Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Gotta say I found it pretty underwhelming as well. The story felt very by the numbers, the action was flat, and the attempts to have Boba suddenly come across as this likable and honorable guy didn't really work for me at all. And in general I just didn't find the character nearly as compelling to watch on screen as Mando (who's always super interesting to watch even in an average episode).

The only bright spot in the episode was Fennec.
My thoughts as I just posted in the BoB thread:

Well... it was not what I expected. My take on things:

-Seeing Kamino, Geonosis and the Sarlacc escape. Not a bad way to start.
-Escape was too fast.
-Always fun to see Jawas be a-holes.
-Too much Tusken stuff.
-F that Rodian. He should've broken his neck, first chance he got.
-Those damn real world robot dogs took me right out of it.
-Fennec is cool.
-Kill that dumbass Twi'Lek. No, don't let him go awa... and he's gone...
-Keep your damn helmet on Boba. Not here to see your face.
-I guess Boba kinda forgot he had a jetpack when being surrounded by lame guys with shields.
-Boba was brutal in his return in the Mandalorian, here he fights like Robert DeNiro in The Irishman.
-He conveniently gets injured so he can return to the bacta tank...
-Great. More Tusken stuff.
-I can see why Anakin killed the children too...
-Hmm... a strange new monster. Kinda cool, kinda lame, kinda John Carteresque, kinda Harryhausen... yeah. At least something happens.
-I guess Sarlac acid had no effect on Boba's blinding pearly whites.
-Oh it's over already...

I'm starting to get a feeling they should've left Boba alone after his glorious return in The Mandalorian. His first appearance in his armor in that show can't be topped. I will watch this show and I hope it gets better, but so far this was as unimpressive as Marvel's Phase 4 D+ offerings.
If they peppered his escape throughout the episode and then it ended with him breaking free it would have felt more epic. 38 years of fan speculation and he simply uses his torch and a bit of cardio 🤣🤣🤣
By the way, that poor stormtrooper felt a lot out of place. I mean ... in ROTJ couple of aliens felt right into it, yet they show us stormtrooper. One. Magically appeared inside the pit. Conveniently with intact helmet and some air.
By the way, that poor stormtrooper felt a lot out of place. I mean ... in ROTJ couple of aliens felt right into it, yet they show us stormtrooper. One. Magically appeared inside the pit. Conveniently with intact helmet and some air.
Yeah, that was my immediate thought as well. What the hell is a Stormtrooper doing there ?

Also, how the hell would you tunnel upwards through sand with a helmet on ? Even his weapons tracking antennae thing is up and unbent.....

OK I'll stop now. I'm sounding really negative. But it's the little things I guess. I'm still really positive about the show, just constructive criticism I guess.

Did anyone else roll their eyes at the obvious hells angel biker gang? Complete with leather jacket/sleeveless jacket combo and German military biker helmet?
And another thing which punches me in the face, when Boba and Fennec left the "Paradise", you see his Gammorreans bodyguards right behind them. Yet in the next shot, they are nowhere to be seen. And they are rushing into action two minutes later. It's like the director forgot Boba refused the offer at Paradise for them to be washed and fed and they are still with them ... idk, a mistake like that is very amateurish.
By the way, that poor stormtrooper felt a lot out of place. I mean ... in ROTJ couple of aliens felt right into it, yet they show us stormtrooper. One. Magically appeared inside the pit. Conveniently with intact helmet and some air.

RR: We put a Stormtrooper in the Sarlacc because we know HT doesn't like doing the minor alien characters that fell off the skiff, but they sure as **** will release another R1 style Trooper.
Did anyone else roll their eyes at the obvious hells angel biker gang? Complete with leather jacket/sleeveless jacket combo and German military biker helmet?

I missed them.

So it really will be Quadrophenia once Lambretta girl shows up.
Although this episode didn't wow me, it was fine. I didn't particularly dislike anything, there just wasn't anything that I loved about the episode.
I just think, as the first episode of a new series, it could have really done with being a bit more impactful, have something that left the audience with a wow feeling.
Normally I'd say they're building up and letting things play out, taking their time to tell the story etc but with only 6 episodes left and if the remaining 6 have similar short runtime to this episode, they don't have a lot of time.
There's the flashbacks to get through, which will include the Tusken stuff and (just rumoured or confirmed, can't recall) flashbacks around the TESB timeline. Maybe more PT flashbacks perhaps. Also the crime lord stuff and any wider stuff they have planned once he's conquered Tattooine's underworld (the rumoured interaction with Mandalorians/Din Djarin etc)
Seems like a lot for the time they have left. Hopefully they'll move it up a gear.
I am looking forward to episode 2 though.
I'm expecting Boba to be far more ruthless from now on.
I'm also interested how his relationship with the Tusken tribe will develop. Judging by his "monk" look in Mando season 2 and his weapons, and the events of this episode, I don’t think it's much of a gamble to say he joins the tribe.
I grew up with the OT and the early books and comics of the EU. I was an adult by the PT.
Personally I think Boba lost so much of his mystique when AoTC was released, it doesn't bother me that much that we're losing what's left of it in this series.
Someone mentioned that EU Boba would have been far more ruthless than this and I totally agree.
I see this as the continuation of Filoni's version of Boba, his TCW version. This "honourable" version of Boba is more fitting with that. There was episode in TCW where Boba e do up in the company of pirates (Hondo was it?) and he refers to Jango as an honourable man and talks Boba into helping the Jedi as its "what Jango would have wanted". So I see this BoBF/Mandalorian Boba as consistent with that.
I do miss the old ruthless and mysteries EU Fett but I don't hate this version and I'm looking forward to seeing how the series plays out.
I desperately want to like this series. I feel like I have little Star Wars left to love. I was holding on to the Favreau/Filoni stuff being good, so that their stuff, Mando, Boba and Ahsoka would be my little Star Wars universe. Isolated from the rest of Lucasfilms nonsense.
I think I'll rewatch episode 1 of BoBF in a bit, free from the weight of expectations.
People complain because Jedi was so powerful and in control of their circumstances that we never had a feeling they were in danger.
Now people complain that a non-Jedi got some beating.
Fennec is really cool. We gotta see live action Cad Bane.
Maybe at the end of the series, Fett will get bored of this crime lord adventure and turn into his origins, leaving a pile of dead bodies behind him while walking towards twin suns. Just maybe.
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People complain because Jedi was so powerful and in control of their circumstances that we never had a feeling they were in danger.
Now people complain that a non-Jedi got some beating.
Fennec is really cool. We gotta see live action Cad Bane.
Maybe at the end of the series, Fett will get bored of this crime lord adventure and turn into his origins, leaving a pile of dead bodies behind him while walking towards twin suns. Just maybe.

