Super Freak
get back to the threea 2000ad forum, not allowed here!
You rang?

get back to the threea 2000ad forum, not allowed here!
Whats sad is, even kenner star wars figures from the 70s will long outlast these kind of 1/6 HT figures. stone lumps, ivory lumps, plastic lumps all seem to be more durable than modern accuracy granting materials
Do you actually play with your "toys?" I mean, hold one in one hand, another in the other and make "Pew! Pew! I got you!" noises?
You rang?
Um.......... yes?
I write novels. I justify my collectibles by telling myself they're there for inspiration.
Alternately, you could argue that they're artwork.
Do you actually play with your "toys?" I mean, hold one in one hand, another in the other and make "Pew! Pew! I got you!" noises?
Herp derp. it's a toy. dosn't matter if it cost 1$, or 1 MILLION dollars.
Just an expensive one.
Some people feel the need to tell themselves they're "not spending "that kind" of money on toys. they would be fools/immature/whatever " if they did.
Expensive cars are toys.
Boats are toys.
Firearms CAN be viewed as toys, albeit very dangerous ones.
A toy is anything you obtain to bring yourself amusement.
Stop deluding yourselves.
Herp derp. it's a toy. dosn't matter if it cost 1$, or 1 MILLION dollars.
Just an expensive one.
Some people feel the need to tell themselves they're "not spending "that kind" of money on toys. they would be fools/immature/whatever " if they did.
Expensive cars are toys.
Boats are toys.
Firearms CAN be viewed as toys, albeit very dangerous ones.
A toy is anything you obtain to bring yourself amusement.
Stop deluding yourselves.
You're using the word toy in the widest sense possible if you include boats and cars. You might also include paintings, furniture, and clothing at that point...
Has anyone seen this?
Hmmmm item not matching up to customer expectancies? Where have I heard that before???
Hot Toys huh huh???
Yep, so what? They are all luxuries.