Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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This is gonna be so bad when it goes up for preorder. Get ready for a hundred Ebay listings for this.

Thats the annoying thing, people who want this for their own collections, who would treasure this figure, are going to be beaten out by 500 scalpers. I hate this behavior!!!
I think it's funny that most of the collectors here will spend more time styling their Anakin doll's hair than their own.


CollectorFreak getting their DX34AE Anakin Skywalker collectible figure from Hot Toys ready for display - circa 2024
And ordered! This one’s going to cost a small fortune on the secondary market, so a definite day 1 pre-order.
To the people saying they'll "roll the dice" or "take a chance" with Toys Wonderland... You're not doing either of those things. Those imply the chance of "winning". There will be no stock of these or WB100 Wonder Woman or any of the limited releases that they put on their website. You are giving away your money for maybe some store credit down the line at best.

They only list them because they know people are going to miss them on SSC and want a fallback option.

There's a reason they leave them up for weeks and weeks, it's free money.

If Kit, a trusted and transparent seller, is saying that he MIGHT be able to get some, in what reality would Toys Wonderland have more pull to get some than him?
They have a lot of faults, fake tracking numbers and crappy customer service among them. However, I’ve never not received an order with them, and I’ve had multiple.
Hope by some miracle you get yours but enjoy the store credit
Like I said I’ve received everything I’ve ever ordered with them. I’ve also had plenty of issues with them and their slow post. I’m not here to defend them, just calling it as it is. But thanks for your concern regardless.
They have a lot of faults, fake tracking numbers and crappy customer service among them. However, I’ve never not received an order with them, and I’ve had multiple.
My favorite is when you pay to ship it and they never ship it.

You have to contact them, when you do, they will give an excuse. It's always on their end. If you never contact them, you're screwed.

I learned my LESSONS < --(Notice Plural) the hard way.
Not at all. Just making a statement as that's typically what ppl say right before their luck has run out and are the next to get screwed by TW :lol
I was also told I would get screwed with the Arena Fett and InArt Joker. Guess what, I received both.
I was also told I would get screwed with the Arena Fett and InArt Joker. Guess what, I received both.
I'm glad for you, really as no one deserves to be cheated out of money and/or the product they've ordered. But as most know, it's a matter of when and not if with TW.

I don't pile on just b/c it's cool to hate TW. I'm someone who was "lucky" enough to get screwed by them on my first order, so I know not to order from them again and thankfully don't have the "but I always get my orders" false sense of security built in like many say, including yourself. Obviously, you're free to do as you will. It's your money after all. We're just trying to give warnings for no other reason than to hopefully help anyone avoid being the next victim of TW.
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Risking your own cash and ignoring countless warnings is whatever, your eventual loss. But to continue supporting a company you know is ******* other people over is honestly pretty lame
Risking your own cash and ignoring countless warnings is whatever, your eventual loss. But to continue supporting a company you know is ******* other people over is honestly pretty lame
Who do you think you are for calling me lame for not paying my money to your store of choice?! What utter arrogance! I’ve given plenty of my money to other HK stores, and have pre-orders open with Kit and TBA. Buying this with TW with discount codes was what made sense for me financially on this occasion. Would you like me to produce receipts for you?
Who do you think you are for calling me lame for not paying my money to your store of choice?! What utter arrogance! I’ve given plenty of my money to other HK stores, and have pre-orders open with Kit and TBA. Buying this with TW with discount codes was what made sense for me financially on this occasion. Would you like me to produce receipts for you?
You're never getting the figure though.
I thought Peter lasted a bit longer as well, but apparently he was "available" for a bit longer, you could add him to your cart, but you couldn't check out, while Miles was still available to check out with.

I don't think Anakin will last 5 minutes lol.
Oh not even. You're right. It'll be gone so fast. I'm going to assume sideshow will probably get 1000 of them