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I don't understand why people are jumping to conclusions about him leaving - you think a guy who loves the character would leave just because of some bad critical receptions despite the high praise for his performance?

As producer and writer he will still have huge say. Combine that with a great take on Batman he's doing really well, he's given no indication of ditching the character. And to be honest, until the Batman film is done and out, and the reviews and general public consensus is in, there's no reason why he would leave - a critical pan of that film would be the nail in the coffin. However, all he has to do is bring in the same horror performance in BvS applied to an Arkham Asylum setting with Jared Leto's Joker, go full on horror style with it, all they have to do. I will shake my head completely if they just lose any seriousness and darkness from this franchise.

For me Batman in Arkham Asylum going through a madhouse controlled by Jared Leto's Joker whom he already has history with combined with a horror detective spin is what critics and fans would love, and have not gotten in a film yet. This is at least what I'm hoping for, make it personal and dark, not light.
Affleck knows that the DC of today sucks. He's smart and probably regrets ever being involved with this mess, disgrace of a cinematic universe.

Too late I guess.

God, I miss Christian Bale. To ever think I slammed TDKR for being a bad film.

I wish we were getting DC movies THAT good now.
My dislike of the DCU stems from the fact that I wanted the film equivalent of the Arkham games, in term if tone and portrayal. I've got no problem with a dark and angry Batman but at times in BvS he seemed like Frank Castle in a bat costume. I liked Harley in SS but the movie and the rest of the characters were lackluster.

MOS had a few issues but overall I liked it and had high hopes for the universe it was introducing, but those hopes were dashed with BvS.
Affleck knows that the DC of today sucks. He's smart and probably regrets ever being involved with this mess, disgrace of a cinematic universe.

Too late I guess.

God, I miss Christian Bale. To ever think I slammed TDKR for being a bad film.

I wish we were getting DC movies THAT good now.

It doesn't suck. You might hate it but you shouldn't confuse opinion with fact.

I haven't missed Bale's Batman for a second. Nolan maybe but not Bale or that armour suit. Begins and TDK were great movies but Batfleck's warehouse rescue scene in BVS was more Batman than anything Bale did in my view.

I can't wait to see more.
It doesn't suck. You might hate it but you shouldn't confuse opinion with fact.

I haven't missed Bale's Batman for a second. Nolan maybe but not Bale or that armour suit. Begins and TDK were great movies but Batfleck's warehouse rescue scene in BVS was more Batman than anything Bale did in my view.

I can't wait to see more.


I also like the idea of a Arkham Asylum style solo movie for Batman. However, I wouldn't mind melding that with the death of Jason Todd. I think it would be great if the solo movie took place before BVS and showed us how Batman became the man we see in that film. I think it would help give him a nice arc as I assume justice league will show how he has reformed post BVS.
You guys take this all too seriously. No one will every get their perfect batman because he looks and acts differently in everyone's mind. No one seems to want to accept that and will instead trash the stuff they dont like just to get a kick out of it then cite they can say whatever they want, which is true. Whatever. Again, people take this stuff way way too seriously, and we all tend to forget that it's all just entertainment, folks.
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You guys take this all too seriously. No one will every get their perfect batman because he looks and acts differently in everyone's mind. No one seems to want to accept that and will instead trash the stuff they dont like just to get a kick out of it then site they can say whatever they want, which is true. Whatever. Again, people take this stuff way way too seriously, and we all tend to forget that it's all just entertainment, folks.
JL is likely guaranteed to make at least 800 million just by merely existing, but if it gets panned by critics, and has a less then enthusiastic audience reaction I don't see it breaking a billion, which means the franchise isn't growing or getting better, and the returns are just going to continue to trend downward for each successive film. I doubt that's what WB had in mind when they foolishly dove head first into this shared universe nonsense without a thought or a care in the world other then the dollar signs they saw after Avengers made a cool billion at the box office.

What do you base the returns are going to continue to trend downward for each successive film on? If anything, they're right on par about where they should be. BvS made more than MoS, and even though it probably should have broken the billion mark, making just a shade under 900 million isn't exactly not performing well at the box office. Though I do suspect that if the UE is the one they released in theaters to begin with, it possibly would have indeed broken the billion mark being it was received much better than the theatrical cut. SS made a bit over 700 million, which was also more than MoS (about 6.6 million).

I imagine that WW will probably do somewhere in the 700 million range and JL will as you said, likely make at least as much as BvS just by merely existing. And being you mentioned that all WB sees is dollar signs, then in that case, they probably wouldn't care if the franchise isn't growing or getting better; just as long as the films are performing at the box office and not progressively declining in sales, which they aren't.

I would like to think Affleck doesn't make such hasty decisions based on the opinions of critics. If the movie does well financially and goes down with a decent proportion of the fan base(obviously you'll never please everyone, some fans even hate the TDK) he shouldn't care what a single critic says.

