Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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I ended up paying around 200.00 over retail but that would be the most, and what I think is fair. I've never been into buying just to resell. I think messed up to screw over people that actually really wanted. Guess just depends how bad someone wants it and how much they can really afford to spend. Just glad I was able to find for what I think was reasonable price.

None of this is really fair to anyone tbh. Artificial scarcity, a bad queue system, no sculpted hair version, a very popular character… It’s a perfect storm of terrible.

$200 over isn’t really that bad. It’ll get worse. Even used ones are going to stay above MSRP unless it has issues.

But I hope that deal was done in a way where you’re protected and can get your money back if they can’t deliver. Because the figure is a long ways away.
Even used ones are going to stay above MSRP unless it has issues.
ick. Hadn’t even thought of the idea of defects. As difficult for HT as it apparently is to root this line, I sure hope they have a surplus of replacements readily available for any problems people experience.
ick. Hadn’t even thought of the idea of defects. As difficult for HT as it apparently is to root this line, I sure hope they have a surplus of replacements readily available for any problems people experience.


I’m sure they’ll have some but a surplus for any problems seems very… optimistic.
I think the price from SS was above the top for me, the hair and headsculpt looks great but not over $400 great. Thanks to InArt this will be the new norm soon. And the head with usb saber is supposedly the only new thing about this figure, versus for example the Joker who also had a completely new body and costume done plus new features like expression swapping with the teeth and tongue. A much more ambitious figure, that still ended up overpriced at over $500, I do understand why they did the video feature on Joker and not Anakin, it would be a 2min clip about the new head. Missed opportunity to redo the body and costume like Joker to really start off the new line with a bang.

Remember, these things will become the norm soon. Talking about headsculpt quality, rooted hair will probably stay a exclusive feature due to the work and time involved making it happen at anything over barbie doll quality when mass produced even in the low 1000s.
I think the price from SS was above the top for me, the hair and headsculpt looks great but not over $400 great. Thanks to InArt this will be the new norm soon. And the head with usb saber is supposedly the only new thing about this figure, versus for example the Joker who also had a completely new body and costume done plus new features like expression swapping with the teeth and tongue. A much more ambitious figure, that still ended up overpriced at over $500, I do understand why they did the video feature on Joker and not Anakin, it would be a 2min clip about the new head. Missed opportunity to redo the body and costume like Joker to really start off the new line with a bang.

Remember, these things will become the norm soon. Talking about headsculpt quality, rooted hair will probably stay a exclusive feature due to the work and time involved making it happen at anything over barbie doll quality when mass produced even in the low 1000s.

I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think artisan and the higher pricing is going to be the norm; far from it. Hot Toys knows they need to keep their main line of figures priced at or under $300 for as long as they possibly can because higher prices really throws a wrench in their sales.

I don't think they're directly chasing the InArt business model which inherently has a much smaller potential customer base. They would rather sell a lot of $270 figures than fewer $500+ figures. They are just using InArt hype to push their new line of fancy haired artisan figures as a gimmick to make a quick buck, much like diecast.

I think there will only be a few artisan figures a year. I don't think they can make more than that anyway.

We still benefit from the improvements made to their main line figures with sculpts with moving eyes, USB, some improved materials, etc. which are the norm now. And they've done all that without massively raising prices for their regular releases.
The snout of people that want this it shouldn’t be an exclusive. Weird how episode2 anakin got more love. They should def make a rots anakin with movable eyes and a sith headsculpt
Its such bs that Dooku's lightsaber isn't USB, at this price. Its just petty.

Especially when the padawan Anakin gets USB on both its sabers.
Hands/wrists too is such a break with the illusion created by the headsculpt, they should have learned arm and hands from Inart.
But InArt has the same issue....? It's a matter of compromising aesthetics over function. I can only see a ball-free joint as a viable solution, which I am no fan of. Before asking, I have the joker from InArt.

Or are you proposing interchangeable arms like the interrogation cell Joker?
But InArt has the same issue....? It's a matter of compromising aesthetics over function.

That’s the mentality that has lead to HT coasting for years and years.
‘If no one else is doing it, why should we push the boundaries?’

Of course, other companies actually are doing it-

Extended wrists so they aren’t visible visible if sleeves ride up-

And good old seamless forearms



The ideal approach is directly above and what we got with InArt Joker where you have detailed seamless forearms in a few key poses and then a pair of interchangeable forearms with standard wrist pegs and a regular selection of hands for full on poseability.

If this line is supposed to be the absolute pinnacle of what Hot Toys can offer, they should be going all out.
The only thing new about this is the sculpt and hair.... everything else is reuse, which is probably why it was priced relativity low compared to other artisans.

Sculpted wrists? New tailoring? That's too much effort for HT artisan.

Inart isn't just reusing hands but sculpting new ones every time.
I think Joker is the only artisan so far they made from the ground up with even a special body to match Heath's height and proportions in 1:6, the Anakin and Scarlet witch figures don't look bad but why not give all figures the same effort, they will have to or Inart will just roll over them at the price points they have set themselves at.
That’s the mentality that has lead to HT coasting for years and years.
‘If no one else is doing it, why should we push the boundaries?’
I did not state they shouldn't innovate, simply asked what other alternative we have without compromising function? None at the moment.
Of course, other companies actually are doing it-

Extended wrists so they aren’t visible visible if sleeves ride up-

And good old seamless forearms

The ideal approach is directly above and what we got with InArt Joker where you have detailed seamless forearms in a few key poses and then a pair of interchangeable forearms with standard wrist pegs and a regular selection of hands for full on poseability.

If this line is supposed to be the absolute pinnacle of what Hot Toys can offer, they should be going all out.
In bold is what I can see HT create. Not much innovation needed and it works quite well, as you pointed out. Worst thing not addressed by HT is pleather. Don't understand why they won't evolve their production to real authentic animal leather, it would greatly aid durability. They have shown its possibility a long time ago with the release of DX10. I'm picturing when the Armageddon of dying pleather boots, belts (T-800, we understand your suffering) and tunics happens in a few years.... Ah.... The cries!
All of those things would’ve raised the price above $500.

Which, as I’ve said before, I think more people would be happier with than just the $400 for wool hair. Even though there’d be complaints about the price and uncertainty about Hot Toys being able to deliver.

But a complete $500+ package with full leather, rooted hair, moving eyes, alternate Sith eyes, a few seamless lower arms/hands, USB for both lightsabers, and diorama stand would’ve been better.

Despite the higher price, it’d be preferable to what is clearly just a price inflating marketing gimmick Hot Toys is using the $400 range Artisan figures as. The wool hair does have value (hopefully), but they should be using the label to push what they can do instead of phoning it in with the rest of the figure.
I think Joker is the only artisan so far they made from the ground up with even a special body to match Heath's height and proportions in 1:6, the Anakin and Scarlet witch figures don't look bad but why not give all figures the same effort, they will have to or Inart will just roll over them at the price points they have set themselves at.
Even the Artisan Joker isn’t immune to reuse/recycled parts. All his accessories excluding the display base are from past releases including the single sided joker money stacks that came with the original MMS figure.
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