Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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This is going to annoy people but I actually prefer Superman III to Returns! I didn't think this could be possible but I caught III on UK TV the other day and I quite liked it - first time I've seen it in 25 years. Yes, there's no main plot, just lots of subplots. Yes, Prior is awful. But the whole Smallville thing and the Superman turning bad thing is done pretty well and Reeve ennobles the whole thing with his amazing performance

I prefer it too. I can't say I like Superman 3, but Returns was so horrible. Superman 3 is cheesy and dumb at times, but it's not boring and completely lacking in imagination and humor like Superman Returns. Like you said, there's a decent amount of good stuff in there like the Lana Lang relationship, the transformation scenes, the rescue scenes and the junkyard brawl. Even some of Pryor's lines are genuinely funny. There's also a lot of fairly clever uses of Superman's powers (perhaps in an even more disciplined way than in Superman 2).

I think if Superman 3 had pulled off a rip-roaring final battle, it would have redeemed itself as a positive adventure in the Superman mythos. Unfortunately the film just peters out badly in that final showdown with the computer. Not much exciting really happens, the computer isn't really scary at all (except for the brief moment it possesses Annie Ross) and the special effects are awful. We had that great build-up early on of the "great cloud of acid" that was supposed to eat through the eastern seaboard, but then all that happens when Superman activates the chemical is a little baking soda volcano that eats through the floor it spills on. The other problem with the final scene dramatically is that Lana Lang isn't a part of it. To build up the love interest that much and then not involve her in the conclusion of the movie is just horrible writing. You don't introduce a damsel and then never have her in distress. Almost no superhero movie gets that wrong, not even Superman 4.

Another important point is that Alexander Salkind wanted Frank Langella to play Ross Webster (of course he ironically played Perry White in Superman Returns). Coming off of Langella's role in Dracula, Salkind wanted that same villainous quality in the character. But he was overruled by the other producers who apparently wanted the light, comical, campy approach. This was around the time movie producers and non-fans seemed to get it stuck in their heads that "comic book" = "comic strip" or "Sunday funnies." The superhero junk on TV at the time like Super Friends probably didn't help matters. I think it's easy to see how Langella would have improved the film and added to the sense of threat. Just imagine him saying the line, "I ask you to kill Superman and you're telling me you couldn't even do that one, simple thing." Instead of a sitcom gag line, it would have played more like the obsessed ranting of an uncompromising killer. Well, maybe.

And, finally, the big problem with Pryor is that both he and Superman seem to be operating in parallel movies. They really don't have too many scenes together and absolutely no relationship of any substance, until the end when Superman inexplicably lets him go and recommends him for a job despite Pryor's committing many crimes and nearly causing Superman's death. If it had been an actual "buddy" movie, Pryor and Reeve actually might have had enough chemistry to pull it off. A Superman buddy movie, as opposed to the romantic relationships we normally get, is kind of an interesting idea.
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As much as I love the original movie, I wish Singer had enough guts to move out of it's shadows and tried a new story and not use old movie elements to bolster his new movie. I would have loved to have seen a Luthor who was a brilliant scientist instead of a land grubbing hustler.

Even the original Superman series went beyond what Luthor was in the first Superman 4 when he was portrayed as a brilliant scientist. Nobody should think paying tribute to the original movie or doing a proper sequel means using no imagination and simply aping plot points and elements from the first movie. To be fair, Singer never came out and said "we're copying almost the same plot from the original to show our faithfulness to it." He never seemed to mention the plot of Superman Returns much at all in all the promo material, probably because by that point in the production he realized it was crap and not a selling point. He talked a lot about using the Brando footage, the original music themes, the fortress set, etc., and last I checked there isn't anyone in the audience who complained about that stuff.

It was when the movie ripped off plot elements and actual dialogue from the originals that people started to ask WTF is going on here? These are filmmakers that had all the resources in the world and absolutely no imagination. Much like so many other disappointing sequels, like Back to the Future 3, it simply copied the original's storyline instead of coming up with something new, like Back to the Future 2. It doesn't help that the one original element Singer introduced, the Super Bastard, was nothing but yet another big, pointless WTF moment.

