If this figure is really only 7 days away from being released I find it hard to believe one hasn't found its way online fresh from the factory for a photo op. This is easily the most bizarre figure release I've ever seen.
If this figure is really only 7 days away from being released I find it hard to believe one hasn't found its way online fresh from the factory for a photo op. This is easily the most bizarre figure release I've ever seen.
I was thinking maybe the fact that they are "sub-licensing" the property from Sideshow might have something to do with it. Perhaps we will see the same thing with Star Wars.
Okay, NOW it's interesting again.
Given HT's trend to re-lease figures, if the headsculpt is not good on this one, I will wait for the next Indy release.
If it's not good chances are there won't be another one.
Thats what I was going to point out. The only reason we are getting re-releases of past Jokers/Iron Mans is because they sold. If Indy doesnt sell HT will just say it wasnt popular enough. No fan support blah blah. Dont expect another Indy from HT. At least not for a VERY long time.
I've been away for a week with only slow dial-up access. Anything new ? Any pictures ?
Or maybe they will just fire Arnie Kim and put JC Hong or Yulli on the next sculpt for Temple of Doom
Thats what I was going to point out. The only reason we are getting re-releases of past Jokers/Iron Mans is because they sold. If Indy doesnt sell HT will just say it wasnt popular enough. No fan support blah blah. Dont expect another Indy from HT. At least not for a VERY long time.
True. This one makes it or breaks it.
Of course, there's still enterbay... who would love to top HT somehow... if only they could get the rights.
HT have been knocking it out of the park with all their recent releases, so I have absolutely no reason to think that they won't with Indy, too.
watch, all the nay-sayers will be secretly ordering this once the in hand pics start comin...
watch, all the nay-sayers will be secretly ordering this once the in hand pics start comin...
He did well with Reeves though. I'm still quietly confident this'll turn out fine. Remember all the panic over the Alice headsculpt but I have to agree with Rzeznikk, that if this doesn't sell well, then we'll be waiting along time if ever for a TOD Indy.