Hey man, sorry about this... I was having a crappy day and coming here to just read the same old valid nitpicks got me pretty annoyed... I know you do top notch work, and I want to publicly apologize for my comments.
I know most people want this figure to be the best it can be, as it's such an iconic character, even myself have customized my Sideshow Indy, changed the shirt, changed the boots, got Sovereign's jacket and whip and re-painted the head. I know it's not near perfect or accurate but I'm happy with it.
But personally I like what Hot Toys has shown so far, and I think it's a kick ass figure and an amazing collectible, despite it's shortcomings.
Besides, we've seen this happen plenty of times when people are VERY vocal about what's wrong, instead of what's right, hey, that's all good, but I honestly believe, once we have this figure in hand, opinions will change.
Indy customizations have been going on forever in the 1/6 world, and I remember when SS Indy was coming out, that somebody posted that customizing Indy days were over, but I replied that if anything, things were just gonna take off from there. And they did!!
We've seen more customized Indy's than ever, thanks to the amazing things Sideshow got right.
I believe that will be the case with Hot Toys Indy, much like it happened with DX Joker, people keep customizing the crap of that figure, over and over, and invest twice as much or more on the figure to make it perfect. And more power to them, but personally, I think HT Indy is as perfect as we can get for a mass produced product... a bit on the expensive side, but still, a kick ass figure.
If this opens the door for people being more creative, I welcome it!
I know I might tweak it a bit, but I don't want to judge until I see the figure first hand...
Anyway, just my 2 cents... again sorry for my previous ramblings...
You still consider yourself a newb??..![]()
Es increible como algunos foreros se empeñan en destruiir hilos y contestar como crios en lugar de aportar algo constructivo y discutir como adultos I have said it. Kuzeth , you have reason!! intelligent words you have there.
Come on Arnie, give us a great Indy
Yo estuve aqui![]()
Kuzeh....it's good to read a thoughtful and well written post like this. Very classy!
At $250, unless you're clinically diagnosed as OCD, you shouldn't have to customize a ******* thing.![]()
Nope, but I definitely still consider you one.![]()
Es increible como algunos foreros se empeñan en destruiir hilos y contestar como crios en lugar de aportar algo constructivo y discutir como adultos I have said it. Kuzeth , you have reason!! intelligent words you have there.
Come on Arnie, give us a great Indy
Yo estuve aqui![]()
Aún más vergonzoso que algunos no pueden entender cuando un juguete no vale la pena el precio.![]()
Aún más vergonzoso que algunos no pueden entender cuando un juguete no vale la pena el precio.![]()
I really hope they give HT some free reign,as I think they could do way better than that in the packaging department.
Lol who cares you like it buy it you hate it don't but to sit around and try to push someone into thinking like you do is w w w w wetttarted
A toy is worth whatever people want to pay for it...
I think the 12" Gentle Giant vintage figs are over-priced... but that's just me... unlike you, I can understand why some people would think they are worth it...
It's a shame that you always preach about this being a "discussion forum" yet it's "your way or the highway"... the fact that you keep complaining about the same
thing over and over again says a lot more about you than a "toy being over-priced", specially since you complain about "fanboys, whiners, and ***** babies" quite a bit...![]()
I agree with you on the GG 12" SW figures. It's an overpriced gimmick. As for this, I'd like to buy a HT DX Indy on par with the Bruce Lee that's coming, the T1 and just about every other HT figure I own. However, the sculpt is iffy (I just don't think Kim can do Indy) and there are so many discrepancies in the wardrobe that it just boggles the mind that they'd slap on a $250 price tag and load it with lackluster accessories. And as it stands now, I won't be buying one. I really hope you guys are right as far as changes, but I think this train has already left the station.
i think Indy comes pretty much loaded with plenty of stuff, considering it includes the pedestal, so in reality, the only "questionable" thin would be the exclusive extra body from SS, and the accuracy of the likeness and some accessories...
But if you read some of the BL fans' comments, they have some complaints about the likeness and accessories as well...
So, $220.00 versus $250.00 isn't that far off...
Well, to be fair,
if you compare what BL comes with, vs. Indy...
i think Indy comes pretty much loaded with plenty of stuff, considering it includes the pedestal, so in reality, the only "questionable" thin would be the exclusive extra body from SS, and the accuracy of the likeness and some accessories...
But if you read some of the BL fans' comments, they have some complaints about the likeness and accessories as well...
So, $220.00 versus $250.00 isn't that far off...
They're taking issues with the battle damaged sculpt. The other sculpt is about as perfect as they come. But even still, that BD sculpt is closer to Lee than this is to Harrison. And then there's the wardrobe and hat issues that you didn't mention. The hat is highly inaccurate, the jacket looks cheap, the belt and holster are completely wrong (color especially), the pants are wrong and the kicks aren't weathered.![]()
This fan is looking for accuracy not quantity.
I agree that a more accurate Indy "could" be produced, but saying this figure looks cheap it's an exaggeration IMO...
Did you get Sideshow's Indy?...
How about Medicom's?
or even better, Toys McCoy's?
I think you'll be better off with a customized figure that would probably end up costing you around $350.00 after all is said and done...
This thread =![]()
Bought all 3.
As far as quality(not quantity) goes the HT looks to be a tick or two above the Toys McCoy and about even quality wise with the Sideshow
version all things considered. When its over $200 I shouldnt have to do any customizing, certainly not $350 worth.
Didnt need to with Hellboy,Ironman,Blade,The Terminators,Leonidas or Enzio.
From left to right Sideshow---------------- Medicom-------------------Hot Toys--------------------Toys McCoy
I can't believe people complaining... HT looks ace!!![]()
Indy is a few steps up on the iconic pop culture o'meter than most of HT's offerings and he should be treated as such by the HT artisans.