But its just that slight moment. Its almost blink and you'll miss it. He flies up and hes about to swarm Doomsday and he hears Lois and turns his attention towards her. If I can find it I'll throw it up here.
any updates on this then?
Still hoping HT would wow us with improvement like they did with Batfleck...
any updates on this then?
A lot of people actually still weren't "wowed" when they first revealed the improved regular Bats. It wasn't bulky enough for them.
Just a personal opinion... It wowed me.. So i hope WW will wow me too...
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Ah, I was only being humorous, but yet serious at the same time. [emoji38]
It did wow me as well, as it did a lot of people. Hopefully WW does indeed turn out just as good as all the other BvS figures have thus far.
Hang in there, have faith guys, she's going to turn out awesome! I'll eat my words if she doesn't.
Hang in there, have faith guys, she's going to turn out awesome! I'll eat my words if she doesn't.
I took a video of the Head Sculpt just for you guys!!
I'm really sorry about the shaky cam (I'm using a 100mm macro lens with no stabilizer/hand held)
But I hope you get the idea. I'll upload high res pics later.
Hang in there, have faith guys, she's going to turn out awesome! I'll eat my words if she doesn't.
Who are some trusted eBay sellers in HK? Don't know if I can wait for the SS release. Hope to get this for xmas. I have sneaky suspicion it will be delayed like Batman has again