Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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No CR Superman announcement from HT was the biggest disappointment by far of the Con for me. Hopefully we hear something before the end of the year. Not interested in the Mattel version, it really doesn't look like him at all....although it's not a bad figure for it's price, just not my cup of tea.
But there's Keaton Batman threads right? :lecture Right!? :pray:

I was looking at Keaton's suit again recently, and all I could think was that Burton was lucky he was able to set so much of it at night and in shadows. As a representation of what was possible at the time based on the limits of materials and technology it's fine, but when you look closer and see the uneven sculpting, dimpled surface and curiously featureless pants, I just don't find it impressive. Fail to catch those imperfections and there will be hell to pay. Capture them and others will talk about it looking low quality. If I were Hot Toys I'd be staying far away from Keaton's Batman.
If I were Hot Toys I'd be staying far away from Keaton's Batman.

____ THAT!

That's like one of my most wanted Hot Toys figures, that and the Returns suit, The Joker and Prenguis. Just do what would look best and be done with it. If these customizes can make decent ones out of decades old model kits than ____, Hot Toys can.
Hot Toys will do it but only after Mattel is done with it. I'm sure that is why we didn't see one because it would have trumped Mattel's figure and they just wouldn't have that.
I was looking at Keaton's suit again recently, and all I could think was that Burton was lucky he was able to set so much of it at night and in shadows. As a representation of what was possible at the time based on the limits of materials and technology it's fine, but when you look closer and see the uneven sculpting, dimpled surface and curiously featureless pants, I just don't find it impressive. Fail to catch those imperfections and there will be hell to pay. Capture them and others will talk about it looking low quality. If I were Hot Toys I'd be staying far away from Keaton's Batman.

I was thinking a similar thing but surely there's a compromised middle-ground. It's a NEED :lecture:wink1: lol
I asked someone at DCD about an HT Reeve Supes and I got a big negative in response. Take that for it's worth.

DCD is big on marketing, so I wouldn't say HT Supes is out of the question. They probably just want to ride the wave of the CR Supes stuff that they have out right now, and then announce the release of a HT version.
It's probably Mark 5 or a T-800.

Hope it's a Mark V with suit case and racing uniform. I mean they already did a Mark IV and a Mark VI. It'd only make sense to make a Mark V.

On the other hand I really REALLY hope its a CR Superman.
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