Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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This IS my 'Grail' figure. So i really need to see some hard announcement soon.
Probably this summer, high hopes on this one!
Well, I'm keeping this Sig and Avatar until we have gotten the high rez pictures of this figure.
I'm in no rush, just as long as this figure looks 100% amazing
as long as this figure looks 100% amazing

They have to make this figure with a special design body as they made the Wolverine. In the same interview they made (HT representants) Yulli The sculptor told that she was interested in making 1/4 scale figures or probably statues. Im interested in this CR figure but my wish it would be if they make it as a statue, the articulations is what makes this statues look a little fake in terms of proportions, but i am very exited that they are working on this project! hope they expand the line and give us Luthor, ZOD, URSA, NON, even an Otis or Ms Tessmacher, imaging that!!??

Now that DC Direct have added a 1989 Batman statue to their roster, I have high hopes to see it as well as the Reeve Supes this year. It's like a dream!
Word about HT seems to have made Mattel up their game at any rate;

DCU 12” Movie Masters™ Figures ( Exclusives)

General Zod (Terrence Stamp) — December 2009 figure

Superman (Christopher Reeve) — ships April 2010

Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) — ships late-summer 2010

During the NYC TOYFAIR Mattel provided this answer during a Q&A on the subject of future figures from the Superman Movie line;

12-inch Christopher Reeve figure
"We are assured that it is on the way. Mattel is working on re-sculpting the figure and doing more work on the fabric so that they get it just right for the fans."

Linky to source;

I loved the presentation of the Mattel Zod so this may turn out to be much better than the prototype would have us believe....
Thanks for the info and the link. I am slightly confused on the release date since the link had the following info:
12-inch Christopher Reeves figure
We are assured that it is the way. Mattel is working on resculpting the figure and doing more work on the fabric so that they get it just right for the fans.
The figure has been pushed back to fall to do it justice.

I don't mind waiting for the fall. By then, I am sure the Hot Toys version will be previewed and can decide if the Mattel version will be worth owning.
I don't mind waiting for the fall. By then, I am sure the Hot Toys version will be previewed and can decide if the Mattel version will be worth owning.

If you collect a lot of superman version figures this will probably be a good addition, but the one made by HT will be the one to get, at least keep in mind that HT works for the fans until we see something worth picking they will work to give us the best they can, for example T2 Sarah Connor the Prototype Pics were off but they are working on another sculpt, the same thing went with T Salvation Marcus Wright...... i really have high hopes!! and i am really dont want to be in the shoes of the one that is sculpting the CR head!:rotfl
And i know Yulli is a talented sculptor, but have you seen Kojun works lately?? just look for Wolverine, Robert Downey JR. Iron Man Mech Test Version and John Connor :naughty



Nice custom - and another reminder that this version of the suit, with its big shield and eyecatching colours is going to piss all over any figure based on the Returns suit.
Can I still vote a resounding YES for this figure, even though it's been basically announced via "Milk Magazine" (of all places?!)? I would also like to vote for Zod, Lois (Superman 1 penthouse, Superman 2 Eiffel Tower, and/or Superman 2 final battle versions), Ursa, Lex, Non, Jimmy, Eve, Perry, that order. The original Jor-El will suffice. I'd prefer new characters before redoing that one. And no Gus Gorman, please...but a Lana or Lorelei would be acceptable. :naughty And after all that I'd even buy a Nuclear Man for camp value.

Now in response to the below bust... Pretty insane piece! Can you PLEASE post a shot of it with the suit/tie and glasses removed? The spit-curl look isn't quite right for Kent, since he always wore a "fringe" (for you Sarah Connor thread fans) as shown below. I would love to see how that final painted version looks in Superman form.

I'm extremely lucky to own one of those sculpts all finished up. It's the pride of my collection. Hot Toys should definitely take note!


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