It feels that way, doesn't it? It definitely doesn't feel like a figure with any sort of exclusivity that's for sure. It's not as if it came with a certificate like Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'.Brilliant figure- awesome.
Those who have the broken foot problem that really sucks- QC suffering cause they pushed out a zillion of these???
I predicted a few weeks ago that the status on this figure would change from "wait list" to "in stock". Now I have this feeling that we will witness the prices decrease on the secondary market as this figure floods collectors homes with QC problems. So I'm going to call it now, lower prices in the coming weeks as more and more people pass and/or sell mass quantities of this guy.
Lets not forget there are more on the way with at least two more Asia based conventions . . .
Just got my second one and what a piece of ____ the quality on this one was. My first came flawless and I couldn't believe all the issues with the 2nd. Broken right ankle, dented right abs, missing large spike on the right gauntlet, faulty utility belt. I am so pissed. I have already called SS and waiting on respose.
Just got my second one and what a piece of ____ the quality on this one was. My first came flawless and I couldn't believe all the issues with the 2nd. Broken right ankle, dented right abs, missing large spike on the right gauntlet, faulty utility belt. I am so pissed. I have already called SS and waiting on respose.
I predicted a few weeks ago that the status on this figure would change from "wait list" to "in stock". Now I have this feeling that we will witness the prices decrease on the secondary market as this figure floods collectors homes with QC problems. So I'm going to call it now, lower prices in the coming weeks as more and more people pass and/or sell mass quantities of this guy.
Lets not forget there are more on the way with at least two more Asia based conventions . . .
Can't imagine that a few months ago this one was being considered as a 'rarest of the rare' figures that HT will ever produce. The entire frenzy over the PPO, the rant about the scalpers, calling it a 'Blessing' for those who missed it out the first time, whew... What crazy overly hyped figure this was. Finally when its out, I guess the people who are feeling blessed are owners of OC. I believe now, issues like the Indy fiasco (if I may say so), likeness issues with Cap (for some), and Toy Fare Bat, will surely make people think twice about pre-ordering as soon as a figure is announced. I for one would not mind paying a few extra bucks to acquire a figure after it is out, once I see the in-hand pics, rather than getting a BNIB with loads of issues.
Some differnt shots of bats ,I realy like how the cape folds in the back and would like to know does the custom capes drape the same way in the back as this pic ?
Sorry if I missed it, But why is this back in-stock?
I guess it shouldn't be a difficult thing to do. Sharing the pics posted by fellow freaks that helped me deciding in favor of lforigno's custom:
Sorry if I missed it, But why is this back in-stock?
Sorry if I missed it, But why is this back in-stock?