Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Let's switch gears... how come only Sovereign can seem to make a good Raiders jacket after all these years?

I sent HT numerous picts of the Sovereign jacket side by side with still shots from the movie showing it is possible
to make a 1/6 jacket that is capable of mimicking the drape of the real world 1:1 version.

Kuzeh, I'll answer your Q's tomorrow.(Contain your disappointment and maintain your enthusiasm for my coming wisdom)
I'm off to dreamland where only the perfect Indy figure can exist. We'll ride unicorns together over rainbow bridges until morning.:p
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Were you satisfied with the accuracy of any of those? Because all of them are lacking plenty of it...

now don't get me wrong, I like the Sideshow one a lot, but it was far from accurate...

Looking at the pic, it's amazing how much more they did get right and how much HT didn't. HT's looks more like the dude at Universal's Indy extravaganza than Ford's Indy. That was a poor example.
Normally you expect a comparison picture like that to demonstrate a huge gulf between HT and its competitors but here its just not as obvious as it should be. Look at the HT's tiny little munchkin head!
Looking at the pic, it's amazing how much more they did get right and how much HT didn't. HT's looks more like the dude at Universal's Indy extravaganza than Ford's Indy. That was a poor example.

Child... please!!... :lol
I posted it because Rex claimed that the Toys McCoy is better than HT,
and that is laughable... :rotfl

But whatever!!
I'm off this thread, I'm tired of the Whaaambulance...
I'll be back to see all of the pics that the naysayers will post when they get the figure!
Child... please!!... :lol
I posted it because Rex claimed that the Toys McCoy is better than HT,
and that is laughable... :rotfl

But whatever!!
I'm off this thread, I'm tired of the Whaaambulance...
I'll be back to see all of the pics that the naysayers will post when they get the figure!

You're the one acting like the child...



The fact that there are people here, continually voicing concerns that have largely been ignored or responded to with vague replies warrants it. Especially at a premium format price. It'd be a different story if you were actually paying a mortgage or for that matter, rent. Maybe then you'd understand the value of a dollar and how this piece, with all its glaring issues, just doesn't add up to 250 of them.

I'll be equally disappointed watching all the apologists explain away every reason about why the figure, that didn't get any improvements, still justifies the price.
I've said over and over again that it's over-priced... bash away Hot Toys all you want... if that makes you happy...
I'm just saying that you're beating a dead-horse until new pics are released, or the figure comes out...
I've said that the figure can definitely be improved, but it doesn't bother me that much...

It's quite expensive for my tastes honestly... and I haven't ordered it yet... but after reading how you bully people because they don't have money to afford these toys, it's kind of ironic that you're complaining about the "value of a dollar"... :lol

Maybe we should call the Naaambulance instead!!

By the way, you do know that you don't have to buy it, now do you?... :peace!
I've said over and over again that it's over-priced... bash away Hot Toys all you want... if that makes you happy...
I'm just saying that you're beating a dead-horse until new pics are released, or the figure comes out...
I've said that the figure can definitely be improved, but it doesn't bother me that much...

It's quite expensive for my tastes honestly... and I haven't ordered it yet... but after reading how you bully people because they don't have money to afford these toys, it's kind of ironic that you're complaining about the "value of a dollar"... :lol

Maybe we should call the Naaambulance instead!!

By the way, you do know that you don't have to buy it, now do you?... :peace!

A-typical strawman's argument. Labeling my critiquing of this release as "bashing Hot Toys" is a juvenile twist on words. And trying to bring in the topic of "appreciated value" to tie in with a figure that's sub par compared to the asking price is completely irrelevant to the argument. Calling someone on not wanting to pay the going rate for a Celtic has absolutely nothing to do with a heavily flawed prototype. But I guess that's what I should expect from someone who idolizes real life monsters because they're "pop icons" right? Grow up and come back with a more adult argument or put me on ignore until this figure's released so I can laugh at you being completely wrong, yet again. :lol
Hey Nam, not disagreeing with you or trying to patronise at all, but if you're gonna keep on using it to describe people's points, it's a strawman argument, as in the person is attacking a dummy target. The strawman makes no argument. :)
Hey Nam, not disagreeing with you or trying to patronise at all, but if you're gonna keep on using it to describe people's points, it's a strawman argument, as in the person is attacking a dummy target. The strawman makes no argument. :)

That's basically what I said. He has no argument. :dunno
All around me are fimiler places...worn out faces...over priced figures....

