Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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This is a really great set. Sooooooo glad I got this from Eric. $420 was steep but I figured most HTs exclusive figs are around $200 smacks per, so it was a fair deal.

Hope you guys that are holding out for a lesser price find them at a price point you think is fair cause if you have the other BB & TDK figs in your collection, you'll want these to round it out.

Really hope we see ninja training Bruce Wayne and Commish Gordon.
This is a really great set. Sooooooo glad I got this from Eric. $420 was steep but I figured most HTs exclusive figs are around $200 smacks per, so it was a fair deal.

Hope you guys that are holding out for a lesser price find them at a price point you think is fair cause if you have the other BB & TDK figs in your collection, you'll want these to round it out.

Really hope we see ninja training Bruce Wayne and Commish Gordon.

Yeah I'm glad I got these from Eric as well.

For me it's sorta of that piece of mind thing in case these don't become more readily available. I mean how much cheaper can they get? Though if they do, then great for everybody. I only care about my collection. I get no satisfaction in knowing I have something that somebody else doesn't.

I really do hope that a more inexpensive option becomes available for everyone. I feel it makes for a better hobby atmosphere & more cohesive community.
I feel the exact same way. I'm really glad I got my Scarecrow and Demon Batman. My collection feels complete. Now I just need to find someone to paint my Ras head sculpt and then my Batman Collection will definitely be complete.
It sounds/looks like it's the low $400's shipped for these? I know I should just ordered them but for some reason I'm hung up on the cost breaking that $400 ceiling.
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Guys, the average price of these as a set, on Ebay, has begun rising a bit. I know that if you haven't already, but are planning on ordering one, then I'd do it sooner rather than later.

I could be wrong, and the price could fall again, but I doubt it.
Yep, the prices are rising. I'm glad I pulled the trigger when I did. I think $390 shipped is the lowest I've ever seen for the set and that's exactly what I paid.
Argh, you've changed your avatar! I always associated you with Keaton's Batman. Now I will forever be confused!
I paid 250 for the Scarecrow, and I'm still waiting. He's the only figure I really needed from the set. Demon Bats is great looking figure, but IMHO just an extra waste of space if you already have the OC and DX figures.

Glad I saved 175 on a variant with 5 seconds of screen time. Now, I might regret it later on, but it's kind of pointless without a civilian Jonathan Crane figure.
could any body post a big pic of the back of scarecrows head?
I'm working on a mask for my crane to hold.
^ Hope these help:


