Super Freak
Toy Hunters is owned by Hot Toys, so they know the score
They're the shop front, not management. They're the guys we need to hear from.
Toy Hunters is owned by Hot Toys, so they know the score
this thread has kept simmering away on the back of pictures that show what appears to be exactly the same sculpts that everyone saw back in December 2010 !.
FYI, Australian website Case Fresh, whose product release dates are always 100% dependable/accurate (and have product in-hand very quickly from Asia,) has this week revised the release date for DX Indy from August to October.
In defense of HT, when they know something is wrong, they do something about it.
unfortunately they sometimes perform those tweaks on later releases of the same figure. Such as the 4 Batman Begins releases, the 4 or 5 Jokers, and the multiple releases of the same Iron Man versions to mention a few. It's kind of disappointing buying a good figure only to have HT rerelease a better version a few months later. Some of us are on a tight budget.
In defense of HT, when they know something is wrong, they do something about it.
While this TS one was a manufacturing/paint issue, not a sculpt issue, they went to all kinds of lengths to improve it.
And they are not the most transparent company in terms of updating fans regularly and clearly - they have in the past simply released a revised sculpt without any prior word, and reissued headsculpts after release when quality wasn't up to their standards, which is pretty extreme.
FYI, Australian website Case Fresh, whose product release dates are always 100% dependable/accurate (and have product in-hand very quickly from Asia,) has this week revised the release date for DX Indy from August to October.
Anyways, walked passed Toy Hunters again today. Thought i'd take a picture of Indy with the Sold Out at the display window.
I thought someone said this figure was SOLD OUT? I just checked 3-4 retailers I frequent and they all have this figure still available for preorder. Is it just sold out in Asia?
But if this doesnt sell well do we believe the demand will be there for HT to make a TOD jones? It might one and done. They have plenty other licences that kill right now.
you can still find it over here (states) but probably not for long?
Where'd you hear about an MMS Indy next year? Link please.
They probably stopped selling them cause of all the cancelations. Maybe with the release date coming up so quickly (within 2 months) they are done with the tweaking and have started production. Afraid that there will be more cancelations once pics/word gets out. But I can't believe that to be true. HT has a reputation to uphold and jones is an iconic figure. They have to at least hit a triple if not out of the park. Out of the park would be nice (bale, jack, johnny) but a standing triple would be something they could be proud of. Actually johnnys js for some is just a triple. That would be fine for me.
Joking, dude. But watch, they'll make a better one later and get more of your money.