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That's a neat program. Nice to see some job based skills being taught in the schools prior to college. If we have one of those in Missouri, I'm not aware of it, or at least wasn't when I was in school. Sounds like it could let you "try out" various fields to see if you like them, before dropping $20k on a major you don't use.
I cancelled mine- I'm kind of tired of HT's ways of doing business, this is too iffy for something that costs $240 after shipping, and in pictures I have seen, his head looks a tad small. I'm better without it.
The DX02 is made from a different rubber than any of the other figures. It attracts the least dust.

This new one is gonna be a dust magnet it seems
I can't wait to put this figure on display. Only thing I'm curious about now... does the display stand have the BB logo or TDK logo? Not that it makes any difference. I wish he came with a prop stapler, like when he's in Gordon's office though.

It comes with the BB logo:)
The DX02 is made from a different rubber than any of the other figures. It attracts the least dust.

This new one is gonna be a dust magnet it seems

That's gonna suck. I don't have enclosures for any of my figs, and I have to stand on a chair to reach them. Granted the entire process of getting up and back down takes about 4 seconds, but I have other first world problems to deal with. I don't need the extra stress of knowing that when I want to clean the figure, 4 seconds of my day is going to be spent climbing up and down a chair.
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That's gonna suck. I don't have enclosures for any of my figs, and I have to stand on a chair to reach them. Granted the entire process of getting up and back down takes about 4 seconds, but I have other first world problems to deal with. I don't need the extra stress of knowing that when I want to clean the figure, 4 seconds of my day is going to be spent climbing up and down a chair.

put him lower and cut your time by 1/4?:ohbfrank:
:exactly: You should get a Detolf. All the cool people here do it. :rock

Yeah... here's the thing. I live in North Dakota. I live in a very small apartment in ND. The closest Ikea is in Minneapolis, MN. Almost 7 hours away if you drive non-stop. I could order one online, b/c they're only 64.99. Add in the shipping costs, and it brings the approximate total to $414. Plus I'm not even sure where I'd put that beast. I still want to display my Batman LEGOs and those occupy the most shelves out of anything I collect.
I see... That does stink. I was looking into acrylic cases to put over these figures before I discovered the Detolf on these forums. I'd highly recommend that for any rubber figures you have. And unlike the Detolf, I would think that'd keep them dust free.

Dunno where to find them but I've seen collection pics here where some members have them.