Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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LOL how people turn !

Just two months ago it wasn't uncommon to see Kim referred to as 'the 1/6 god' on various forums.

I thought it was well established that Ford was the hardest face to get right?

Maybe Ford is Kim's kryptonite? :)

Does Christopher Reeve also fall into this category?
The current 1/6 cheap ____ty Mattel figure had a pretty good face from the pics I've can't be that hard?

Yes. This site is littered with brave attempts and very few bullseyes.
A narrow-eyed Harrison Ford with PERS fully engaged...


vs proto HT

Ok, in answer to a few questions:

The regular MM price would be right for any figure from and Indy line if HT did them well enough.

The head and suit on the SSC Henry are good. My main issue is that the figure has no neck. A TT Advanced may sort this out. Check this pic:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

You can see there that Sean Connery has broad shoulders and a long neck. The Prometheus has neither. Sean is also a good few inches taller than Harrison.

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Ok, in answer to a few questions:

The regular MM price would be right for any figure from and Indy line if HT did them well enough.

The head and suit on the SSC Henry are good. My main issue is that the figure has no neck. A TT Advanced may sort this out.

You can see there that Sean Connery has broad shoulders and a long neck. The Prometheus has neither. Sean is also a good few inches taller than Harrison.


Was it the SSC or the Medicom that had the flower pot on his head? I'm guessing Medicom, as they seem to have gone for a cartoon look with this line (apart from Mutt, ironically).

My Medicom ROTLA Indy remains hidden at the back of the shelf since he has few redeeming features, apart from the fact that he is supposed to be Indy.

On the other hand, I'm constantly impressed by my SSC out of the box Indy. Yes, he's still standing unassisted, and yes he's not perfect, but he does look natural, and to me, he's unmistakably Harrison Ford as Indy.
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Ok, in answer to a few questions:

The regular MM price would be right for any figure from and Indy line if HT did them well enough.

The head and suit on the SSC Henry are good. My main issue is that the figure has no neck. A TT Advanced may sort this out. Check this pic:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

You can see there that Sean Connery has broad shoulders and a long neck. The Prometheus has neither. Sean is also a good few inches taller than Harrison.


Porting Henry over to an ST-1 body with a TT neck fixed that issue. As for height, Sean's only an inch-and-a-half taller than Harrison, it's just that Ford's a sloucher with poor posture which is something that Connery, second runner up in the 1950 Mr. Universe body building competition, never had.
If I don't end up buying this I will be going for the headpiece because I already have a custom map room indy ready for it.

This looks good, apart from the hat perched too high, and the jacket being too bulky. (And the trouser belt, and the unweathered shoes in other pics...)
is it me or is the neck fixed??!??!? :yess:

anyways I don't know how anyone can say that this doesnt look anything like ford...

I don't think it looks fixed. But...

In the image I picked out in the last post he looks a lot less intense, and much more Ford-like.
yeah I'm not totally convinced the neck is fixed, but it does look better in these recent pics.. The ford sculpt looks alot better too.. i would hate to imagin if the new revised sculpt is less ford. haha
yeah I'm not totally convinced the neck is fixed, but it does look better in these recent pics.. The ford sculpt looks alot better too..

Better lighting is having a more positive effect.

This is looking a lot less like Jeremy Brett now:


I'm still concerned about Arnie's comments on the hat being pushed up for the show photos, to give better visibility to the face, since the hat is still perched high in these photos. I've yet to see a photo where they bothered to place it correctly (which makes me think that it can't yet).

i would hate to imagin if the new revised sculpt is less ford. haha

Oh, the bitter irony! :wink1:

That seam line on the left side of the hair is a bit of a concern, it does look like the hat is attached to the hairpiece. I'm confident that HT will amend how high it sits though. By the looks of it the jacket being able to zip up, is nice for Raven Bar fight poses.

Colour me excited at long last. Pre-ordered.
That seam line on the left side of the hair is a bit of a concern, it does look like the hat is attached to the hairpiece. I'm confident that HT will amend how high it sits though.

I'm not seeing what you mean about the seam line, yet. His left or our left?

EDIT: ah, after brightening the picture I see it now. Our left, his right. It looks a bit odd.

By the looks of it the jacket being able to zip up, is nice for Raven Bar fight poses.

Good point. I hadn't noticed the functioning zip until you mentioned.

I can also see that the fedora ribbon is a separate piece of fabric, as it hasn't been pushed right down to the brim.

Colour me excited at long last. Pre-ordered.

Colour me a lot less gloomy, and a lot more hopeful today! :)
Arnie made those comments about the hat being placed in that position for photographs, in a casual conversation he was having in Korean with a friend on facebook, that could be found on the third of fourth picture in his facebook album. I don't see why he would make those comments if they are not true?
Arnie made those comments about the hat being placed in that position for photographs, in a casual conversation he was having in Korean with a friend on facebook, that could be found on the third of fourth picture in his facebook album. I don't see why he would make those comments if they are not true?

No, I meant I was concerned whether the translation was correct. Didn't he also say in English that he 'thought' the hat would come down lower? i.e. that it wasn't a certainty.

I'm concerned that all the photos of the fedora show it to be high, that nobody took the chance to change it.

The fedora is iconic, so I'm hopeful this is something they'll make sure is correct.

Cavlcade said:
On our left, under the brim.

I finally saw it after I brightened the photo.

The satchel strap looks cheap and nasty- it looks like pleather which has been folded back on itself and glued. You can see the underside of the pleather running down the middle of the strap where the folded over bits don't meet in the middle, as it comes back up from the bag towards the buckle. For $250 I'd have expected something so simple to have been a single real leather strip.
Re: indiana

See how the hairpiece covers the back of the neck in the picture above, well if the other hairpiece was attached to the hat, surely it would be visibly attached to the hat that is on this picture below?
That makes me think the the other hairpiece is designed for the hat to go over it.

Good point. Maybe the hat is designed to balance precariously on top of it. :monkey1
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