Major Eaton: What exactly is a headpiece to the Staff of Ra?
Indiana (as played by Jeff Goldblum): Welllllll.. uhhhhhhhh.. the staff is just a stick. I don't know, about this big. Nobody really knows for sure howwwwwwww... uhhhhhhhhh.. high. And it's...
[turns blackboard to blank side]
Indiana: it's, uhhhhhh... it's capped with an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the... well uhhhhhh... in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was, you would uhhhhhhhh.. well take the staff to a special room in Tanis, a map room with a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor the whole thing, little windows and little streets and every detail ANDDDDDD.. if you put the staff in a *ahem* in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone uhhhhhhh... welllllll... through here and made uhhhhhh... made a little beam that came down on the floor here... and gave you the exact location of the Wellllllllllll... of the uhhhhhhhhhh... of the Souls. Yeah, ghosts, spooky things. Spooky, spooky uhhhhhhhh... *ahem* ghosts.
Well, I want pics, dammit.
Very nice pics Tin... does show the rest of the figure off nicely. The likeness is still bad, but the rest can look nice.
For some reason I see Jeff Goldblum in the sculpt
It looks like Ford (Although an older Ford than his 38 years of age in Raiders) not these other guys people have mentioned, but then again that's my opinion
.............................That's because they're not the ones acting like chimps.
Yeah, let's see, he looks like Ron Perlman, Bradley Cooper, Kyle Chadler, Ernest P Worrel, George Clooney, Aldo Raine, Adam Lambert, and I can't remember how many others, not one of which looks like the other. Can we just pick one and stick with it?
**EDIT** Oh yeah, and Jeff Goldblum
Q told me that it shoul still be like 30 days from now, but that would be counter to all the recent release date speculation.
Q gets his from Sideshow, yes?
Oh well, we'll know by Monday when notices either go out or not.
I can't wait to see what this figure looks like in regular people's homes in regular shots with regular lighting. Here's hoping Sideshow really ships out tomorrow.
I love some of these glam shots but now I'm growing curious how it looks normally. I also want to know just how apparent the "eyeliner" is in hand as I would guess that's a result of the lighting in these shots.
Q said that he came out Thursday in HK so it should be thirty days from that date(10/13)
I would imagine, as with any figure it will look a lot worse. In this case thats a real problem. I have looked at all the pics posted and I have to say I think it's not just the gap with the eyeball and face sculpt thats causing the eyeliner look, there is subtle (!?) paint work around the eye area which really doesn't help. They did a little of this on the new Supes sculpt as well, but it suited that.
I can get over everything except the giant mouth. Thats unfixable.
I can't believe that people (who are supposedly ok with the sculpt) are discussing how to hide parts of it with the Cairo headdress!?
On a $200+ DX release?
Q gets his from Sideshow, yes?
Oh well, we'll know by Monday when notices either go out or not.
200 dollar plus DX release! 200 plus dollar DX release!
The added cost is not Hot Toys doing, I'm sure you can thank Harrison Ford and Lucasfilm for that!
Exactly- Lucasfilm licensing notoriously outrageous-there are so many variables here why argue?
If you can afford buy it if you want- if you can't ,stop the whining and complaining about the price... what is worth it to one guy is different to the next.
Exactly! I didn't see anyone really up in arms about the Nicholson Joker price. Look how much rights likeness to him added to that fig.
I do recall that the HT Indy was around 225 for a while, same as the BB Bruce Wayne and Shadow Predator.
And add Ralph Fiennes to that list. I mentioned that one.