1/6 Hot Toys BvS: Dawn of Justice-Wonder Woman

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I'm probably in the minority, but after I find a pose, I tend to keep it that way.

I'm the same. I find a pose I like and then the figure tends to stay that way forever. I'm sure my HT Indy is tired of being poised to grab that idol. Statues don't work for me since I want the pose to be what I want - not what some sculptor has decided. I also like knowing I can change the pose - even though I never do.

I plan to have WW in a relaxed Trinity pose. Maybe a slight bend to the knees and elbows. BM is going to be standing there holding the grenade gun with both hands which is another pose which has been shown to cause problems. My family can deal with the peeling and creasing when they sell my crap after I croak. :lol

With a lot of these blogger pics that have overly dynamic poses, I can almost guarantee that they posed the figure like that just for the picture; it's not something they're going to leave it in long term.

In my experience with seamless, silicon, phicen type bodies etc. a big part of deterioration starts from two key parts .

1. The chest shoulder region
2. The bottom around the private glute region

Because these are usually the most parts of the figures that take the heaviest amount of stress in movement because it is essentially designed as one part in a rubber based casing.

The fact that HT chose to split the seamless legs and hips apart by a ball joint means they were trying to allow a good amount of articulation in the legs without stretching the private parts and glutes in a way they might tear over time.

What I'm getting at is I think HT designed a type of seamless body that with the proper care could probably last a while or at least longer than your typical seamless Phicen or seamless
I think people are reading into this too much..I'm seeing people are believing you can't pose this figure at all :horror

That's not the case and no reviewer is saying this..you can pose the hell out of her, just be careful and don't keep her in one extreme pose for a long time. I think if we change the pose constantly at a time or put her in a simple pose it should be alright in the duration.

If this figure was meant to be 100% untouched and treated like a statue then I seriously doubt bloggers would put her in such extreme poses :lecture

I think a lot of the collectors need to step back and see that HT did design this to be a figure not a statue. However it's needs extra attention :lecture

I thought she got damaged within 30 minutes of being in a cross armed pose? That doesn't sound like we can pose the hell out of her. I usually change the pose on my figures every few weeks, a lot of the time more museum poses but sometimes I put them in action poses for days or weeks. So far no damage.

With this figure it sounds like its more a case of put her in an action pose for a couple of minutes, take pics as quick as you can and breathe a big sigh of relief if you get her back to neutral with no damage. Including those extra gauntlets seems a waste of time, I won't be risking that pose even very briefly.

I don't blame Hot Toys for this situation. It just seems to be the limitations of the manufacturing right now. Phicens and all seamless bodies like the Tyson figure crack and damage eventually if they aren't kept in a museum pose. Lots of collectors here say they'd be happy with a plastic body and exposed joints but just as many appear to hate that idea. Look at the fuss caused by Harley's knees. They literally can't win here.

I agree with SilverStar17 in seeing Hot Toys as almost a bridge between statues and regular action figures. As good to look at as best statues and some poseability. The flip side of course is sometimes we have to accept some exposed joints, writs, neck etc and while offering articulation they won't match the cheaper action figures on that front. Even the most articulated HT's, you still have to work within the limitations of the suit or clothing around them.

Based on what I've heard and seen so far she's probably similar to the Armoured Batman and the Keaton figures. I'll be happy to just put her in a museum pose looking awesome flanked by Bats and Supes. :) Hopefully a material can be developed down the line that doesn't crack or deteriorate so quickly.
If you prefer aesthetic over articulation, just buy a statue. Wonder Woman shouldn't be about her looks, I would rather get her into a battle pose and see joints than spend 230+ on something that's only gonna last a couple years.

I've only been doing Hot Toys a short time (statues for much longer), but it is totally their aesthetic, specifically the realism in the head sculpt and paint applications, that drew me in in the first place. I don't have a single statue (nor can I recall any) that come close to what Hot Toys can do with their portraits.
I thought she got damaged within 30 minutes of being in a cross armed pose? That doesn't sound like we can pose the hell out of her. I usually change the pose on my figures every few weeks, a lot of the time more museum poses but sometimes I put them in action poses for days or weeks. So far no damage.

With this figure it sounds like its more a case of put her in an action pose for a couple of minutes, take pics as quick as you can and breathe a big sigh of relief if you get her back to neutral with no damage. Including those extra gauntlets seems a waste of time, I won't be risking that pose even very briefly.

I don't blame Hot Toys for this situation. It just seems to be the limitations of the manufacturing right now. Phicens and all seamless bodies like the Tyson figure crack and damage eventually if they aren't kept in a museum pose. Lots of collectors here say they'd be happy with a plastic body and exposed joints but just as many appear to hate that idea. Look at the fuss caused by Harley's knees. They literally can't win here.

