The detail in the hat and jacket are stunning. Easily one of HT best figures to date

The detail in the hat and jacket are stunning. Easily one of HT best figures to date
I personally like how the fedora curls slightly on the one side
Hopefully we can use the Sideshow hands with this figure so between both companies, we can have a lot of options. I really like the fist hands Sideshow gave us, Hot Toys might include them as they have sculpts from the T-800, but who knows.
Agreed good sir. Agreed!
Love the new sig and avatar.
I used the Sideshow hands when I converted my Indys over to True Types.
How do you go about using sideshow hands on TT's, just widen the sideshow hands hole a bit? May come across this soon so, help would be great!
How do you go about using sideshow hands on TT's, just widen the sideshow hands hole a bit? May come across this soon so, help would be great!