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I find it funny when people say Hot toys aren't toys. Are you even reading what you're saying, people?
i have a feeling that hot toys will release this figure quickly just before or shortly after the movie just like they did with kylo ren
I think this Affleck Batman body will be pretty poseable. There's no rubber like Begins, V1 TDK, '89, Returns, DX 02, or Arkham and there's no vinyl or plastic parts hindering movement like the DX 12 or Armory. I imagine this figure will be very similar to the MoS Superman and ASM2 Spider-Man which are nice figures in their own right.

As for the cowl, it will just be a solid sculpt I'm sure. Their Begins, '89, and Returns cowl heads were solid pieces. They're not going to bother trying to make it like the actual suit cowl, especially when they have the faceplate and eye panel gimmicks.

I hope one day they try what NECA did on their 7" and 18" Keaton Batman figures. Those figures featured a whole Bruce Wayne sculpt on a really nice balljoint with a soft, pliable PVC mask over top of it, basically functioning like a real head with a cowl/mask over it. It's soft enough to be pulled off (with some heating) and rigid enough to keep it's shape and sculpt. It has great movement with a nice range of up and down (with the cowl conforming to the head) tilt articulation and side to side.

No seams, no stiff or flimsy movement. It'd be no different than their muscular bodies (like their Arnold's) with the neck and shoulder movement hidden under his flesh.


Plus, you would get more mobility with the Affleck cowl since it has shorter ears, a design that hugs the face and mouth more, and a larger neck.

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Good post but I disagree that it's normal for adults to buy figures to actually play with. It normally would never bother me what these people do with their figures in the privacy of their homes but when ugly visible joints are added to a figure just to please them I have a problem.

And I think that it's not normal for adults to care what other adults do with their toys to the point of defining what is normal and what is not.

See what I did here ? Just kidding. :lol

What are you guys talking about?
There's no right or wrong answer here, each collector sees his figures and does with them as he pleases.
Play with them or don't play with them, display them in extreme or in museum poses, it's all good.

Exactly my point.
I appreciate the lack of poseability.

It makes me feel better about the fact that I find one pose I like, then never change it for the remainder of my ownership.
I think if somehow hot toys can still add the poseability without exposing the joint, then it's win win solution for any kind of collectors.
For me a poseability in the neck area is a must.
I also agree with fabio that the suit apparently won't hinder the movement or any kind of posing just like Mos suit, but time will tell
Nope, and I leave them in museum pose, I was just pointing it to those people that wonder if it will move. Trust me, it won't!:)

Maybe, but strangely enough, their Superman proto is shown in action poses, and the first version was too. This fig will be like Arkham Bats. It won't be posable . The material is very thick. I'm sure they'll improve the look drastically, but I'm also sure it will be a very stiff figure.

Have you seen the figure in hand and felt the fabric? Why would they make this costume out of a thicker fabric than the MOS figure? There is no need to. And it's not the same material that was used on the Arkham Batman figure. That was actual molded vinyl. This seems to be the same type of costume used on the MOS figure, a streatchy material screen printed over fabric. The biggest difference I see is the torso which seems to be gluing the costume to a molded muscle torso underneath, instead of the just letting the muscle body of the figure show through. i wonder if that is causing the thick seams on the shoulders? I'm still hopful it will be somewhat posable.
I think this is pretty much gonna be like most of the HT Batman figures where the poseability is gonna be limited.
Just about every single HT Batman figure has been limited to museum or heroic poses, and aside from the DK cowl which was two pieces, all other cowls were always immobile.

One of the biggest innovation to Batfleck's suit is the ability for the cowl to move around even if its just one piece unlike the DK cowl.
Snyder was adamant that Affleck would be able to turn his head. But this is a movie prop, and is made of a high tech material to be able to move around.
If people are expecting HT to use the same material...it aint happening. Its gonna be plastic like all the 1 piece cowl...its not gonna move.

Also, my guess is that its also gonna use the same material that MOS suit had. Which in this case, will also be limited to museum/heroic pose.
The HT MOS suit is made of plastic, which creates a bad crease when its in a dynamic pose.
Unlike the HT Spiderman 3 which was made of cloth, the HT MOS suit leaves a crease when left in a dynamic pose for a long time.
So a lot of people were scared to leave their MOS figure in a dynamic pose cause those creases stay there for a long time after its re-posed. So most people still end up leaving their MOS figure in museum pose despite the fact that in can be posed in a dynamic poses.

