The thing I'm dreading with this line now is hot toys releasing better figures down the line.
This topic really needs its own thread as an overall subject for every license.
Basically I think when hot toys releases a figure it would be awesome if on the official images there was a small icon or message indicating that eventually down the line another figure ( of the same person or creature ) would be released. Like a battle damaged version or whatever other version they think up.
Obviously this won't happen as they wouldn't sell the first figure as well as they could do.
It annoys me when a popular figure is brought out. I never know wheter to take the plunge and buy it. The question is , will hot toys in a few months make a better figure with a better head sculpt and more accessories of the same person for the same price.
With PREDATOR , I would prefer a battle damaged version as later in the movie was alot more important to me. When I think of predator I think of Arnie struggling to cope with an alien hunting him in the jungle. If Dutch is brought out I will also want a battle damaged version but just in case they don't make it ( its never guaranteed ) I will have to buy the first version in case it sells out.
This is always the case with hot toys and seems to be bugging people as of late with the dark knight joker. Now with that I understand hot toys may have not have had good refrence images for the heath ledger sculpt but still..... you get my overall point.
Its happened with " THE DARK KNIGHT " , " PREDATOR 2 " , "AVP-R " , just to name a few and it is irritating.
If I ( and other fans ) buy the first version of the figures then better and more appealing ones are released we then have to sell the originals.
It's a very clever marketing technique and there definitely using it for there own advantages. Although I will say hot toys are a brilliant company and do listen to there customers.
Besides if you bought an en extra hot toys hicks when they were first released you could buy every PREDATOR 1 figure made just buy selling it.