I agree with SilverStar17 in seeing Hot Toys as almost a bridge between statues and regular action figures. As good to look at as best statues and some poseability. The flip side of course is sometimes we have to accept some exposed joints, writs, neck etc and while offering articulation they won't match the cheaper action figures on that front. Even the most articulated HT's, you still have to work within the limitations of the suit or clothing around them.

Based on what I've heard and seen so far she's probably similar to the Armoured Batman and the Keaton figures. I'll be happy to just put her in a museum pose looking awesome flanked by Bats and Supes. :) Hopefully a material can be developed down the line that doesn't crack or deteriorate so quickly.

The problem is there isn't a material made from mankind so far that can replicate real human skin while allowing human movement, other than Silicon based, but with silicon, it is an unstable substance to work with in certain situations. So until we can eliminate Silicon from the equation. There is no answer to deterioration, creasing , etc in movable non plastic and non rubber based products :slap
I'm the same. I find a pose I like and then the figure tends to stay that way forever. I'm sure my HT Indy is tired of being poised to grab that idol. Statues don't work for me since I want the pose to be what I want - not what some sculptor has decided.

My sentiments as well.

Some of mine have been reposed a few times, but many have been in the same pose I gave it (or close to; a turn of a head here and there, etc) since the day it came out of the box.
My sentiments as well.

Some of mine have been reposed a few times, but many have been in the same pose I gave it (or close to; a turn of a head here and there, etc) since the day it came out of the box.

And whenever I've seen people's Hot Toys collections they are displayed behind glass, not in a toy box. To say these are intended for the same purpose as traditional action figures is to misrepresent the product.
The problem is there isn't a material made from mankind so far that can replicate real human skin while allowing human movement, other than Silicon based, but with silicon, it is an unstable substance to work with in certain situations. So until we can eliminate Silicon from the equation. There is no answer to deterioration, creasing , etc in movable non plastic and non rubber based products :slap

:exactly: so it would be unfair to be really critical of Hot Toys here. They are doing their best within those limitations. They upset people with this release but if they'd had exposed joints there would be just as many complaints. I guess they could two versions and allow buyers to pick but that's never gonna happen. :lol
Did anyone watch the Virtual Devil review? I don't speak French, but you can watch him put creases in the upper body when he moves the arms all around. Figure still looks great, but I still think the HS could be better.
:exactly: so it would be unfair to be really critical of Hot Toys here. They are doing their best within those limitations. They upset people with this release but if they'd had exposed joints there would be just as many complaints. I guess they could two versions and allow buyers to pick but that's never gonna happen. :lol


With this figure it sounds like its more a case of put her in an action pose for a couple of minutes, take pics as quick as you can and breathe a big sigh of relief if you get her back to neutral with no damage. Including those extra gauntlets seems a waste of time, I won't be risking that pose even very briefly.

Yeah I think a good rule of thumb will be, if it's a pose that creates a crease in the first place (like crossing her arms in front obviously would) or stretches the rubber too much (like having her reach back for her sword), then it should probably be avoided. But that would still leave a lot of options, and lots of cool "ready for action" poses with the arms and legs slightly bent or the upper body slightly turned.
I'm surprised people are surprised that SS is sending out delay notices. Turn around typically seems to be about a month, give or take a couple of weeks, so that puts her hitting in August.
Yeah I think a good rule of thumb will be, if it's a pose that creates a crease in the first place (like crossing her arms in front obviously would) or stretches the rubber too much (like having her reach back for her sword), then it should probably be avoided. But that would still leave a lot of options, and lots of cool "ready for action" poses with the arms and legs slightly bent or the upper body slightly turned.

I guess if the knees crease a little it won't show under the boots. I just want to put her in that ready for battle pose slightly bent knees shield and sword at the ready.
I'm surprised people are surprised that SS is sending out delay notices. Turn around typically seems to be about a month, give or take a couple of weeks, so that puts her hitting in August.

Exactly, Not really a delay just an adjustment of when it will get to the SSC warehouse. Which is usually 6 weeks (give or take) but i think there is a drivers strike at one of the docks that could slow things down also.
Phicen and seamless bodies have only been around what, eight or nine years? They've come a long way, I guess, but I'm going to wager that we're a couple decades away from the breakthrough that allows these things to become truly resilient.

That's not to say that after a hundred years there won't be some kind of damage... but we'll all be dead, lol. Statues would be a better investment, if you were concerned about heirlooms.
Love the figure. I misspeak towards the end of the video when talking about extending the leg 90 degrees, I mean "bend" 90 degrees. Who knows where the hell else I misspoke. It's been a long day. Lol.
And queue the Wonder Woman theme music. [emoji91]

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