Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Aw c'mon guys, don't lose hope of getting a revised sculpt so soon - it's not over 'til it's shipped!

I was looking at Michael Crawford's Hot Toys pics and was just amazed at how beautiful they look, right down to the likeness. They even nailed the Luke Bespin figure.

And then I look at Indy and it's no where near in the same league. :monkey2 An absolute shame and kind of makes me mad, because of all the figures I'd want them to get right, they don't.

However, the shot of him in the Map Room gear with the City of Tanis environment is pretty sweet-looking.
I agree, Choop. It really stands out as the "lesser" figure among the rest of the Hot Toys figures. Even the costuming and gear look sub par to all their other offerings. And seeing the vast improvement HT made on Sideshow's Bespin Luke (including the outfit and accessories) makes me really annoyed that they couldn't do the same for Indy.
Cancelled.....:dunno I guess Arnold will be alone on the Hot Toys shelf. I am going to build my own Indy with the premium format shrunken head and yes blow 700 bucks on him...........
Saw the Michael Crawford pics. Definitely the same. The fit of the jacket is awful to say nothing of the unchanged headsculpt etc etc.
Canceled...too bad too, but 89 Joker more than makes up for it :)

It'll be a Temple of Doom DX :yess:

:lecture With all the awesome DC stuff being announced I'm kind of relieved that I can cancel this dude without feeling too bad. Sorry Hot Toys, but I don't just give you $$ without you having to earn it.
I keep thinking this is one big prank, I mean it has to be. How can HT ignore the glaring issues with the figure of such an iconic character, but tweak so many other releases.
I keep thinking this is one big prank, I mean it has to be. How can HT ignore the glaring issues with the figure of such an iconic character, but tweak so many other releases.

It seems to me that they're probably in crunch mode with this and don't have time to talk or explain their tweaks. It's a rush to fix it in the 11th hour, or at least, as much as they can before release. There WILL be changes, I don't know what, but HT does change things. With the reaction to this, I cannot see them NOT doing anything. I guess we will see when we see.
I agree that there will definitely be some changes and improvements. The question is how much? Will the sculpt tweaks really bring it to the expected HT quality levels? Or will it still fall short? And the outfit and accessories as well.

I've made my peace and am skipping this one without reservations. Not the big jump in quality that the Bespin Luke is over the Sideshow version, for example. I'm holding out for a HT TOD Indy instead. By that time they will have worked out the kinks, like HT did for the Iron Man marks.
Thing is, just the sculpt isn't the problem here.

And remember what they did to Milla's head when they had to revise that sculpt, they put a swine flu mask on her to not show the rest of the head.

But your telling me in all this time, they couldn't switch it to a better fitting body, they couldn't adjust the jacket? Not even have a single better prototype jacket to display while all the others get redmade?

This is the P.O.S. figure we are getting as is, and because of that I canceled.

Easily the worst Hot Toys figure ever produced, including V.1 Joker.

Bad form Hot Toys. And I will never forgive Arnie Kim for ruining this chance at one of my favorite iconic characters. Never.
:lol Wow, Deck! I didn't think you were taking this so personally!

I agree on most your points although I can't proclaim this to be HT's WORST figure. It's still pretty good, just not in the same league as with what they have been doing in the past year, which is a major disappointment to me too, believe me.

However, I don't doubt that improvements will be made, and that it will sell. I'm just hoping it will sell enough to warrant HT making a TOD Indy in the near future.
This is incredibly depressing. I mean I blame 90 percent Arnie Kim, 10 percent Hot Toys leadership.

Arnie was heralded as the Golden Boy coming to sculpt these insane things, which I always doubted given his porfolio which consists mainly of Bruce Lee. You sculpt the same character almost exclusively for 20 years you get good, but apparently it affects all your other work.

To take someone new to your company, and to overlook your past employee's works that they pretty much earned a big iconic license like this with, and give it to the new guy is a slap in their and our faces.

To see what that work produced and hear the reaction of almost overwhelmingly the most negative you ever got and do nothing about it, is stupid and irresponsible on Howard Chan's part. The moment they saw that Proto head, Arnie should have been put in the corner.

"Sorry Arnie, your head sucks. Were going to let you hone your skills on Sucker Punch, a movie that flopped and give tryed and proven Kojun the iconic Indiana Jones license thats been around for 30 years and three highly successful movies, and is in the Smithonian, and the National Film Archives."