So with this in mind, pretty much expect this Batman to be the same as others, and that most likely, you will be limited to museum/Heroic pose.
Unless of course HT actually uses a different material for the suit, and its more like Spiderman 3 which is made of cloth.
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Have you seen the figure in hand and felt the fabric? Why would they make this costume out of a thicker fabric than the MOS figure? There is no need to. And it's not the same material that was used on the Arkham Batman figure. That was actual molded vinyl. This seems to be the same type of costume used on the MOS figure, a streatchy material screen printed over fabric. The biggest difference I see is the torso which seems to be gluing the costume to a molded muscle torso underneath, instead of the just letting the muscle body of the figure show through. i wonder if that is causing the thick seams on the shoulders? I'm still hopful it will be somewhat posable.

If it were the same material, then yes, I agree, it would be posable. But I really don't think it's the same. I looks rather obvious. You only need to look at the seams to see it's thick fabric. And look at the elbow articulation. There is a distinct crease that shows the fabric is very stiff.

Now, this is a proto and maybe they'll change that, but I wouldn't bet on it. The costume is complex, with all those creases and muscles. There's no way the very hugging fabric of Superman could achieve that. they used something new on Bats. It's neither rubber nor vinyl though, but something that looks like several layer of glued fabric.

But of course, I might be completely wrong, we'll see!:lol
I think this is pretty much gonna be like most of the HT Batman figures where the poseability is gonna be limited.
Just about every single HT Batman figure has been limited to museum or heroic poses, and aside from the DK cowl which was two pieces, all other cowls were always immobile.

One of the biggest innovation to Batfleck's suit is the ability for the cowl to move around even if its just one piece unlike the DK cowl.
Snyder was adamant that Affleck would be able to turn his head. But this is a movie prop, and is made of a high tech material to be able to move around.
If people are expecting HT to use the same material...it aint happening. Its gonna be plastic like all the 1 piece cowl...its not gonna move.

Also, my guess is that its also gonna use the same material that MOS suit had. Which in this case, will also be limited to museum/heroic pose.
The HT MOS suit is made of plastic, which creates a bad crease when its in a dynamic pose.
Unlike the HT Spiderman 3 which was made of cloth, the HT MOS suit leaves a crease when left in a dynamic pose for a long time.
So a lot of people were scared to leave their MOS figure in a dynamic pose cause those creases stay there for a long time after its re-posed. So most people still end up leaving their MOS figure in museum pose despite the fact that in can be posed in a dynamic poses.

So with this in mind, pretty much expect this Batman to be the same as others, and that most likely, you will be limited to museum/Heroic pose.
Unless of course HT actually uses a different material for the suit, and its more like Spiderman 3 which is made of cloth.

Well, that sucks. I thought the MOS suit was better for poses.
Well, that sucks. I thought the MOS suit was better for poses.

Yup, the MOS is very misleading, cause there is no doubt, it is poseable, unlike other figures where the outfits restrict movement.
But the suit being so tight, any dynamic poses causes lots of creases on the suit.

And I remember lots of people posted their concern cause the creases remained after it was posed in a dynamic fashion for a good amount of time.
I do remember there were a lot of sigh of relief cause the creases did disappear after some time.
But of course, the big issue is if this crease marks would be permanent if left in that pose for months.
I think that the articulation on the elbows is one of the better articulated batsuit from Hot toys, except for West's version. That angle is more than 90 degrees. It may be stiff and I think the fact that both hands are holding onto the gun is allowing for that forced angle, still that it is able to do that I do like a lot. It is a very think material, though, almost rubbery in thickness. What I don't understand is that HT is fairly known for it's costume accuracies or its tendency to be as accurate as they can and yet there are those gaping seams in the shoulder and chest area.

I hope they experiment some more and try to get it closer and better and still retain articulation. I am hoping for a lot but it is a lot of money for me and I am still getting the figure, the armored version and the bat signal.
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I find it funny when people say Hot toys aren't toys. Are you even reading what you're saying, people?

To be fair the dictionary definition of a toy is "An object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something".
Whilst Hot Toys figures are basically dolls, they are not a thing you would give a child to play with – they're too expensive and too fragile. To me they are not toys (regardless of the company name) - the old Mego 12" figures... now they were toys. Robust and affordable.
It has nothing to do with being embarrassed to admit to buying toys – I buy my son loads of Lego, but it's as much for me as him... now that's a toy! :wink1:
Noticed in a review for Batman Returns that the elbow joins are ratcheted so they lock in place, if that's how the joints for BvS are then it shouldn't matter too much, as they'll hold their pose
I highly doubt there's much flexibility in the legs though, barely any picture has Batman's knees bent to any dynamic extent