It would be a drastic mistake for the new filmmakers to think that the lesson of Superman Returns is, don't be faithful to the original beloved classic. Audiences want a new movie to be faithful. They don't want to see the character reinvented for no reason, most especially those timeless elements like the costume and the music. But no one, ever, in any sequel, simply wants to see the same plot of the original completely rehashed. It's pretty sad when the filmic abortion called Superman 4 can boast a better, more original plot than a Superman movie made in 2006. There remains some MAJOR confusion in the fan community as to the difference between a sequel being "faithful" to the original movie and simply rehashing it. I hope I've cleared that up.
Now in response to the below bust... Pretty insane piece! Can you PLEASE post a shot of it with the suit/tie and glasses removed? The spit-curl look isn't quite right for Kent, since he always wore a "fringe" (for you Sarah Connor thread fans) as shown below. I would love to see how that final painted version looks in Superman form.

Glad you like the bust. A favorite in my collection. Unfortunately, I can't remove the suit and glasses because the glasses are glued and the tie is glued down to the back of the suit.

I like it as a sorta mid transformation from Kent to Superman, with his shirt ripped open and the spit curl. I personally think the bust works very well this way due to the hair being a bit straighter (more Kent-like but parted the other way) than it should be if he were Superman, if ya know what I mean. The hair being a little too straight would be my only fault with the outstanding sculpt if mine was a full on Superman bust.

Anyways, here's a couple pics from fellow member cap70 of his finished piece. Hope he doesn't mind me using the pics:


Thanks! It looks pretty great either way I'd say! A 2-in-1 transforming option would've been the icing on the cake. :naughty

It's true that his hair usually isn't greased back that much as Superman, but I would say there is at least one scene, the post-helicopter rescue scene on the Daily Planet rooftop, where Supe's hair is matted down that tight. Maybe it was windy up there so they had to do it?

It is kind of odd though since when he transforms in the revolving door right before this, his hair has a lot more body. Ah, the wonders of moviemaking and spending 10 months filming one scene. :wacky Perhaps the wind rush from flying up to save Lois that fast gave his hair that distinctive wind tunnel effect. Or maybe not...

I think I might buy an extra head when this comes out and make a custom 'beat up' Superman from II, from that wonderful scene in the Donner cut when he goes back to the Fortress and Dad makes him feel like a shmuck.

And btw, where the ____ is this? I can barely wait, three or four more months for pics will be torture.
OUCH i thought he proably had ,but you know hope for the best ,prepare for the worst:lol ,thanks for kind words on the custom ,its a real shame Ultra jack did a runner ,because the ajustments he made were realy nice,judge for yourselves ,i found the pictures the rubber boots look real nice ,if not a little pink , ,like i said its a shame he never finished off what he started ,cos the boy had talent,so if you are reading this ,and i cant belive hes not ,massive Chris Reeves fan how could he not be interested ,ultrajack come back alls forgiven :lol cheers Chris
Reeves Superman would be a great DX04. *hint, hint Hot Toys*
Reeves Superman would be a great DX04. *hint, hint Hot Toys*

To tell you the truth i wouldnt want a DX Christopher Reeve, you know why? because if you noticed the last 3 DX they all suffer from the same decease "Bubble Head Cyndrome" Dont get me wrong the sculpts are amazing!!! but i preffer they throw in a 2nd head instead of putting the PERS option!:naughty
I am confident that this will materialize, but I hope it is released at a time when Hot Toys has almost-perfected their DX line releases! :)
To tell you the truth i wouldnt want a DX Christopher Reeve, you know why? because if you noticed the last 3 DX they all suffer from the same decease "Bubble Head Cyndrome" Dont get me wrong the sculpts are amazing!!! but i preffer they throw in a 2nd head instead of putting the PERS option!:naughty

My DX Batman has leaky oil, but it does not have a 'Bubble Head':confused:
To tell you the truth i wouldnt want a DX Christopher Reeve, you know why? because if you noticed the last 3 DX they all suffer from the same decease "Bubble Head Cyndrome" Dont get me wrong the sculpts are amazing!!! but i preffer they throw in a 2nd head instead of putting the PERS option!:naughty

Weird comment from top-to-botom.

(1) I have a DX Joker, and it doesn't appear to have a "bubble head" (its spelled, 'syndrome', by the way);
(2) There have only been 2 DX figures released, so it is not possible for "the last 3" to have a bubble-head syndrome; and,
(3) You state you'd rather have a 2nd headsculpt than a PERS option ... but both DX figures have had a 2nd headsculpt AND the PERS option (sonar Batman and officer Joker).

So ... you're correcting a problem that doesn't exist (bubble-head syndrome) with a solution they've already implemented (2nd headsculpt)? I don't get it.

SnakeDoctor, I want the Batman that's in your sig.

As for Superman, I'll take anything - I don't care if it's DX or whatever, in fact, I'd be surprised if it was.
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