And I find it kinda funny...I find it kinda sad...that my dreams of Hot Toys Indy, just ended, really really bad... dee do do dee.
Maybe it's another downside to collecting 1/6th figs & living in the Uk but i don't see where all this "overpriced" talk is coming from ?. Ok, this figure seems to be judged as "spot on Indy/Ford" to "totally inaccurate in every possible way" depending on who's looking at it but from what i can see, for the Uk market at least, the pricing seems about right but is also a little dependant on who you buy from .

OneSixthBruce, who IMHO is the best guy to buy any high end 1/6th figs from over here has Indy listed £166 ! (Forbidden Planet has him listed at £199 - reduced from £289 :horror) ,
looking at a lot of his other Hot Toys figures that OSB price is pretty much par for the course, I'd say that Indy's around £5-£10 more expensive just because of who he is, the whole reason he's even near the £150 mark is more to do with the fact that he's made by Hot Toys !.
Accuracy has little to do with it, even if he was universally seen as being the very best Indy figure ever made you could then argue that as a "lump of plastic" (a term my wife would almost certainly use) he wasn't actually worth anywhere near the asking price but, as many people know, there is a going rate for such things & this HT release ain't a lot different than any of their others in terms of cost.

No doubt someone will start harping on about the "fools" who are prepared to pay $250 of £166 for an inaccurate representaion of Indiana Jones, people were also wailing about the inaccurate Suit,Cowl & Cape on the DX Batman & the fact that Wolverine didn't look like Hugh jackman yet those figure were (in the UK) £155 & £135 respectively - i didn't hear anyone saying that they were overpriced even though in comparison they're not that much cheaper than Indy.
Even though Indy isn't looking his best in the proto shots i'd say that with the extra outfit,idol base,background,etc, paying £31 more than Wolverine cost isn't exactly daylight robbery as he's a "Hot Toys" figure and he was always gonna cost more than a Sideshow figure anyway.

I don't think the whole issue is with Indy - It's with Hot Toys figures in general !
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As I said earlier, Wolverine existed outside of Jackman. While the figure released was supposed to be Jackman, despite the iffy likeness, it still perfectly captured the essence of who Wolverine was/is. Indy isn't Indy without Ford. Period. And there's not enough Ford in that likeness. Especially when you consider the MSRP (I live in the U.S. so any UK comparisons are entirely irrelevant to me).
As I said earlier, Wolverine existed outside of Jackman. While the figure released was supposed to be Jackman, despite the iffy likeness, it still perfectly captured the essence of who Wolverine was/is. Indy isn't Indy without Ford. Period. And there's not enough Ford in that likeness. Especially when you consider the MSRP (I live in the U.S. so any UK comparisons are entirely irrelevant to me).

I do get what your saying Nam but it's the Hot Toys sticker on the box that dictates the price of all these figures not just Indy, I understand the UK comparisons meaning Bugger all to you, It's just that over here (with OSB at least) Indy is no more expensive than the majority of other HT releases.
As I said earlier, Wolverine existed outside of Jackman. While the figure released was supposed to be Jackman, despite the iffy likeness, it still perfectly captured the essence of who Wolverine was/is. Indy isn't Indy without Ford. Period. And there's not enough Ford in that likeness. Especially when you consider the MSRP (I live in the U.S. so any UK comparisons are entirely irrelevant to me).

Am I the only one who doesn't have an issue with the likeness on the Wolverine figure? Looks exactly like an angry Jackman to me. :dunno
If you live in Europe dont underestimate the asian sellers, i bought my indy for 250 shipped to Sweden from ABCexpress, he's a standup guy and i've never bin charge with custom fees when using him, he declares smart :D
Labeling my critiquing of this release as "bashing Hot Toys" is a juvenile twist on words.
How is this any different from your blanket labeling of and criticism toward supporters of a given Hot Toys figure as a "Hot Toys fanboy"? I've seen you criticize Hot Toys elsewhere for various reasons, and you have bragged that you were able to anticipate issues with this figure because they are endemic to Hot Toys in general. So it isn't like your issues are isolated to this specific figure.
OneSixthBruce, who IMHO is the best guy to buy any high end 1/6th figs from over here has Indy listed £166 ! (Forbidden Planet has him listed at £199 - reduced from £289 :horror) ,
looking at a lot of his other Hot Toys figures that OSB price is pretty much par for the course, I'd say that Indy's around £5-£10 more expensive just because of who he is, the whole reason he's even near the £150 mark is more to do with the fact that he's made by Hot Toys !.

Mmmm, when you see it in black and white like that, Indy doesn't sound so bad in terms of price, certainly not from OSB, still, I will want to see improvements. Spending that much on a figure and then spending more to replace inaccurate parts does diminish the appeal a little.

