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I don't mean to sound like an ass, just in case it comes across that way - and I'm not sure if it's the camera, the angle, lighting, or all of it, but it really looks like a lot of your suit is discoloured and grimy. Either that is grime and oils, you've repainted it, put a sealant or something like that on it? ... it just seems like there's more going on with it then it just peeling? From the photos it doesn't look like outright peeling is the only issue, as I've never seen photos of this figure with that dirty yellow discolouration which looks like it's spread quite a lot... but again, I'm not sure if that's just the camera and lighting with optical illusions turning the suit a different colour. Is it like that in person or have you applied anything to it?

EDIT: Just thought the discolouration matches where the suit has peeled, might just be transfer of the peelings or something of that ilk


No. These figures have brown paint app and the flash/lighting/closeness probably made it more apparent.
the suit peeling/fusing has to do with the degradation of the rubber overlay and it becoming sticky. Your theory could be easily proven false since the yellow areas, or even the rest of the suit, hasnt began to feel tacky. We see this type of rubber degradation in all sorts of appliances like electronics with rubberized handles.
Here is mine. No peeling. Just the discoloration. Straight out of box. I've used gloves for supes and bats since day 1 - for reference I got the two pack with the tech cowl/rifle batman. Anyone else have this coloring with that version?



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Yeah I don't see any discoloration on mine.


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Heat is the worst on soft plastic , hard thin plastic breaks easy in cold weather, but the temperature change can make plastic breaks down easier , controlled climate at 65° is the best
Here is mine. No peeling. Just the discoloration. Straight out of box. I've used gloves for supes and bats since day 1 - for reference I got the two pack with the tech cowl/rifle batman. Anyone else have this coloring with that version?



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Mine has that same colouring around the legs, pretty sure that's meant to be there.

Is yours as light grey as it looks or just an effect of lighting? That's how the suit should look but mine is much darker. If I stand back a few feet I can barely make out the bat symbol on this chest, it just blends in where it should stand out against a lighter grey suit.
Your eyes might have trouble picking up colors, because I see it even in that picture.

My eyes are just fine lol. You have to keep in mind the light source maybe bouncing off the suit and making it seem like there's a change in color. Simple photography principles.

Aren't you the same person that's having problems with your regular batman figure AND Knightmare Batman figure peeling?
Did you apply that aerospace sealant on your figures that you recommended other people apply to their own figures.

I can't see myself applying something like that on these hot Toys figures and not worry about some type of chemical reaction to the suit in the long run.


No discoloration:

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Sigh... Yours has brown hues too. It is not discoloration, it is just paint app.
I guess I am just going to deny what my eyes see very clearly, because you keep repeating that yours doesnt have brown on it.
I don't see brown in any of them personally. I do see a metallic gold that is more prominent on some than others though.

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I guess I am just going to deny what my eyes see very clearly, because you keep repeating that yours doesnt have brown on it.

Yeah maybe get your eyes checked.

I was curious. Did you apply that aerospace sealant to your Knightmare Batman and regular Batman and then noticed the peeling after you applied that aerospace sealant on both figures?

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I will not continue this conversation with you, because I know who you are and I know it will turn into an arguement. You were lambasted and ran out of this thread at an earlier date for arguing with people about the Tony Mei spear and cape.
I will not continue this conversation with you, because I know who you are and I know it will turn into an arguement. You were lambasted and ran out of this thread at an earlier date for arguing with people about the Tony Mei spear and cape.

lol I'm not talking about the Tony Mei spear and cape. I'm merely providing pictures and asking you about that sealant you recommended putting on to their figures.

In terms of being "ran out" of this thread, real life comes first and I'm not always here to read up on the thread. But it's the weekend and I've got some free time on this awesome Sunday morning.

In all seriousness though, that aerospace sealant you applied to your Knightmare and Regular Batman figure, do you apply that on any other figures and have you noticed if those other figures are peeling too?

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lol I'm not talking about the Tony Mei spear and cape. I'm merely providing pictures and asking you about that sealant you recommended putting on to their figures.

In terms of being "ran out" of this thread, real life comes first and I'm not always here to read up on the thread. But it's the weekend and I've got some free time on this awesome Sunday morning.

In all seriousness though, that aerospace sealant you applied to your Knightmare and Regular Batman figure, do you apply that on any other figures and have you noticed if those other figures are peeling too?

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You were ran out. You accused Jaxon of posing as Tony Mei to steal business.

If you are trying to draw a link between the aerospace protectant and the degrading rubber, fusing, or peeling, then your theory can be easily disproven because I highly doubt that any of the others who are experiencing this peeling issue used the protectant as well.