Thank you. It was a very crazy thing to attempt but I'm glad that I took my time with them. I gave them a light coat of satin black acrylic to give them a little more shine.
That's a really good look on the boots.
I like the HT ANH Vader for what it is, and I like the Sideshow ESB/ROTJ DX Vader for what it is; I have both...
But comparing the two, the Sideshow boots look like oversized clown shoes. I might have to trade them out for some HT boots.
Something else:
I bought the Vader/Tarkin set, not the stand-alone Vader. Eventually I found out that the shoulder/chest armors have different paint apps between the HT ANH stand-alone figure, and the ANH Vader that comes with Tarkin. The stand-alone Vader has the correct metallic-painted shoulder bells, but the Vader with Tarkin has black unpainted bells. (the bright silver color is totally wrong on both of course) but at least the stand-alone Vader HAS some paint where it should be.
View attachment 428357
I'm going to do a re-paint something like this below: (photoshopped test image)
View attachment 428360
Update: After doing some thinking, and some research, I might have the perfect solution for darkening the bright steel sections WITHOUT the masking, the risks and troubles that come with painting.
I already have a bottle of this liquid product: RIT GRAPHITE DYE for Synthetics.
Formulated to adhere to plastics, (including painted surfaces) with a hot or cold bath process. I ordered an extra set of chest/shoulder armor on ebay, (with the silver painted bells, HT ANH stand-alone Vader) so I'm going to try dying the piece black; dark graphite, actually. Then some fine brush detailing, and a coat of clear acrylic satin, and... *POOF*. Dark, metallic chest armor... I'll post pics.
View attachment 428431
I'm planning to do this at the same time that I sew the whole suit inside-out to be a bit more snug.Anybody else trim the sleeves at the wrist? Solves the bunching up at the elbows & is covered by gauntlets anyway.
Ok, I tried something different...narrowing the front of the dome a bit. It always looked too wide, so I squeezed on it for a while and manged to bring it in a bit. There's distortion from my camera, but it's a decent improvement
View attachment 429077
View attachment 429078
You squeezed from temple to temple ANd did the nose mod, right?
Nah, I just squeezed at the bottom front corners mostly. Looks to have come in around 1/8 inch. Not a lot and I might try a clamp and leave for a few days. Wish I could round it in a bit on the corner, but not sure how. It's really stiff plastic, so do at your own risk. I moved the nose plug back a bit and painted it more white/silver
Edit: Came up with a better idea...some large needle nose pliers. Took it to the corners and started bending and was able to get some of that subtle curve. Think It got pulled in too much? I can always stretch back out. Here's a pic with the left modded and the right the ESB helmet which looks to be the same as the original ANH shape. If you try it, be REALLY careful(use a rag or something to avoid biting into the plastic)
View attachment 429142
Nice job, GodParticle. That definitely makes his helmet look a lot better.
Nah, after bending on it a while, the plastic got a bit more flexible. The pliers make it really easy to bend. Might take some practice to get a good shapeYou heated it or not?