Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Honestly I was never looking for the Sarlaac escape to be hugely epic, but it at least needed to be better than the perfunctory scene we got, and challenging enough for him that you could believe this was a creature to be truly feared.

As it stands now, Boba might as well have just got stuck in some quicksand for a few hours.

Where did I read this....? Here or some other forum, someone referred to the sarlacc as "an eldritch horror." And we should have seen more of that. That this was not just a bad situation that could get you killed, but the disorientation and the terrible fear victims would feel, and the hopelessness, the realization that you would never see the sun again. This feeling of The End and being literally damned to spend hundreds of years suffering and suffering. You would be so thirsty and never drink water again.

All that is waaaaaaaaaaaay too much for Disney, i fear. Mustnt scare the kidlets.
Yeah I've been surprised how generally positive most people there seem to be, considering they're usually negative and pessimistic as hell about everything. Lol
In my mind's eye, I think the general public is more forgiving. Certain individuals that go to more niche forums like this have more critiques and that rises with age.
Where did I read this....? Here or some other forum, someone referred to the sarlacc as "an eldritch horror." And we should have seen more of that. That this was not just a bad situation that could get you killed, but the disorientation and the terrible fear victims would feel, and the hopelessness, the realization that you would never see the sun again. This feeling of The End and being literally damned to spend hundreds of years suffering and suffering. You would be so thirsty and never drink water again.

All that is waaaaaaaaaaaay too much for Disney, i fear. Mustnt scare the kidlets.
Same with dianoga. But the sand monster was very was like those Jason and the Argonauts, etc stop motion monsters from the 50's/60's. Very out of place for me.
I for one am glad I did not watch all of the tv spots and trailers as I wasn’t even expecting the sarlaac pit escape to be part of the show, and as a result found it completely satisfactory and enjoyable.
I watched most of the TV spots and anticipated to see the escape and still found it satisfactory and enjoyable. I really didn't care to see a 15-20 min sequence with Boba macgyvering his way out of something not that complicated. Make a hole, pop out of it Ventura style. Simple.
80% of the first episode was flashback while Boba was in the Bacta tank. The choppy nature and short scenes make sense. It's a set up / back story. I re watched it tonight and I enjoyed it more on second view. Sure the hand /shredder foot soldier fight scenes and subsequent parkour chase was painful to watch but it was just 3 minutes of the show. The tuskens will likely feature for a few more episodes. I can see this improving in a few more episodes as more gaps are filled, Fennec's role explained more etc. I just don't see how this story arc can only be one season.
80% of the first episode was flashback while Boba was in the Bacta tank. The choppy nature and short scenes make sense. It's a set up / back story. I re watched it tonight and I enjoyed it more on second view. Sure the hand /shredder foot soldier fight scenes and subsequent parkour chase was painful to watch but it was just 3 minutes of the show. The tuskens will likely feature for a few more episodes. I can see this improving in a few more episodes as more gaps are filled, Fennec's role explained more etc. I just don't see how this story arc can only be one season.
Liked it better on a second view as well, tho not being a huge Boba fan probably more tolerant. It's OK with room to tighten up and smooth some rough edges. Better direction and pacing would go a long way.
That was the weirdest one to me. I mean he wasn't crying for Bacta after Koska worked him over and this took place after that??
I thought he was stabbed in the side by one of the weapons the ninjas had. Right before they scattered. I figured that's why he needed to get to the bacta quickly.
It takes 1000 yrs to digest leaving plenty of time for 1 stormtrooper to fall in.

I was under the impression he used his flamethrower to do most of the digging.
No question there was time for a Stormtrooper to fall in. But it just wasn't logical to me. Ie a bit jarring.

Since when do flames cut through sand ?

Anyway, like everyone else let's see how Ep2 plays out. I hope it's 45 minutes. That's the sweet spot for me.

Witcher was an hour an episode and that felt a bit too long in most episodes. But if it's really good then an hour is perfect !
No question there was time for a Stormtrooper to fall in. But it just wasn't logical to me. Ie a bit jarring.

Since when do flames cut through sand ?

Anyway, like everyone else let's see how Ep2 plays out. I hope it's 45 minutes. That's the sweet spot for me.

Witcher was an hour an episode and that felt a bit too long in most episodes. But if it's really good then an hour is perfect !

Funny enough heat does a glass from sand. That's cool material to crawl through.
Funny enough heat does a glass from sand. That's cool material to crawl through.
Haha i knew someone would say glass. But itd be a big lump not a cylinder.

Anyway suspension of disbelief or whatever it's called definitely wasn't maintained for me.

I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode next year.
@Jaycepticon was this the look Ming NaWen was like at that after party ?

What people need to remember with the Sarlac is to disregard the slowly digested over a 1000 years part as they'd be dead long before, even Yoda didn't live that long outside a Sarlac in that environment no one would survive a week without food and water.😂

Not the start I was expecting, though I didn't really have anything in mind to start with.
Still happy for new live action Star Wars content and looking forward to the next part to unfold.
No question there was time for a Stormtrooper to fall in. But it just wasn't logical to me. Ie a bit jarring.

Since when do flames cut through sand ?

Anyway, like everyone else let's see how Ep2 plays out. I hope it's 45 minutes. That's the sweet spot for me.

Witcher was an hour an episode and that felt a bit too long in most episodes. But if it's really good then an hour is perfect !
Did he use flames to cut through the sand or just through the Sarlacc's interior? I saw it as the latter. The sand is probably quite loose and soft in the immediate vicinity of that thing, so that might explain why it's so easy to get out. Plus the Sarlacc had to be quite extensive under there, he might not have had as much sand to cut through as we think.
Howard again, acting like they can only do classic characters if they show up in the latest shows.
That wasn’t my takeaway. My takeaway is that they are simply going to continue releasing collectibles from the D+ shows/movies.

What classic characters are missing from the Star Wars line anyways? Seems like they hit on a good chunk over the years and they can’t release the remaining ones all at once. Not to mention these new shows and movies may only sell for a short while. Star Wars PT/OT is a market that is basically forever. We don’t know if that will be the same for Mando or Spider-Man or Marvel D+ Shows.

PT Big Needs
- TPM: Queen Amidala, Kenobi, Lil Ani, Jar Jar
- AOTC: Anakin, Kenobi, Padme, Battle Droids
- TCW: General Kenobi
- ROTS: Palpatine, Grievous, Mace, Vader

I’d be willing to bet we eventually get two of Padme, Battle Droids, General Kenobi, Mace, Palpatine, Vader POs in 2022.

OT Big Needs
- ANH: X-Wing Luke
- ESB: Bespin Luke 2.0, Dagobah Luke, Hoth Luke, Chewbacca w/3PO, Bespin Han, Hoth Han, Bounty Hunters
- ROTJ: Endor Han

Han figures are a lost cause. Clearly a Harrison Ford issue and not Hot Toys. For that reason I’d be willing to bet we get a new Luke again and maybe a Bounty Hunter PO for 2022.

The last few years it seemed we still got 4-5 POs of movie figures. Seems good enough to me.
"And from time to time the stories go back and the classic characters can be presented"

Yeah, I guess it's how you read between the lines. HT can go and present the classic characters anytime they want, but we've already seen how they prioritise D+ over the legacy movies.
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