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^ maybe hot toys hestitate to show it because it will feel awkward to do dynamic poses with the head can only look straight?

Anyway, about the mos suit. I put him in dynamic flying pose for a month in a room with no air conditioner. The suit become sticky in area where the suit meet another part of the suit. I really hope hot toys won't use the same material
To be fair the dictionary definition of a toy is "An object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something".
Whilst Hot Toys figures are basically dolls, they are not a thing you would give a child to play with – they're too expensive and too fragile. To me they are not toys (regardless of the company name) - the old Mego 12" figures... now they were toys. Robust and affordable.
It has nothing to do with being embarrassed to admit to buying toys – I buy my son loads of Lego, but it's as much for me as him... now that's a toy! :wink1:

Once again... Hot TOYS.

Your "definition" is pretty subjective by the way. You just googled and looked for the one that would best suit the point you were trying to make.

Another definition for toy is: Something that provides amusement.

I have google too. ;)

I have a suggestion for your reply. Think of an item that's called something, but isn't actually what it's called.
Once again... Hot TOYS.

Your "definition" is pretty subjective by the way. You just googled and looked for the one that would best suit the point you were trying to make.

Another definition for toy is: Something that provides amusement.

I have google too. ;)

I have a suggestion for your reply. Think of an item that's called something, but isn't actually what it's called.


Some of you are shameful. You buy toys and then bash other folks that buy toys and don't do with their toys what you would do. With your toys. Toys.

Face it. We're all buying toys. Stop judging.
The suit creases, I don't get how that's a problem? Unless it's something like plastic or fiberglass or metal...it al creases. I've had my mos figure from day one. And it's been in three poses. And I've had no issues.

If the figures suit is designed to move more, like say ssc wolverine, people complain it's baggy. If it's tight they complain it doesn't magically move without stretching or creasing. Lol
The suit creases, I don't get how that's a problem? Unless it's something like plastic or fiberglass or metal...it al creases. I've had my mos figure from day one. And it's been in three poses. And I've had no issues.

If the figures suit is designed to move more, like say ssc wolverine, people complain it's baggy. If it's tight they complain it doesn't magically move without stretching or creasing. Lol

Because the suit is made of a plastic material, and the same material as the amazing spiderman which when posed in extreme dynamic poses, the creases stick together and can cause permanent damage.

hey guys, just a warning about spideys suit in dynamic poses over time
I left him in this pose for about 5 days

and now is suit has these wrinkles in it

its been over 24 hours since I got him back in the museum pose, so it looks like the wrinkles are permanent
this also happened to a users medicom amazing spiderman(not mine) and was an issue in that thread
just a heads up!

Even Michael Crawford warns of using extreme poses on his mos review.

Review and photos of Hot Toys Man of Steel Superman sixth scale action figure

"Things to Watch Out For -
As I mentioned, I snapped a small wrist peg this time, something that hasn't happened in quite awhile.
Also, the normal command key is VERY small, so it takes some effort to keep track of it.
Finally, the instructions warn you of damaging the suit from bending and posing the figure in extreme ways. I think the clamp on the stand could damage the costume too, if you don't take a little care when using it."
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It's just a matter of common sense, if it's an action figure, it's supposed to have "action".

I, for instance, like museum poses, so, some lack of articulation (the mentioned neck on this figure is a good example) doesn't bother me at all.

But understanding that the world was not made for me, and understanding that a lot of people like to pose their figures in action poses, I can understand others frustrations, even though it's not mine. It's called empathy.

Also, the usual argument "do you play with your figures", trying to shame people into a "children" status is rich coming from people in a forum discussing dolls and toys.

And finally, from a pure logical point of view, if Hot Toys start releasing museum poses "action figures". It would be ok for me, but it would decrease immensely their consumer pool. That will end up hurting the company and ultimately my own hobby.

Sorry for the rant, and I really don't want to be rash (sometimes is hard to set the tone you want, when you are not typing in your native language), but a lot of times in these foruns, it seems to me, that people are only looking at their particular way of collecting and assuming it's the "right way".

So much sense in a single post from an 8-year forum veteran with only 124 posts prior and 2 bars of rep.