"Not oh man, thats ok, try again with Superman, the most iconic ____ing thing on the planet."

Man I am pissed about that.
This is incredibly depressing. I mean I blame 90 percent Arnie Kim, 10 percent Hot Toys leadership.

Arnie was heralded as the Golden Boy coming to sculpt these insane things, which I always doubted given his porfolio which consists mainly of Bruce Lee. You sculpt the same character almost exclusively for 20 years you get good, but apparently it affects all your other work.

To take someone new to your company, and to overlook your past employee's works that they pretty much earned a big iconic license like this with, and give it to the new guy is a slap in their and our faces.

To see what that work produced and hear the reaction of almost overwhelmingly the most negative you ever got and do nothing about it, is stupid and irresponsible on Howard Chan's part. The moment they saw that Proto head, Arnie should have been put in the corner.

"Sorry Arnie, your head sucks. Were going to let you hone your skills on Sucker Punch, a movie that flopped and give tryed and proven Kojun the iconic Indiana Jones license thats been around for 30 years and three highly successful movies, and is in the Smithonian, and the National Film Archives."

"Not oh man, thats ok, try again with Superman, the most iconic ____ing thing on the planet."

Man I am pissed about that.

I agree 100% with this entire post.

And to everyone that's still holding out hope for tweaks...I sincerely hope you're right, but like I said before, with the timeline of this figure's release, I don't see how HT doesn't have an improved something to show at SDCC, if there is anything to show.
:exactly: You have to make a prototype to revise something.

Like the jacket. If they were going to redo it, they'd have a new prototype for it using the new material/new fit to show the factory. Then they could put it on this for display to show "Hey were changing things."

They don't. We won't.

Everyone Wave Bye Bye to our only chance at a good Indy.


Oh and now we know why were getting that gigantic ____ing Tannis Map Room display diorama, so we can keep that headwrap on the Hot Toys Indy and not have to see the disgusting failure that is his face.
You're right that the higher ups should have taken Arnie off the project. But who knows, maybe they really will make significant improvements. HT has done that with most every figure they have released, and they hardly ever show a revised sculpt before they ship. I don't think they did for Wolvie, and they didn't show the changes they made to the Spidey costume.

That said, I'm not holding my breath. There are too many little things wrong with Indy in addition to the big things like the sculpt. It would have to be pretty much a redo from square one. And with the negative feedback this is getting, they really SHOULD have shown a revised version. They ARE aware of the negative feedback, aren't they?
Ya it's all very depressing isn't it. The 2 major players in this 1/6 world are jones and Luke. Getting a dx in both and neither quite getting it right. I'm mean HT knocked it out f the park on t800, new bale, new joker, dx Depp.. Among others. But Indiana and Luke... .??! Really HT. And both of these guys are going to cost more than any before! Total BS.
This is incredibly depressing. I mean I blame 90 percent Arnie Kim, 10 percent Hot Toys leadership.

Arnie was heralded as the Golden Boy coming to sculpt these insane things, which I always doubted given his porfolio which consists mainly of Bruce Lee. You sculpt the same character almost exclusively for 20 years you get good, but apparently it affects all your other work.

To take someone new to your company, and to overlook your past employee's works that they pretty much earned a big iconic license like this with, and give it to the new guy is a slap in their and our faces.

To see what that work produced and hear the reaction of almost overwhelmingly the most negative you ever got and do nothing about it, is stupid and irresponsible on Howard Chan's part. The moment they saw that Proto head, Arnie should have been put in the corner.

"Sorry Arnie, your head sucks. Were going to let you hone your skills on Sucker Punch, a movie that flopped and give tryed and proven Kojun the iconic Indiana Jones license thats been around for 30 years and three highly successful movies, and is in the Smithonian, and the National Film Archives."

"Not oh man, thats ok, try again with Superman, the most iconic ____ing thing on the planet."

Man I am pissed about that.

Couldnt agree more.
OK look they are just using the old prototype right down to the first pair of Alden's that were made

But for some reason when Sideshow made photos of the Map Room environment the shoes looked to have been improved
What royally pisses me off more then anything else, is that it's Indy being botched, ____ing AGAIN.

And again, we the fans will hear that it's our damn fault this thing doesn't sell well.

Bull____. Not a single one of you companies got him right. None of you. Grrr.
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