Going to the film tomorrow. It's a new Batman. Can't wait!
Best part of it

Going to the film tomorrow. It's a new Batman. Can't wait!
I'm scratching my head over the overtly negative reaction to this movie. .
Might have something to do with the constant poor decisions, inconsistent(or non-existent) motives and/or plot holes.
Kind of like:
Why did the government assume Superman had something to do with the killings in the middle east when all the soliders were killed by gunfire? Something Superman has never done. If they were killed by laser burns or being pummeled to death sure - but assuming a guy who could just as easily throw them into the sun and leave no evidence shot them to death is stupid.
Why did Lex Luthor have those mercs use lexcorp propriety bullets? That was the ONLY thing that lead Lois on the trial to find out who was behind framing Superman - and Lex is supposed to be a genius so you'd think he would be better at covering his tracks.
Why is Batman ok with killing Superman (or random thugs for that matter) when the biggest thorn in his side THE JOKER is still alive? The dude is responsible for apparently killing Robin - all Superman did to make him mad was fail to be a better hero and prevent collateral damage.
If Batman is so mad at Superman for collateral damage than why did he insist on bringing Doomsday back to the mainland to get him closer to the Kryptonite spear when he could have just as easily ran back to grab the spear and brought it to the isolated island? I get he says "the marina is uninhabited" to Wonder Woman but that dockside is a lot closer to a populated city than the relatively isolated island was.
How could Superman hear Lois in trouble and rescue her but couldn't find or hear HIS OWN MOTHER? Your telling me they never worked out something in case she was in trouble or hurt on the farm so he could come rescue her? Not to mention, she was coincidentally being held in the same marina area that Batman and Superman had their big brawn in - or how with all of Superman's power he couldn't find her BUT Alfred found her before Batman could even ask him to help track her down.
Or why on earth Superman had to be the one to use the Kryptonite spear on Doomsday when there is an equally as fast and strong super-being in Wonder-woman just a few feet away who could just as easily do it without worrying about its radioactivity weakening her. Not to mention, shes likely an expert at spear combat based on her knowledge of that style of weaponry.
And this is just a handfull of the super obvious moments. Crap like this happens practically every other scene in this movie.
Perhaps the BluRay (coming July 16th) of the director's R version will fill in many of the gaps people found from this edited theatrical version. It's missing half an hour, including a whole character they cut out. There has to more, but will it be more confusion or awesome?
Perhaps the BluRay (coming July 16th) of the director's R version will fill in many of the gaps people found from this edited theatrical version. It's missing half an hour, including a whole character they cut out. There has to more, but will it be more confusion or awesome?
I'm definitely down to find out.
Right now its a pretty bad movie but one with some enjoyable qualities. Any additional material that might help justify what currently looks to be bad writing is worth checking out. I'm guessing everyone who likes this movie right now just hand-waves all the godawful plot stuff away because "Batman looks like Batman and he hits people and that's fun to watch!" so any plot fixes that extended edition has probably wont hurt their enjoyment of it.
Nothing wrong with liking a bad movie, but understanding WHY its a bad movie is probably a useful ability to have.
Might have something to do with the constant poor decisions, inconsistent(or non-existent) motives and/or plot holes.
Kind of like:
Why did the government assume Superman had something to do with the killings in the middle east when all the soliders were killed by gunfire? Something Superman has never done. If they were killed by laser burns or being pummeled to death sure - but assuming a guy who could just as easily throw them into the sun and leave no evidence shot them to death is stupid.
Why did Lex Luthor have those mercs use lexcorp propriety bullets? That was the ONLY thing that lead Lois on the trial to find out who was behind framing Superman - and Lex is supposed to be a genius so you'd think he would be better at covering his tracks.
Why is Batman ok with killing Superman (or random thugs for that matter) when the biggest thorn in his side THE JOKER is still alive? The dude is responsible for apparently killing Robin - all Superman did to make him mad was fail to be a better hero and prevent collateral damage.
If Batman is so mad at Superman for collateral damage than why did he insist on bringing Doomsday back to the mainland to get him closer to the Kryptonite spear when he could have just as easily ran back to grab the spear and brought it to the isolated island? I get he says "the marina is uninhabited" to Wonder Woman but that dockside is a lot closer to a populated city than the relatively isolated island was.
How could Superman hear Lois in trouble and rescue her but couldn't find or hear HIS OWN MOTHER? Your telling me they never worked out something in case she was in trouble or hurt on the farm so he could come rescue her? Not to mention, she was coincidentally being held in the same marina area that Batman and Superman had their big brawn in - or how with all of Superman's power he couldn't find her BUT Alfred found her before Batman could even ask him to help track her down.
