Last night, I actually switched my Batman's pose to the old standby fists-at-the-sides pose. I like to give the wrists a bend too.
There it is! That's the picture I was looking for. Where did you find it?
Yeah, those are definitely the Hot Toys gauntlets with something to make them shiny.
To be fair, I may have had his wrists bent in a tad too much on those last shots. Here he is with what I think looks like a very comfortable 'badass' wrist pose:
And here he is in the identical pose with straight wrists:
It's sublte, but I really think the bend in the wrist adds a lot.
just to humour the people who are sensitive about anyone that doesn't type IMO after every four words.
Oh and a-dev has the best sig, or rather disclaimer, on the board.
To me when people pose there figures with the arms sticking out straight (including the wrists) all I see is this:
What really drives me nutty is when I see the arms all stuck out like sticks on some people's figures:
...arms all stuck out like sticks...
Maglor, you're being unfair. Some do pose their arms that way.Not the wrists, the arms.
Who holds their arms out like that? :/
I'm sorry but I just have to laugh at the recent topic of wrist position!
Not the wrists, the arms.
Who holds their arms out like that? :/
You pose is way more extreme than my example even.
I'm sorry but I just have to laugh at the recent topic of wrist position!
Maglor, you're being unfair. Some do pose their arms that way.
I started this one!
A man in a rubber bat suit, that's who. The arms aren't straight out anyway. There's a bend at both elbows when viewed from the side. It's not different than on those Superman and Batman statues you posted, the only difference is the rubber suit arms are not turning with the body underneath.
Edit: Wait, I think I see what you're saying. The lower arms need to turn more inward to appear more natural?
man shut up you extreme freak. rippinng on peoples poses of a TOY.