaking way guys, I was just trying to make a conversation after this quote,
“We’ll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we’ll be introducing some new ones,”

Chris Nolan's quote from his recent interview on Batman 3(The Dark Knight Rises)... Hopefully this means we'll see some Scarecrow that will spawn a solo figure.

With the anticipation of you guys waiting for a scarecrow solo figure. I was disappointed we would not get a riddler figure cause i'm a big fan and you guys want a solo figure of a figure already being made. I guess, i'm the odd man out here because I want a figure not being made and shall never see the HT treatment because he ain't in the movie. Whatever's carry on with your discussion, I won't butt in no more.
No freaking way guys, I was just trying to make a conversation after this quote,

With the anticipation of you guys waiting for a scarecrow solo figure. I was disappointed we would not get a riddler figure cause i'm a big fan and you guys want a solo figure of a figure already being made. I guess, i'm the odd man out here because I want a figure not being made and shall never see the HT treatment because he ain't in the movie. Whatever's carry on with your discussion, I won't butt in no more.

I agree with you man. There would be nothing cooler than having the nolan version of joker, two face, scarecrow, and the riddler on a shelf together.

I'm sure either way Nolan will have me leaving the Theatre happy.

Hopefully someone will make a badass Riddler custom that people can pick up to add to their collection.
Mollins (board member) made a killer Riddler custom (if I remember correctly) - thought that was exactly how a Nolan Riddler would look. Can't be bothered looking it up lol
I agree with you man. There would be nothing cooler than having the nolan version of joker, two face, scarecrow, and the riddler on a shelf together.

Yeah, that is a disappointment - Nolan was actually developing a realistic rogues gallery that was beginning to look quite impressive on the shelf in 1/6 scale. Don't forget to throw in Ra's, Ubu, and Zsasz, all of which made appearances in "Batman Begins."

Not short

Not sure if you're asking who Ubu is or if you're asking about his place in the movie.

If the former: Ubu is Ra's al Ghul's main bodyguard, assistant, and Chief of Staff in the comics (and Animated Series). "Ubu" is actually theorized to be a title, passed on as a mantle from one assistant of Ra's to the next as the previous one is killed, disabled, or replaced for whatever reason. Usually Ubu is portrayed as a very muscular man with a shaved head, though Bane was an Ubu during the "Legacy" storyline.

Batman Wiki Page on Ubu

If the latter: The decoy Ra's al Ghul (portrayed by Ken Watanabe) is considered to be a nod to Ubu - both in function (as a very capable assistant in a vital role to Ra's) as well as visual appearance (i.e, the shaved head, though the facial hair is more reminiscent of Ra's, whereas Ubu is clean-shaven in the comics). After Ubu is killed, he's replaced by a similar looking Ubu (seen in the party as another decoy), much like in the comics.
Why dont some of you guys coordinate on buying the 2 pack? So if you're only interested in Demon bats, ask who's interested with just the scarecrow and you guys split it so you're not forced to buy both if you dont want to. Maybe start a thread or something.