A-typical strawman's argument.

Sure dude... and that's your typical response to any argument...
you keep saying this is a "discussion forum" yet when somebody disagrees with you, you call it, childish, ramblings, strawman argument, ***** babies, and you do exactly the same!! :lol

Labeling my critiquing of this release as "bashing Hot Toys" is a juvenile twist on words.
Unlike you labeling my comments as "Leave Hot Toys alone" with a pic and everything?... yeah, pretty mature... :rolleyes2

And trying to bring in the topic of "appreciated value" to tie in with a figure that's sub par compared to the asking price is completely irrelevant to the argument.

Did I miss something here?... :dunno
You were the one who brought it up in the first place... :lol
You basically said this figure is not worth the asking price, and I don't disagree, I think it's over-priced, I just found it ironic since you keep calling people out on not having the money to afford the hobby or buy "elite" products... :wave

Calling someone on not wanting to pay the going rate for a Celtic has absolutely nothing to do with a heavily flawed prototype.

Hyperbole much?... btw a Celtic goes for $450 or more...
and this prototype might be improved, just like the Bruce Lee one, which you called a much better one... all I'm saying is that maybe, before crying and whining people should wait for final pics or production ones?

But I guess that's what I should expect from someone who idolizes real life monsters because they're "pop icons" right?

Still bitter about the Che Guevara figure?... I'm sorry you've been brainwashed about it... it's OK, not your fault dude...
I wonder, who do you "idolize" ? Do tell...

Grow up and come back with a more adult argument or put me on ignore until this figure's released so I can laugh at you being completely wrong, yet again. :lol

I do have you on ignore, but you're pretty entertaining from time to time...
Can you do your comedy schtick for corporate parties or informal reunions? What's your rate?, I might hire you for an hour or so...

As I said earlier, Wolverine existed outside of Jackman. While the figure released was supposed to be Jackman, despite the iffy likeness, it still perfectly captured the essence of who Wolverine was/is. Indy isn't Indy without Ford. Period. And there's not enough Ford in that likeness. Especially when you consider the MSRP (I live in the U.S. so any UK comparisons are entirely irrelevant to me).

Maybe we should wait for Indy's release... :dunno

How is this any different from your blanket labeling of and criticism toward supporters of a given Hot Toys figure as a "Hot Toys fanboy"? I've seen you criticize Hot Toys elsewhere for various reasons, and you have bragged that you were able to anticipate issues with this figure because they are endemic to Hot Toys in general. So it isn't like your issues are isolated to this specific figure.

Just so you know nam, I own more Sideshow pieces than Hot Toys... so, calling me an HT fanboy is both inaccurate and lame... it's like me calling you a "Sideshow fanboy"

Besides, I remember when the whole DX-04 "fiasco" happened, people complaining that it wasn't Supes, you kept calling people out for "being ***** babies because they didn't get what they want", "bad case of self entitlement", "setting themselves up for disappointment", etc. Just like what you are doing here...

Just sayin' :wave
How is this any different from your blanket labeling of and criticism toward supporters of a given Hot Toys figure as a "Hot Toys fanboy"? I've seen you criticize Hot Toys elsewhere for various reasons, and you have bragged that you were able to anticipate issues with this figure because they are endemic to Hot Toys in general. So it isn't like your issues are isolated to this specific figure.

Where else have I criticized HT about a figure not being worth the MSRP? Kindly quote it and post it here.

The price anticipation had more to do with LFL and less to do with HT. But given they knew they would be setting a new benchmark in pricing, they should've dropped Kim and given it to someone who can actually sculpt a decent Indy, or at least given it to another sculptor to refine. That said, there're also the blatant wardrobe discrepancies. As I said earlier, it's like they went off of black and white pics and memory when rushing out the prototype. A huge mistake. Especially at this price point and especially for HT whose Indy will naturally be compared to other HT releases.

Besides, I remember when the whole DX-04 "fiasco" happened, people complaining that it wasn't Supes, you kept calling people out for "being ***** babies because they didn't get what they want", "bad case of self entitlement", "setting themselves up for disappointment", etc. Just like what you are doing here...

Just sayin' :wave

Once again, you don't know what the ____ you're talking about. Go read what I wrote. It was all about false hopes and getting mad at a company for not releasing or announcing a figure when they demanded. Completely different from staring at a prototype, looking at a price, and being baffled as to why the best company in 1:6 would actually be proud of this turd and expect us to pay the highest price for a DX yet.
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