You're right, he's a truly amazing artistFrank Miller drew 300 and all of Sin City. His art is not trash. But I guess one man's art is another's piece of ****.

You're right, he's a truly amazing artistFrank Miller drew 300 and all of Sin City. His art is not trash. But I guess one man's art is another's piece of ****.
Lol, Batman Quarter, Batman Quarter...A little late for Batman Day....
Looks cool, and I love the Dark Knight, but not the comic Batman I would want in 1/6 scale. Like already said, I'd be down for a Hush Batman. And a Superman to go with him.
HT has a new gold mine if they want to focus on Comic figures. My wallet be damned.
You're right, my bad.You actually looked that up
His style just isn't for you. He's still an amazing artist and writer, responsible for some of the most groundbreaking stories in comics history. So when someone calls his work trash, I am going to correct such a ******** statement.
Maybe Hono don't have a DC licence. Haven't all their figures been Marvel so far?I am guessing the desire to recoup the cost of a new body is the reason this is a Hot Toys and not a HONO figure.
If Hot Toys continues to make more comic figures (which I am all for) is it worth it for them to have a HONO line?
I thought the same thing, it looks like lipstick in some photos.
Agreed. Miller's work goes past a lot of people. Generally speaking, ill-conceived expectations of comic art are borne out of this desire for literalism, which I would argue has exacerbated the slow death of comics as an art form. What Miller brings to the table is (and has always been) expressionism. The primary function of comics art is to express emotion/energy/story. Miller's line work exemplifies this, and sacrifices traditional (simplistic) expectations of rendering in favor of the aforementioned - which is why is work changed the industry and why you have creators like Jim Lee aping him (albeit with a lesser understanding of story). Functionally, Lee is a skilled craftsman. Miller is an artist.You actually looked that up
His style just isn't for you. He's still an amazing artist and writer, responsible for some of the most groundbreaking stories in comics history. So when someone calls his work trash, I am going to correct such a ******** statement.