And for some people on here nothing else matters next to post count and rep bars.
Once again... Hot TOYS.

Your "definition" is pretty subjective by the way. You just googled and looked for the one that would best suit the point you were trying to make.

Another definition for toy is: Something that provides amusement.

I have google too. ;)

I have a suggestion for your reply. Think of an item that's called something, but isn't actually what it's called.

I have a dictionary... maybe you're too young to remember them!

I have a suggestion for your reply – sarcasm just isn't your thing fella (look that up on google).

So a company called Hot TOYS means that everything they make must be toys... hmmm.... funny because it's quite often said that sports cars are 'toys for boys' ...but last time I checked Ferarri wasn't a 'toy' company! I have a T-shirt from Diesel... couldn't fill my car up there though... and the fruit on offer in the Apple store is rubbish!

Sorry it upsets you so much to have your beliefs dashed in such a way – but whichever way you look at it, Hot Toys collectable figures are not meant for play - if the were they would be more robust. Costumes are not made to stand up to the rigours of 'play', the figures fall apart if posed too much, and most of them have verrry limited poseability anyway...
So, I didn't pick a point that best suits my argument – a Toy is meant to be played with, sorry but you just can't play with these guys. Don't really know why i'm bothered as I buy them anyway... but I wouldn't buy them for my 8yr old!

P.S. Are you the sort of guy that get's annoyed if somebody calls them dolls... because 'they're action figures'?
Some of you are shameful. You buy toys and then bash other folks that buy toys and don't do with their toys what you would do. With your toys. Toys.

Face it. We're all buying toys. Stop judging.

Not sure if this is aimed at me – if so you really didn't read my post!

I am not bashing people for buying toys... I AM a TOY COLLECTOR... I have a huge collection of Batman TOYS... I just don't consider Hot Toys collectable 1/6 figures to be toys... going off the definition of what a toy actually is!
I have a dictionary... maybe you're too young to remember them!

I have a suggestion for your reply – sarcasm just isn't your thing fella (look that up on google).

So a company called Hot TOYS means that everything they make must be toys... hmmm.... funny because it's quite often said that sports cars are 'toys for boys' ...but last time I checked Ferarri wasn't a 'toy' company! I have a T-shirt from Diesel... couldn't fill my car up there though... and the fruit on offer in the Apple store is rubbish!

Sorry it upsets you so much to have your beliefs dashed in such a way – but whichever way you look at it, Hot Toys collectable figures are not meant for play - if the were they would be more robust. Costumes are not made to stand up to the rigours of 'play', the figures fall apart if posed too much, and most of them have verrry limited poseability anyway...
So, I didn't pick a point that best suits my argument – a Toy is meant to be played with, sorry but you just can't play with these guys. Don't really know why i'm bothered as I buy them anyway... but I wouldn't buy them for my 8yr old!

P.S. Are you the sort of guy that get's annoyed if somebody calls them dolls... because 'they're action figures'?

I don't get annoyed. I find this enjoyable actually. So we're in agreement that they are toys?

Your Ferrari analogy doesn't make any sense by the way. Good try though, I suppose.
Anyway... How many of you are getting Superman and the Batmobile to go with this figure?
With all these dictionary and vocabulary arguments about "toys" in Hot Toys....
I really do wonder the level of maturity and the age range here....

I'm pretty sure we are here to discuss this figure productively, instead of having playground (or English classroom) arguments about the term - "toys".

Anyway, I'm pretty damn stoked about the entire HT BvS line. Looking awesome.
They are not toys.

Transformers are toys.

Hot toys produces DOLLS. Get that through your system, there's nothing wrong with it.

Who here thinks that Hot Toys will be able to mostly capture the look of the shoulders and arms from the movie while still getting it to be at least as posable as the MOS figure? I say yes. Not exactly, but close.

P.s. Can you tell I'm bored tonight because my wife and boy are sick and we couldn't go celebrate New Year's for the first time since being married?
Preordered this Batman and Superman two pack. I am pretty sure they will tweak the Batman body to make it muscular. If they can make Superman muscular there is no reason they can't make Batman muscular too.