Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Re: indiana

See how the hairpiece covers the back of the neck in the picture above, well if the other hairpiece was attached to the hat, surely it would be visibly attached to the hat that is on this picture below?
That makes me think the the other hairpiece is designed for the hat to go over it.

The strands of hair on his forehead would appear to be sculpted to the head. If you brighten and enlarge the photo showing the hatless Indy, I'm sure there's a visible join mark that crosses the natural direction of the hair.

That would imply a fuller wig, and a compressed wig.


The join down the side is also quite visible.
Re: indiana

The strands of hair on his forehead would appear to be sculpted to the head. If you brighten and enlarge the photo showing the hatless Indy, I'm sure there's a visible join mark that crosses the natural direction of the hair.

That would imply a fuller wig, and a compressed wig.


The join down the side is also quite visible.

Yes, and of course that is how you access the PERS. I bet the second headpiece is just smooth on top with no hair detail for the hat to go over it, with detailed hair at the back where the hair is exposed.
Re: indiana

Yes, and of course that is how you access the PERS. I bet the second headpiece is just smooth on top with no hair detail for the hat to go over it, with detailed hair at the back where the hair is exposed.

The Joker's tangled hairstyle was more PERS friendly, and the joins more easily disguised.

Seeing the lifelike quality of current MMS eyes makes me feel that the DX PERS is an unnecessary, and extra cost-inducing, gimimck, which also creates unwanted side-effects.

The problem with this DX05 is that it offers a package that's more than required (pedestal), but less than expected (a second head sculpt).
Re: indiana

The Joker's tangled hairstyle was more PERS friendly, and the joins more easily disguised.

Seeing the lifelike quality of current MMS eyes makes me feel that the DX PERS is an unnecessary, and extra cost-inducing, gimimck, which also creates unwanted side-effects.

The problem with this DX05 is that it offers a package that's more than required (pedestal), but less than expected (a second head sculpt).

I couldnt care less about PERS. The only time ive missed was with my t800 when i wwanted him to focus on the M79 grenade launcher when reloading it. But PERS would not help either because when you focus that close both eyes point inwards and not parallell.
Re: indiana

I couldnt care less about PERS. The only time ive missed was with my t800 when i wwanted him to focus on the M79 grenade launcher when reloading it. But PERS would not help either because when you focus that close both eyes point inwards and not parallell.

Yeah, PERS was a neat idea, but for me it was a one-use gimmick. I set the Joker's eyes how I liked them, and haven't touched the controls since.

I actually like this shot aside from the high flying hat the sculpt looks good here.
I really think this is a step back compared to previews HT sculpts. For me he looks more like that guy from Starshop Troopers:

Porting Henry over to an ST-1 body with a TT neck fixed that issue. As for height, Sean's only an inch-and-a-half taller than Harrison, it's just that Ford's a sloucher with poor posture which is something that Connery, second runner up in the 1950 Mr. Universe body building competition, never had.

A sloucher, hmm, I'll have to make that adjustment to my Ezio TT. His shoulders are back on the current one. Thanks for pointing that out.

These new pics that are emerging still don't sell the figure for me. The head is still too small. In relation to TT shoulders, the SSC head looks just right. The jacket looks a bit stiff to me, they could have used thinner pleather and it would have looked more to scale.

Unfortunately, it still isn't shaped correctly. Look at the straight sides and tight front pinch of the "idol grab" hat posted below.

I actually like this shot aside from the high flying hat the sculpt looks good here.
I think the likeness looks better than before in these new shots. Possibly just flattering angles, but if you fix the hat here like Cavlcade does, I think it goes beyond OK and actually looks quite good.

Positioning of the eyes might play some role in getting Ford's likeness right with this figure.
I will be buying this, I have to, I have everything else.
Ever since I bought the Toys Mccoy years ago, I have waited and waited for the defintive Jones, and still we are not quite there yet, I dont think we ever will be.
I have collected every headsculpt of Harrison Ford I could, I now have a box full of different versions, by a variety of artists and manufacturers, that includes sculpts of him as Solo.
Each and every one of them has a little bit of the essence of the likeness, but none have it all.
I've found that the more you look at them, the less they look right. I've said it before 'He' is literally the most difficult personality to sculpt. One person will think its is spot on, another can't even tell you who it is.
I think a lot of what makes Ford Indy or Solo is the 'physicality' of the way he acts. He is a better actor than most give him credit for, he allows you to know the 'character' rather than the man playing it. And that is part of the issue, we all think we know this 'man'.
What bothers me most about this rendition is not the sculpt at all. I think its as close as anyone will likely get.
Its the whole 'look' of the figure. The hat, as many have pointed out is bothersome.
But the whole outfit and the 'bearing/posture' of the figure is just slightly 'out'. I don't think that this is anything that cant be adjusted after you buy the figure, everyone can then tweek the figure to how it will look right for them, its a very personal thing. I do think that this is what is causing people concern.
I think from a production piece, this is as close and as good as we will ever get.
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Pre-orders won't sell out everywhere.

This is the life of a popular figure,

1. Figure is announced (people get excited).
2. Figure specs/pics are released (people get excited, critique and hype up the release).
3. Figure is available for preorder almost immediately.
4. Wait a few months, sometimes less.

5. Figure officially hits Asia
6. Price increase
7. Figure is in full production mode, everywhere.
8. Figure price decreases as demand is meant.

9. Secondary market saturates, the figure has hit full force.
10. Prices eventually soar and sky rocket over the next months/years.

End of figure life other than on the collectors shelf or those who did not obtain yet.

The BEST time to get something is during 8. There is absolutely no reason to pre-order a Hot Toys figure.

Except that with the exception of the Watchmen Silk Spectre and Dastan figures, I've never seen a figure retail for less than the pre-order price. So why wait till 8?
Two Face, RE 4 Chainsaw Killer and mutated Krauser, Mark III Iron Man, V1 Joker, several figures whose prices went down before going back up (some of the AVP 2 Preds, Mark II Iron Man, Big Chap Alien). I'm sure that there are others.
Except that with the exception of the Watchmen Silk Spectre and Dastan figures, I've never seen a figure retail for less than the pre-order price. So why wait till 8?

Better deals. Even if it's 10 dollars less.

Right now the Hot Toys 1984 Tech Noir T-800, a highly sought after figure can be had any where between $170-$185 if you shop around. I think the initial preorders were what (someone correct me if I'm wrong) $189.99-$195.00?

It hasn't sold out yet and it's currently in stage 8.

Why preorder Indiana Jones? I guarantee it won't sell out.

Two Face, RE 4 Chainsaw Killer and mutated Krauser, Mark III Iron Man, V1 Joker, several figures whose prices went down before going back up (some of the AVP 2 Preds, Mark II Iron Man, Big Chap Alien). I'm sure that there are others.

Yep, and the best examples since we're dealing with a DX here is Batman and Joker. A month or two before prices jumped to $300-$450 dollars for both of them, tons of places online had them for relatively cheap prices.

Gohastings, low ebay auctions, online stores getting DCD batches. You name it. I scored a MIB MMS DX Joker for $140 shipped during that time frame.
I still need that DX Joker. I hope this year we see a lot of Arnold stuff again. Wasn't a T1 line mentioned? We must get the Police Shootout version!
Hmm, in the pic with the hat lowered he's getting there. Still needs work though.

It should be Harrison Ford standing there, right now, I'd say it was a waxwork.

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