Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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How boring would it be if Boba Fett was killing people left right and centre in the first episode? Being completely indestructible. We saw him do that already in Mando season 2. He's on a journey where he wants to rule by respect, not with an iron fist, and we don't yet understand his motivations for wanting things to be that way. I guess that's what a story is all about, a character takes time to unravel. That said I fully believe things will turn quickly for him and he'll have to return to his old ways and kill a whole bunch of scum and villainy in future episodes. Btw he literally killed a monster with his bare hands and disintegrated a guy in the first 20 minutes, hardly the actions of a pussycat :p
Funny, I thought it was meh, but I have two friends who also collect and they both loved it. I hope it gets better, but if not, I will save a lot of $$.
How boring would it be if Boba Fett was killing people left right and centre in the first episode? Being completely indestructible. We saw him do that already in Mando season 2. He's on a journey where he wants to rule by respect, not with an iron fist, and we don't yet understand his motivations for wanting things to be that way. I guess that's what a story is all about, a character takes time to unravel. That said I fully believe things will turn quickly for him and he'll have to return to his old ways and kill a whole bunch of scum and villainy in future episodes. Btw he literally killed a monster with his bare hands and disintegrated a guy in the first 20 minutes, hardly the actions of a pussycat :p

He already is not being given the respect he wants; i see beatdowns in the very near future.

I want to see Bossk so much. He is going to need Bossk, i think. Hes going to need more than just Fennec very, very quickly. Some may decry that as weakness, but even real-world kingpins need their enforcers. And i just wanna see Bossk and Dengar, damn it.

Fett has his own bacta tank. Hes gonna need it
Just re-watched the episode.

People are freaking out about the theme. That theme is only played during Boba's flash back and I don't mind it. I'm sure the bad ass theme we're used to will be used when Boba gets stronger and becomes a badass.

As to people disliking the character because he got his butt kicked by grunts. Relax, this is the 1st episode and he's still regaining strength. He's not going to be all powerful from the start to the end. That only happens with Rey, and some Marvel characters...
As to people disliking the character because he got his butt kicked by grunts. Relax, this is the 1st episode and he's still regaining strength. He's not going to be all powerful from the start to the end. That only happens with Rey, and some Marvel characters...
You mean when he destroyed a squad of stormtroopers before this series in Mando?
TBH, because Robert Rodriguez was cooking up the show to be amazing, I was expecting some big reveal/cameo. It didn't happen and I was slightly disappointed but after re-watching it, I enjoyed it. I don't know if HT will make any figures from this episode though. I'll buy the black Tusken if they make one but I don't know how well the Mando Tusken is selling. I hope they make the Gamorrean but I don't know if they will.
I sure hope HT doesn't try to tempt me with Sand People variants from that new tribe. Don't want to go down that road but I suppose I wouldn't mind the new Gamorrean design. Not much from the first episode was especially desirable as a figure, maybe Max Rebo but HT probably won't make him.
You know Howard is ready for it! Tusken kids, Tusken Women, every kind.
You mean when he destroyed a squad of stormtroopers before this series in Mando?

He looks pretty strong there. He's also pretty strong when he killed that creature near the end of the episode given his condition. Again, if people got upset because he is weak in the 1st episode for a 7 episode show, go ahead and cancel your preorders.

If you expect him to be totally ruthless and killing people left and right, I don't think Disney will do that. I rather they make him bad ass and still good, than to be evil and gets killed off.
The stop motion creature was really poorly done imo. Looks like it belongs in classic Godzilla. That’s one creature I don’t need in any scale. The unique Tusken tribe was cool but very Kylo Ren in attire from the arm wraps and even one had a scarf like thing. Almost like Sith cultist Tuskens. I’m not sure if the Bacta tank story device worked that well or was correctly executed. Returning to it after that small ambush was strange. I suppose it was meant to emphasize Boba is strong even if he sometimes fails. This needed a part two or longer first episode IMO.
Tusken raiders, desert planetary world, hunting down monstrous monsters and befriended with the Tuskens. The plot seems awfully familiar with Mando SS2's first episode.
TBH, because Robert Rodriguez was cooking up the show to be amazing, I was expecting some big reveal/cameo. It didn't happen and I was slightly disappointed but after re-watching it, I enjoyed it. I don't know if HT will make any figures from this episode though. I'll buy the black Tusken if they make one but I don't know how well the Mando Tusken is selling.

This is way different from the Mando Tuskens though, this type are much more visually interesting and they have more "personality." I think we will get one of this type. They have a million fiddly decorations and you know Howard loves that stuff.

Gamorreans have much more "personality" than they ever did before, and I think a Gamorrean is likely too.

I am past ready for a "name" cameo. Make it at least two, please.
Tusken raiders, desert planetary world, hunting down monstrous monsters and befriended with the Tuskens. The plot seems awfully familiar with Mando SS2's first episode.
Mando is Fett. Seems like Favreau kept his best writing for Mando and Disney is determined to ruin any well liked characters from the OT.
Tusken raiders, desert planetary world, hunting down monstrous monsters and befriended with the Tuskens. The plot seems awfully familiar with Mando SS2's first episode.
Good point. Maybe that’s why it felt sorta meh with the flashbacks since it’s a bit of retread.
Mando is Fett. Seems like Favreau kept his best writing for Mando and Disney is determined to ruin any well liked characters from the OT.
It's only the first episode. It's purpose was to tell us how he got out and into living again. Let the show breath and lets see what happens.
It's only the first episode. It's purpose was to tell us how he got out and into living again. Let the show breath and lets see what happens.
Plenty could happen for sure. But it doesn't mean it will make the first episode any better. Logic be damned.
Look at it this way: so far, there are no magical children in the show, nor have any long lost frenemy step/foster children showed up. If they do, I am relying on Fennec to take 'em out. Show no mercy, F! :cool:

I'd certainly much rather see a Harryhausen tribute than "My grandmother says you suck, I hate you! I am here to kill you, o mighty bounty hunter!" or them finding Rotta the Hutt hiding behind a chair somewhere in the palace, and having to babysit.

You got to look on the bright side. So far so good.
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