Super Freak
I wasn't commenting on Indy's pyshical problems. Just his physio-esthetic ones.

Whew, finally caught up with a few days worth of this thread! Given the purpose of these boards, I think there's an understandable but still obsessive search for absolute perfection with the 1/6 Indy sculpt/outfit that combined with the HT announcement to be a perfect set up for a major letdown.
I think everyone here was hoping they could own a new Trevor Indy sculpt, Boot25's paint, Sovereign jacket, mfisher's holsters/bags etc - all in one box, but it hasn't happened - put simply, even the great HT couldn't top the combined talent evident on these boards.
As someone who has really only started on this 1/6 thing, coming in fresh this year, the Sideshow Indy really excited me - I have the German Indy head with loose ROTLA hat on a larger scale body (Soldier Story) with the ROTLA outfit/accessories and it looks stunning - it is as close to Harrison Ford as Indy I personally need, but I can still marvel at and appreciate what others can do to go further.
I will likely buy the HT Indy because of the Idol environment, Arab disguise and especially the staff/headpiece, but I'm going into this knowing that the only truly "perfect" 1/6 Indy exists on these boards - through the work of the many fans/artists that have in the last few days resoundingly proven that together they can top the best 1/6 manufacturer in the world. To me, in the Indy 1/6 world so far, it is Freaks - 1, HT - 0.
I love it when a Geek tries to put down what other Geeks like.
Deckard said:Yea once you cross the line you may as well go all in. Its not like a dollie of Indy is gonna get you layed and a dollie of Supes is where she draws the line.
Although the near naked 300 men are tough to explain to other guys, I'll give u that.
yes, those characters announced are great and i'd be proud to have them all in the collection if, and only IF, they're done great! this hurried subpar figure like indy just dont cut it. you want to do mediocre sculpts for mediocre movie characters, sure, go for it. nobody will but them anyway. but if you want to tackle a classic character like indy, you better dont waste anybody's time with substandard quality.
mediocre sculpt aside, what's with the bathrobe? a bathrobe??? how about a ripped shirt? how about his teaching clothes? how about a nazi soldier's uniform? for pete's sake, a bathrobe???
and i see that giving us a giant chunk of plastic waste is becoming a trend for ht. first it's the ugly useless chunk of rock they include for spidey, now this ugly waste of space chunk of rock for indy. what's next, a piece of the batcave for batman? a chunk of a meteorite for supes?
For those that are complaining about HT including the Idol Chamber.....Too Bad?
Im glad they are adding it, since theres some of us that didnt bend over for the Belloq exclusive to get it. Glad I waited.![]()
The size is accurate, the shape is the problem. The hat shouldn't get thinner twoards the top and the brims should be bent up a bit more.
Jesus... I've been staying away from this thread since there really isn't much left to say ATM. Proto looks interesting, sculpt needs work. HT will come through I'd wager. Everything else is High School drama-queen slumber-party gossip talk.
I did want Superman pics though...![]()
I just saw the Thor and Resident Evil Milla and both those look great! Much better than Indy! Now I'm even more disappointed.
I really hope they fix the face and hat.
people find flaws and ____ to complain about in order to justify not wanting it. Its the same idea as a sequel to a movie, everyone gets an idea in there head of what it should be like and so ulitmately to some extent your always going to let pretty much everyone down a little.