I would like to think his depressive demeanour post BvS was more frustration at the critical backlash than any sense of shame in the movie. At worst it had a mixed reaction with fans and if you take the extended cut alone its more good than bad. A quick look at how the critics scores don't tally with the audience score on RT confirms this. RT rate Batman Forever higher than BvS and SR bizarrely gets 75%. :lol

As I've said before the idea of any Disney led conspiracy or whatever is pure fantasy but I do believe critics are applying incredible double standards to this DCEU. They fixate on this 'Martha' scene which was lazy for sure but worse than Superman turning back time? I don't think so. The fact that Superman Returns went down so well with critics says a lot. A film doing little more than badly impersonating the CR movies they love because it fits with their preconceived idea of what Superman should be like.

Affleck's Batman has been a big hit, the speed at which these figures have sold out makes it pretty clear fans are crying out for more. As I understand things he is still pulling the strings and choosing the director for his Batman movie. The premise sounds pretty awesome, he should have the courage of convictions to see it through. If he walks away on the because of critics he'd go down a lot in my estimations...not that he'd care about that obviously but just my opinion. :lol

My sentiments as well.

God, I miss Christian Bale. To ever think I slammed TDKR for being a bad film.

I wish we were getting DC movies THAT good now.

This could sum a lot of things up. The initial reaction for a lot of CB fans is to slam and malign a film about what it got "wrong" when it initially releases, only to concede later that it's actually pretty good.
You guys take this all too seriously. No one will every get their perfect batman because he looks and acts differently in everyone's mind. No one seems to want to accept that and will instead trash the stuff they dont like just to get a kick out of it then site they can say whatever they want, which is true. Whatever. Again, people take this stuff way way too seriously, and we all tend to forget that it's all just entertainment, folks.
Yes, but there is good entertainment, and bad entertainment. The DCU is mediocre at best. I am in the camp that thinks maybe Justice League is more of the same, Wonder Woman is already having rumblings of being subpar. I did like Batfleck, but would not be suprised to see him bail after Justice League.
Yes, but there is good entertainment, and bad entertainment. The DCU is mediocre at best. I am in the camp that thinks maybe Justice League is more of the same, Wonder Woman is already having rumblings of being subpar. I did like Batfleck, but would not be suprised to see him bail after Justice League.

It all sucks though. MCU is for drooling toddlers, and DCEU is for gritty emo tryhards, according to the world.
Yes, but there is good entertainment, and bad entertainment. The DCU is mediocre at best. I am in the camp that thinks maybe Justice League is more of the same, Wonder Woman is already having rumblings of being subpar. I did like Batfleck, but would not be suprised to see him bail after Justice League.

If he bails then he obviously doesn't have much staying power. If JL fails to deliver, and I'm by no means resigned to that when the movie is still nearly a year from release :lol he should see The Batman as his chance to put things right with his script and his choice of director.
Yes, but there is good entertainment, and bad entertainment. The DCU is mediocre at best. I am in the camp that thinks maybe Justice League is more of the same, Wonder Woman is already having rumblings of being subpar. I did like Batfleck, but would not be suprised to see him bail after Justice League.

Yup. He's worked very hard to reestablish himself as an entertainer. He's an amazing director and not too bad of an actor.

The DC universe is doing nothing but damaging his image with these abominations they call films.

I'm sure he's regretting that decision big time now.

Also, when you have freaking Superman and Batman on the same movie and don't break a billion, sorry, that's failure.

The MCU is no better, but at least it seems to entertain the masses. I'm a DC guy and it sucks that all that they've put out since Nolan is rotten garbage.
I like DCU better then Marvel, but after the Nolan Films all the DC Movies have been poop on a stick. If you think BVS is a good film, your probably 5yrs old and don't know better.
while everyone's discussing all this potential stuff up in the air, here are a few of my opinions, just so I can join in with the cool people...
1) I was one of the few who enjoyed BvS (directors cut was AWESOME with much needed that was included to help the movie)
2)Affleck is my favorite portrayal of Wayne AND batman, I hope he doesn't leave the role. ever :p
3) this is my favorite Hot Toy that I own of all the ones out there. I can visit this thread ever day for new pics & each one is awesome

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It's stupid to insult folks that like a certain movie.

BvS is the only time I can remember wanting to leave the theater. I thought it was a mess but I'm not against anyone that likes it.
I like DCU better then Marvel, but after the Nolan Films all the DC Movies have been poop on a stick. If you think BVS is a good film, your probably 5yrs old and don't know better.

So, kind of in the same way that you apparently don't know any better that there's a difference between your and you're, correct? Sounds like you have it all figured out. Nailed it.

Here's your lollipop.

I like DCU better then Marvel, but after the Nolan Films all the DC Movies have been poop on a stick. If you think BVS is a good film, your probably 5yrs old and don't know better.

If you're going to be comparing people to five year olds, you should learn the difference between your/you're , then/than.