Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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ANH Luke needs it the most. That sculpt didn't hold up well on release and looks even worse now. Leia still looks fine today. Han can't even get the ESB treatment from Howard so I don't even consider him in the possible running of getting a new figure.

ANH Luke needs it the most. That sculpt didn't hold up well on release and looks even worse now. Leia still looks fine today. Han can't even get the ESB treatment from Howard so I don't even consider him in the possible running of getting a new figure.

That's ok, at least you have Tom Cruise HS

Even the costume is better in Top Notch Series.
Indeed. Though, at the time, the original ROTS was quite the upgrade over anything we had before, custom and official. Amazing how quickly we’ve made the leap compared to before, albeit only with the introduction of InArt. If it wasn’t for them, there’s definitely NO WAY we’d have this new Anakin or any of the other, now more detailed headsculpts with pretty much standard moving eyes.

That said, aside from the obvious updates to the head and clothing, a closer inspection makes me think the lightsaber is slightly larger now, specially the bottom of the hilt. Would be interesting if it could house one of those long, skinny batteries in there that really produce bright lighting and last about 40hrs
ANH Luke needs it the most. That sculpt didn't hold up well on release and looks even worse now. Leia still looks fine today. Han can't even get the ESB treatment from Howard so I don't even consider him in the possible running of getting a new figure.

Genuinely and objectively the worst HT sculpt to date.
I’ll pick up both versions if made and just sell off the old ones for whatever they can go for. HT definitely needs to revisit ANH Luke with hair.
Insta purchase…….cant wait to “see” what the line becomes……Wonder Woman and Anakin will wooly hair. Joker; Jack Sparrow, Bo Katan i can see as candidates for wooly hair dues
Insta purchase…….cant wait to “see” what the line becomes……Wonder Woman and Anakin will wooly hair. Joker; Jack Sparrow, Bo Katan i can see as candidates for wooly hair dues
Considering his and Disney’s relationship, I wonder if either would actually allow for any new Jack Sparrow merch to be made with his likeness.
Definitely villainy.

Anyway, yes of course he's a villain, but I was thinking more of true PT antagonists -- Maul, Dooku, Grievous -- as most of the 3xPT Anakin is a hero.
I would estimate it as less than 1/2 of the PT. He was a hero for about 5 minutes in the first one, all of the second one and then maybe 1/3 of the last one.
I'm curious how much Hot Toys will charge for this. Other than the face sculpt, hair, USB lightsaber, and colors of the clothes, I don't see much difference from the original.
I would estimate it as less than 1/2 of the PT. He was a hero for about 5 minutes in the first one, all of the second one and then maybe 1/3 of the last one.

What? Your math sucks.

Little Ani was not a hero in the first one except 5 mins? He helped them out of the storm, gave them shelter, risked his life (and mom's) to race for them... none of that matters to you?

And I'd say he was a hero through about 1/2 way in ROTS. He wasn't really bad until he cut Windu's hand off. Is that the start of the last 40 minutes? So maybe the last 1/3 he's bad.

So 2 and 2/3's a hero... 1/3 a villain. All bad actor.
What? Your math sucks.

Little Ani was not a hero in the first one except 5 mins? He helped them out of the storm, gave them shelter, risked his life (and mom's) to race for them... none of that matters to you?

And I'd say he was a hero through about 1/2 way in ROTS. He wasn't really bad until he cut Windu's hand off. Is that the start of the last 40 minutes? So maybe the last 1/3 he's bad.

So 2 and 2/3's a hero... 1/3 a villain. All bad actor.
Well, being good isn’t the same as being heroic. I was just counting when he was in the fighter and ended up destroying the control ship as “heroic”. Admittedly I forgot the pod racing, but that was mostly the midichlorians anyway - he was just a kid having fun lol. As for ROTS, I’ve purposely tried to forget a lot of it so you may have me there. And it was pretty heroic of HC to speak the dialogue that Lucas wrote for him, so perhaps I should be more generous.