wow... considering I am one of the very few that offer "accurate" accessories I imagine that obnoxious remark was fired directly at me... much appreciated... however your assumption is way off the mark... I think the heated criticism is more a result of Indy collectors being quite passionate about the missed possibility that could have been produced by a heavy hitter like HT... a year ago the mere suggestion that HT would make an Indy was like a dream come true for avid figure collectors and Indy fans... so there was such great anticipation in light of their other recent products.. I mean how on earth would HT fumble this of all licenses... so of course the reveal was a huge let down... if it wasn't there would not be over 140 pages of continual discussion over this... if it wasn't important the discussion would have stopped a loooong time ago... but obviously this is important.. ( in police work we call something that freakin obvious a "clue"...)... but anyhoo... just needed to chime in here to make sure my "persona" was still relevant...
Hey man, sorry about this... I was having a crappy day and coming here to just read the same old valid nitpicks got me pretty annoyed... I know you do top notch work, and I want to publicly apologize for my comments.
I know most people want this figure to be the best it can be, as it's such an iconic character, even myself have customized my Sideshow Indy, changed the shirt, changed the boots, got Sovereign's jacket and whip and re-painted the head. I know it's not near perfect or accurate but I'm happy with it.
But personally I like what Hot Toys has shown so far, and I think it's a kick ass figure and an amazing collectible, despite it's shortcomings.
Besides, we've seen this happen plenty of times when people are VERY vocal about what's wrong, instead of what's right, hey, that's all good, but I honestly believe, once we have this figure in hand, opinions will change.
Indy customizations have been going on forever in the 1/6 world, and I remember when SS Indy was coming out, that somebody posted that customizing Indy days were over, but I replied that if anything, things were just gonna take off from there. And they did!!
We've seen more customized Indy's than ever, thanks to the amazing things Sideshow got right.
I believe that will be the case with Hot Toys Indy, much like it happened with DX Joker, people keep customizing the crap of that figure, over and over, and invest twice as much or more on the figure to make it perfect. And more power to them, but personally, I think HT Indy is as perfect as we can get for a mass produced product... a bit on the expensive side, but still, a kick ass figure.
If this opens the door for people being more creative, I welcome it!
I know I might tweak it a bit, but I don't want to judge until I see the figure first hand...
Anyway, just my 2 cents... again sorry for my previous ramblings...

Mike, I wouldn't take offense mate. You've provided some very cool items to a lot of Guys ( myself included ) who wanted to improve their figures , but didn't have the skills. It was done for the love of the character - not for any personal gain.
Thanks for this Paul, you're a great guy and your post helped me put things in perspective...
You still consider yourself a newb??..