Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011 Toy Con Ex) review + pics

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Ok... So I found the discussion about the dx12 boots reacting to the the dx02 body on the dx12 thread. But I believe the poster specifically mentioned that the dx12 boots only reacted to the dx02 body and not vice versa. More importantly, there was no specific mention of the dx12 boots reacting to the TF's body.

Or did I miss something? :slap

I don't think that many people have really tried it so far, so there's no large body of data to use in reaching a conclusion.

The DX12 is still not widely available and possessed yet, so you'd be one of the first to try it.
HT needs to redo this as a DX...PERS would look good on this one. Redo the rubber suit much like EB's 1/4 Bats suit- superior material.
Add a special accesory or two, special stand and BOOM, HT has more money to print. This one is still hard to get under $350 and demand is still there for it!
I was just thinking about this recently actually..

I really dig the 'Begins' suit - on film. The HT figures thus far, haven't really compelled me to get one - the first or this one. The proportions, the rubber suit, the cowl sculpt, the long neck.. I don't know, not fussed on them.

I agree that PERS on this version would be a cool addition too, so hopefully a DX happens & they iron the bugs out accordingly.
I LOVE TDK trilogy...but a fourth release of the same character is a bit overkill. Unless its a MAJOR improvement over the prior 3 releases, then I may pick it up...again. But it has to be MAJOR. Like dx02 to dx12...major in the sense where the suit is no longer rubber with deterioration in its future.

If not, then the only time I buy this iteration of batman again is the 1/4 scale. I know EB has their version, but I'm positive HTs take on it will be amazing.
I kind of agree and am torn also. I don't think this really needs a dx, although does seem weird that its the only batman that isn't a dx. As has been stated, it would be the 4th release of the same suit, but I do agree an update would be great. With a better material that we can pose, at least a bit, and a better cowl without the hugely long neck. That said there's really not much else to change. No more accessories to include.
The toy fairs version should have been the ultimate version to own if they hadn't cheaped out on it.
I kind of agree and am torn also. I don't think this really needs a dx, although does seem weird that its the only batman that isn't a dx. As has been stated, it would be the 4th release of the same suit, but I do agree an update would be great. With a better material that we can pose, at least a bit, and a better cowl without the hugely long neck. That said there's really not much else to change. No more accessories to include.
The toy fairs version should have been the ultimate version to own if they hadn't cheaped out on it.

It's definitely needed. The figure feels rushed and I guess it was. Honestly it's kind of an eyesore after the release of DX12. I used to love this figure but it just doesn't feel like top quality after that. I think a DX version would be awesome. So much potential.
I kind of agree and am torn also. I don't think this really needs a dx, although does seem weird that its the only batman that isn't a dx. As has been stated, it would be the 4th release of the same suit, but I do agree an update would be great. With a better material that we can pose, at least a bit, and a better cowl without the hugely long neck. That said there's really not much else to change. No more accessories to include.
The toy fairs version should have been the ultimate version to own if they hadn't cheaped out on it.

3 words: Ninja training gear. Still dont have that one and Ive said that since day one. Another thought I had was.. (not exactly sure how theyd do it but).. a bat swarm display. Could be eithier a whole seperate piece or part of a base/stand.
Oh yeah, if we're talking extra outfits then yeah, the ninja gear would be a cool addition. But in terms of actual accessories I don't think there's much more they could include. Maybe the little bat homing device and the fibre optic perescope, but that's about it. Still, a better cowl and better suit material would be welcomed hugely.
I just barely figured out that the ankle is busted on my TF Bats. Now Im in the process of fixing it. Dammmmmmmn it.

Ordered mine from Sideshow when it first came out and after getting him set up I barely touched him in over the year I've had him; that is until last week. Picked him up by the waist instead of the stand (like I usually do), and his right boot just drops off. Called Sideshow and explained it to them and was told "Sorry, only 30 days for replacement”, they even got an attitude with me over it.

So I'm afraid you're on your own, the thing everyone is trying is to get the dummy foot out of the rubber boot and replace it with a TT foot that you'll have customize to fit. Be careful though, the top of the boot tends to stretch.
Does anyone find it hard to get his cape in properly?

I swear I can't get the pins to stay in - I also an't seem to put on his other utility belt (tho I suspect it's because I haven't folded it enough)
HT needs to redo this as a DX...PERS would look good on this one. Redo the rubber suit much like EB's 1/4 Bats suit- superior material.
Add a special accesory or two, special stand and BOOM, HT has more money to print. This one is still hard to get under $350 and demand is still there for it!

Im sure they have it planned somewhere down the road.
Yeah, it's a real pain in the ass.

That's part of the reason I wen't to the takara cape. That, and the stock looks like poo.

Does anyone know if the L'forigno custom capes work a little easier for attaching?
I wonder if anyone has tried to scape off the paint on the suit of the TF then repainted it using air brush?
Does anyone know if the L'forigno custom capes work a little easier for attaching?

They're amazing! I've got one on my TF Bats, it's easy to install too!

:lecture I haven't even touched the stock cape as I have an lforigno one and, frankly, its fantastic. Everyone with this figure should have lforigno's cape attached. And its as easy as taking off the head, putting the cape over the neck, then attaching the head. Simple as that.
so...I'm thinking of selling this figure. I've had enough with how many times he's fallen due to the weak ankles. I also hate that I can't use a stand on his crotch without damaging the rubber. I'm kind of at an impasse though because I don't have another begins batman and I can't really afford another but I don't know what to do. This is by far my least favorite HT figure I own but idk what to do.
That's a tough one. I've thought about selling mine a few times too. I have the OC version anyway from when it was first released and still love it, but I use the cowl from this version for the better mouth plate. So would have to sell it without that. I find its a tough decision to sell any figure really.

Sorry, that post wasn't really helpful at all was it. Haha.