Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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The problem with simply expanding the hat is that, presumably, the hat would then be too big and out of scale and look even goofier than it does now. Unless for some reason the hat has a LOT of material that can be dremeled out.
I'm not sure if anyone noticed this, but the eye color is different on the "new" head.
Isn't the Map Room head just the same sculpt but with a different paint job? Obviously can't be the same as the other one standing next to it.
The sculpt is fine....just expand the hat !:gah::slap

I've been one of the few from the beginning who had no problem with the sculpt, however this hat thing is starting to bother me...if I can't pose Indy with his hat sitting properly on his head, what's the point. His hat is iconic. I'm wondering how HT could get this so wrong...I hope its fixed before release or at least fixable after in-hand...if not, I will be returning or selling the figure...perfect headsculpt or not, Indy just ain't Indy without his fedora sitting right IMO
I've been one of the few from the beginning who had no problem with the sculpt, however this hat thing is starting to bother me...if I can't pose Indy with his hat sitting properly on his head, what's the point. His hat is iconic. I'm wondering how HT could get this so wrong...I hope its fixed before release or at least fixable after in-hand...if not, I will be returning or selling the figure...perfect headsculpt or not, Indy just ain't Indy without his fedora sitting right IMO

This is true, for some reason HTs seems to struggle with hats in this scale. I still think when this is finally released it will be an awesome Indy all together.
Great! Now we all know that Jack Jokerlson had nothing to do with batwing crash :lol
lol !

That Bats expression is priceless.

Anyways, walked passed Toy Hunters again today. Thought i'd take a picture of Indy with the Sold Out at the display window.


Thanks Stanlore.
At least people can now see that what you said about it selling out, and the fact that the headsculpt on the Arab disguise was a different sculpt, was the truth. Do you have any more pictures?
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The question does still remain, if the map room sculpt is supposed to be different, and indeed better, why hide it in robes!?!

Show the damn thing if it's better!

Hmm, that might not get that many nice responses. Mind you though, think of all the extra orders for your Raiders sets you'll be getting!

Nice thought that!

Sold out at Toy Hunters means nothing and certainly does not mean in any way that there is a 2nd newer headsculpt. It still looks exactly the same to me.

It could be sold out because its selling so poorly they decided to just close out what orders they have and not order any more from Hot Toys. They have to order batches of x product, maybe 100 figures at a time and they may have decided they couldn't sell another pallet.

Otherwise it means they sold more of this then most of the other figures they display like Jack Sparrow who looks literally 100 times better which I do not believe for a second.
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