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LOVE IT !!!!!!
Again, just fix the shoulders, arms and those thick seems and they will have a winner! I think they will put the effort into getting it right because this new DC movie universe could potentially be a huge cash cow for them.
No thanks, there's no need for that fake looking padded shoulder.

Eh.... You are buying a movie figure. It better look like the one in the movie you like the design or not.
If you don't like the fake looking padded shoulder, go talk to movie production designer, not Hot toys.
agreed, if he has padded shoulders in the movie then it should be on the figure.
Eh.... You are buying a movie figure. It better look like the one in the movie you like the design or not.
If you don't like the fake looking padded shoulder, go talk to movie production designer, not Hot toys.

Nope, I'm buying what the movie aspires to.
When the figure is worse than reality then **** the figure, the opposite holds true.
These figures are never an actual miniaturization of a film character, at best they capture the essence of the character as depicted in the film.
That's the case here, the above pictures capture what the audience will perceive and it's beautiful.
The rest is fanboy BS to me.
What are you talking about? Hot Toys make movie figures not interpretations of the character, the prototype looks great as is but is not complete thus stated by them that it is still in development. If HT makes something not movie accuarate is because sometimes they have to work with concept art and unfinished designs but at the end it is what you see on the movie because they pay the license rights of a movie. So they are not making the interpretation or essence of the character.
What are you talking about? Hot Toys make movie figures not interpretations of the character, the prototype looks great as is but is not complete thus stated by them that it is still in development. If HT makes something not movie accuarate is because sometimes they have to work with concept art and unfinished designs but at the end it is what you see on the movie because they pay the license rights of a movie. So they are not making the interpretation or essence of the character.

Any way you cut it these figures are ALWAYS an interpretation.
Furthermore the craftsmen who work on them always work with fully finished designs, believe me I know how these things work.
I don't want a lengthy philosophical discussion here, to each his own.
I really like the way it looks already, I'm happy I pre-ordered it.
I always love the way some people excuse HT's foibles as being their "interpretations," when that simply isn't the case. Are you ever going to get something absolutely perfect? No; of course not, because, at the end of the day, "perfection" is entirely subjective.

With that being said, this isn't Play Arts Kai, and they are not making stylized interpretations of these characters. The entire reason people buy HT is because they're as close as any toy comes to what shows up on screen. So, while people shouldn't expect perfection, I think it's entirely reasonable to expect that the product be as accurate as possible to the source material, and, in this case, that includes shoulder pads.

Do I think that it will be a deal-breaker and that the figure will be worthless without the shoulder pads? Absolutely not. It's an amazing figure, already, and it's a minor quibble, in my eyes, but, at the same time, if they can fix it (which they absolutely can), I think they should.
Any way you cut it these figures are ALWAYS an interpretation.
Furthermore the craftsmen who work on them always work with fully finished designs, believe me I know how these things work.
I don't want a lengthy philosophical discussion here, to each his own.
I really like the way it looks already, I'm happy I pre-ordered it.
Believe me. I'm not that aggressive type in this forum. I'm trying to understand your point, but I'm just having a hard time getting your point here.
It kinda looks like your opinion is against so many already - which proves... maybe you need to see it from new perspective.
Please don't ague for the sake of argument.

BTW, I've also pre-ordered the DX set, and I hope they make these revisions to make them more movie accurate before release.
I always love the way some people excuse HT's foibles as being their "interpretations,"...

I am not excusing anything.
Some of you are trying hard to read what I did not write so let's be clear:
These figure are by definition an interpretation, just like any portrait would be.
We are talking about artists and craftsmen working at portraying a specific character, not a 3D scan.
That's why some figures are dead on and others not so much, it's all perception, the artist's, yours etc...
That is an indisputable fact.
Beyond that what each of us does or does not like is a matter of taste.
Believe me. I'm not that aggressive type in this forum. I'm trying to understand your point, but I'm just having a hard time getting your point here.
It kinda looks like your opinion is against so many already - which proves... maybe you need to see it from new perspective.
Please don't ague for the sake of argument.
You having a hard time getting my point has nothing to do with me.
I am not excusing anything.
Some of you are trying hard to read what I did not write so let's be clear:
These figure are by definition an interpretation, just like any portrait would be.
We are talking about artists and craftsmen working at portraying a specific character, not a 3D scan.
That's why some figures are dead on and others not so much, it's all perception, the artist's, yours etc...
That is an indisputable fact.
Beyond that what each of us does or does not like is a matter of taste.

But the fact remains that the very nature of the product is to come as close to the actual character/actor/costume as possible. Otherwise, why bother getting Ben Affleck's likeness rights? Why bother trying to reproduce the material used in the film's suit at 1/6th of the actual size? At the end of the day, I think it's more a matter of semantics than anything. You use creative license as a way to excuse any areas where they might diverge from the source material, while I don't think that inaccuracies qualify as creative license.

I agree with you, to a degree, but I think it's a slippery slope. If Batman not having shoulder pads is HT's "interpretation" of the film, and a perfectly valid one, at that, why couldn't someone say that their Indiana Jones figure is just their "interpretation" of the character, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, even though it looks nothing like Harrison Ford?
I get where Tourist is coming from even if I don't agree with his preference. He doesn't like the chiseled body builder shoulders built into the movie costume, he would rather see it look more like a normal cloth suit. Most of us like the more superhero chiseled muscle look DC went with in the movie. But Tourist is allowed to like what he likes. To him this fixes something he doesn't like about the design of the suit. Tourist, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't mean to offend. That being said, I think the final production piece will look a lot closer to the movie, chiseled shoulders and all. I hope so anyway.
You having a hard time getting my point has nothing to do with me.
Well. you left your comment (about your opinion about shoulder shape) right after my comparison and correction image.
So, I thought you wanted to convince me (and others who wanted the shoulder revised) with your valid and logical point.
If you don't want to prove your point clearly, then I'll just move on.
But the fact remains that the very nature of the product is to come as close to the actual character/actor/costume as possible.

Indeed, that is HT's goal.
They try to produce the most accurate portrait possible, sometimes it works, sometimes no so much.
I have my own preferences on top that but that's just me.
Tourist, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't mean to offend. That being said, I think the final production piece will look a lot closer to the movie, chiseled shoulders and all. I hope so anyway.
Nothing you have said is offensive.
I believe you are right, the final product should be quite close to the movie and I'm sure I will love it.
My only nitpick with this Bat-suit (the best on film so far IMO) is that it makes Batman look almost fat at some angles, too padded.
I like the overall design a lot, I think the cowl is perfect and I understand Snyder wants a massive Batman a la Dark Knight Returns.
It will come down to the way he is photographed in the movie, I'm not too worried.