Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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Does anyone know of any shop where this Anakin can still be preordered w/o going through a scalping experience?
If possible, a reliable Chinese shop.

If we did, we'd of done it lol.

Your next best bet is waitlist on Sideshow or eBay when the figure comes out.

The eBay prices will not be generous though.
I was thinking the same thing. For me, the math is pretty simple: Over-priced + limited releases = pass.
Yep, when one Artisan costs me the price of two InArts plus the added ballache of RSPNing, joining a queue at sideshow etc. combined with the knowledge that because of shipping and customs, I'll be paying over 20%. more than the rest of you for something that's already over-priced- nah. HT can shove it.
If Artisan is the future of Hot Toys figures for characters that require a human likeness, then I’m done collecting Hot Toys.
Who said it was the future? It feels more like something they'll do on a case by case basis to drive buzz, but there's no way every human character will be "Artisan" going forward. They'd never cover their guarantee with Disney doing that, for one.
Who said it was the future? It feels more like something they'll do on a case by case basis to drive buzz, but there's no way every human character will be "Artisan" going forward. They'd never cover their guarantee with Disney doing that, for one.
Good point but even if it is just one in a dozen figures, that is still too much, especially if the figure is of a major character, such as Anakin.
Good point but even if it is just one in a dozen figures, that is still too much, especially if the figure is of a major character, such as Anakin.
I think you nailed it right there, it's not like they're going to throw the Artisan treatment at Gideon...but a revisit of some of the ANH heroes? Most likely. The one I fear most is Chewie. That's ripe for an artisan hair treatment...and I couldn't live without that like I can the Anakin...
I think you nailed it right there, it's not like they're going to throw the Artisan treatment at Gideon...but a revisit of some of the ANH heroes? Most likely. The one I fear most is Chewie. That's ripe for an artisan hair treatment...and I couldn't live without that like I can the Anakin...
Ha! Talk about a coincidence I just received a few minutes ago a second HT ANH Chewie! I didn't expect HT to release another one anytime soon and found one for a decent deal. This one will be paired up with "Solo" Han, until HT decides to offer us ESB Han. (Can you imagine if an ESB Chewie were to be an Artisan release?... :horror
I think you nailed it right there, it's not like they're going to throw the Artisan treatment at Gideon...but a revisit of some of the ANH heroes? Most likely. The one I fear most is Chewie. That's ripe for an artisan hair treatment...and I couldn't live without that like I can the Anakin...
Problem with that is if these are all extremely limited you're never gonna be able to complete the line unless you're extremely lucky or extremely rich and don't mind paying silly aftermarket prices.

Imagine having to display your Artisan Leia next to their original ANH Luke... Yeesh.
In my opinion, the way they handled Joker was great. Give both options, so if you miss out on the artisan (or live in a country where it’s not available), you can still get your hands on a Heath Ledger Joker with sculpted hair. I was in that Joker thread, and some members were even commenting that they thought the sculpted hair better captured Ledger’s hair at the time of shooting.

I think the concern is that they go down this Anakin route more, without giving a standard release. That creates a lot more anxiety and you’re slave to Sideshow’s line system. But hopefully they’d recognise with something like ANH, it’s worth it to release these characters with sculpted hair as well because of the amount of collectors who would buy them.

As long as they do more of the Joker style drops, I don’t mind. I personally love sculpted hair, and Hot Toys are incredibly good at it now.
Problem with that is if these are all extremely limited you're never gonna be able to complete the line unless you're extremely lucky or extremely rich and don't mind paying silly aftermarket prices.

Imagine having to display your Artisan Leia next to their original ANH Luke... Yeesh.
Geesh, I had not even thought of an Artisan Leia, that would be nuts! If they pulled off an Artisan ANH Han that would break their servers, as well as Luke. Glad I mainly collect a focus group of 3 3/4”Vintage Collection which includes Anakin. Anakin and Yoda are my favorite characters so I mainly focus on them. I’m a first gen Star Wars fan and have collected for years and learned a long time ago that I couldn’t buy
I HAD TO HAVE THIS ANAKIN THOUGH (glad I got it, but God it was nerve racking)
If that's the case I would rather pay the big bucks for 1 or two Inart figures per year or check out Threezero , Asmus, and 3rd parties for their offerings .

Imagine if Hot Toys were to sell, in a regular general release, a ANH Han Solo 2.0 and then announce that a new limited to 3000 "Artisan" version of Chewbacca will go on sale via the same lottery that Artisan Anakin did. I would go nuts if I failed to pick one up.

I missed out on the Artisan Anakin and while it would have been great to get him, I'm not really too disappointed in missing out. I'm more disappointed in missing out on the Artisan Joker, to be honest.