Or why on earth Superman had to be the one to use the Kryptonite spear on Doomsday when there is an equally as fast and strong super-being in Wonder-woman just a few feet away who could just as easily do it without worrying about its radioactivity weakening her. Not to mention, shes likely an expert at spear combat based on her knowledge of that style of weaponry.
And this is just a handfull of the super obvious moments. Crap like this happens practically every other scene in this movie.
I'm definitely down to find out.
Right now its a pretty bad movie but one with some enjoyable qualities. Any additional material that might help justify what currently looks to be bad writing is worth checking out. I'm guessing everyone who likes this movie right now just hand-waves all the godawful plot stuff away because "Batman looks like Batman and he hits people and that's fun to watch!" so any plot fixes that extended edition has probably wont hurt their enjoyment of it.
Nothing wrong with liking a bad movie, but understanding WHY its a bad movie is probably a useful ability to have.
Every movie, I mean every movie...if you sit down and analyze, you're gonna find flaws.
The difference is, there a lot of people who would rather enjoy the movie rather than sit there afterwards and find flaws.
The precious supersmart Nolan...his answer to a batman who broke his back and actually have a bone protruding is to have someone punch it back in place. Really?!!!
Or you have less than 3 minutes for the bomb to go off to save the city...most people would be fumbling to attach that bomb and get it out ASAP...but he sat there to listen to a speech and not to mention Nolan was ok with Talia's death scene. one of the worst death scene in movie history.
Everyone acknowledges that BvS certainly has quite a few more flaws than it should. But still...theres a really good movie in there.
It's not about liking a bad movie, it's liking a very good movie, with quite a bit more flaws than it should.
Even though a lot love this movie, no one is saying its a perfect flawless movie.
But something I've said before, the pros far outweigh the cons.
A lot of us would rather sit there and enjoy the movie and have fun rather than sit there and try to find flaws.
No film is perfect, just like I like to believe that nothing in general is utterly perfect. And of course, there are indeed movies that are worse than others. If you didn't like a movie, that's fine. However, if you liked it, that's perfectly fine too.
When I go into a film, I go in expecting to be entertained. I have been looking forward to this film for awhile, so I go in expecting to have fun. If you go into it ready to find flaws, I think you just ruin the movie for yourself even more than what you feel the movie ruined it for you. As opposed to letting yourself have fun and paying attention, you're wanting to find something wrong with it instead of just letting yourself get wrapped up in it.
I really don't understand some people. One of the major gripes with the Reeve films was that the villains were too weak (sans Zod) and just essentially used Lex Luthor. That they were devoid of any action and were too campy. Now, we get some Superman movies that include some pretty bad ass Superman villains and has action in spades, and these aren't good enough either? I'm to the point where thinking that with most fans, NOTHING will ever be "good enough" as far as a film goes. Instead of letting themselves enjoy it and seeing these characters essentially exist in our world, they'd rather analyze how much it deviates from the comic material.
Which is why I've stopped really considering any other review, except my own. Someone else's opinion of something, is merely that; their opinion. It's not going to have any affect on whether I do or don't like something.
For some reason, this seems to be the mentality a lot of people in general have.
I agree with you completely 100%.
I have a hard time hanging out at the movie section cause a lot of things are negative in general.
I mean...months before this movie even came out, it was mostly negative post, and bashing trailers, or,whatever scoop they found.
I was thinking...why are you guys even hanging out in this thread when it seems all you guys do is ***** and moan about this movie that you haven't even seen. So I feel a lot of people don't even give it a chance. They already have a notion before even seeing the movie that it'll suck.
Fortunately, I'm stubborn and that if it's something I like, no amount of discussion can change my mind how I feel about a movie.
At the same token, if I actually don't like a movie, they can be blue in the face telling me why it's good and I'll still hate it. Lol.
So I do understand those who legitimately just didn't like this movie.
But I do think there are also people who never gave it a chance and determined they were already gonna hate it cause they don't like,Snyder.
I also concur 100%.
I once ventured into the movie discussion area, and never went back. All it seems to be is just a bunch of people bashing whatever film they can. Very pessimistic and negative.
I'm the same way in thinking that once I like something, nobody is going to change my mind. And if I dislike something, nobody is going to change my mind either. And they shouldn't. As I've always said, all that matters is how YOU feel about it. Your opinion is no more or less valid than anyone else's, and vice versa. If I don't like or like something, I don't expect that everyone else needs to agree with me. Unfortunately for a lot of people, their mentality is that their opinion is the "right" one, and that if you disagree, you're wrong.
The same goes with collecting these figures. There's no one universal right way to do it. And just because someone else likes to do a particular something, doesn't mean you need to do the same thing to your collection based on what someone else thinks looks good; do what YOU think looks good.
Back on the thread topic of the Bats figure, I think the newly improved body looks REALLY good. I can't wait to receive him, Supes and WW. After having seen the film, I'm now contemplating picking up an Armored and Apocalypse Bats as well.