Personally I didn't mind that Boba had a tough time. I didn't expect him to win in the flashback because he'd just escaped the Sarlaac, was dehydrated and exhausted. Hardly at his best.
He could have made better use of his equipment in the energy shield fight but he hardly just lay there and took it.
I do think he's going to comeback more ruthless from this experience.
Fennec seemed to have a better time of it in the fight but then, they seemed to be focusing their attacks on Boba.
A bit of adversity is good for character development and story.
Fennec also came across as more competent and confident in this crime lord role than Boba, however, she's a remorseless assassin and Boba seems to be trying to do all this honourably. This approach may or may not change going forward. He was right about the Gamorreans wasn't he?
You'd think Boba would be as at home with all this as Fennec is, given he's supposed to be a bounty hunter but he's behaving very Mandalorian like. Maybe he ought to throw in with them instead.
Yeah, that was my immediate thought as well. What the hell is a Stormtrooper doing there ?

Also, how the hell would you tunnel upwards through sand with a helmet on ? Even his weapons tracking antennae thing is up and unbent.....

OK I'll stop now. I'm sounding really negative. But it's the little things I guess. I'm still really positive about the show, just constructive criticism I guess.
It takes 1000 yrs to digest leaving plenty of time for 1 stormtrooper to fall in.

I was under the impression he used his flamethrower to do most of the digging.
It takes 1000 yrs to digest leaving plenty of time for 1 stormtrooper to fall in.

I was under the impression he used his flamethrower to do most of the digging.

They could have made it a sandtrooper though, but good point that he could have fallen in some time ago. That stormie plastoid armour held up well though.
At least the Gammoreans are back to having proper legs against after the chopstick legs in Mando. I liked the end credit music too.

The fight scene with the assassins was rubbish and full of holes. Not sold on Morrison as lead actor, grimaces too much. And would Boba Fett really say 'mate'? I don't see it. Glad I ordered the Fett twin pack as I don't like the repainted armour look. And Boba becoming crime lord on it really as easy as just walking in and shooting Bib Fortuna and saying 'I'm the man now'.

For those disappointed with the show.....will you sell all your HT Boba figures?
RR: We put a Stormtrooper in the Sarlacc because we know HT doesn't like doing the minor alien characters that fell off the skiff, but they sure as **** will release another R1 style Trooper.
A zombified Stormtrooper is Howard Chan's dream come true.

It would be kind of a cool release if they did an updated ROTJ Boba inside the Sarlacc with the Stormtrooper helmet/upper body attached to a tentacle/sucker. That I would buy.
Yeah, that was my immediate thought as well. What the hell is a Stormtrooper doing there ?

Also, how the hell would you tunnel upwards through sand with a helmet on ? Even his weapons tracking antennae thing is up and unbent.....

OK I'll stop now. I'm sounding really negative. But it's the little things I guess. I'm still really positive about the show, just constructive criticism I guess.

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This episode seems to be made by Favreau and Rodriguez. I'm pretty disappointed. It's not Sequel Trilogy levels of bad, but it's not very good either. I'm hopeful it gets better but it already sucks that after all these years and nerd speculation that the sarlaac escape scene felt so lazy, cheap, and underwhelming.
At least the Gammoreans are back to having proper legs against after the chopstick legs in Mando. I liked the end credit music too.

The fight scene with the assassins was rubbish and full of holes. Not sold on Morrison as lead actor, grimaces too much. And would Boba Fett really say 'mate'? I don't see it. Glad I ordered the Fett twin pack as I don't like the repainted armour look. And Boba becoming crime lord on it really as easy as just walking in and shooting Bib Fortuna and saying 'I'm the man now'.

For those disappointed with the show.....will you sell all your HT Boba figures?
I will probably sell my ROTJ Boba, but not because of this show. I have the Boba two-pack on order and I think that is his best look yet and coincidentally it's from what I'd call his most iconic and badass moment.

As for new figures from this show; I'd most likely buy Fennec and should Cobb Vanth make an appearance, him as well. For the rest I'll wait and see. Possibly side characters, but as of now no interest in a Boba from this show.
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