Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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There's a universe of difference between writing "I don't like the figure" (which I do not) versus attacking a person's talent.

If you had the talent and ability of Arnie Kim you'd be doing what he does- making a living as a professional sculptor rather than sitting in front of the computer all day for years at a time opining on dolls.

Theres such a high school element to this because I think people love getting together and telling someone they suck. So go get some talent and make your own sculpt and show that bum Arnie Kim how it's done. Because of course your work is so much better than his.

Or some of us went the other way with our lives, I thought instead of sitting in doors all day long, I could fly helicopters. Why I get every right to say Arnie Kim sucks? Because he and Hot Toys want to sell me something, I am a target, the consumer. I buy Hot Toys figures, this is a Hot Toys figure, Arnie Kim is only there because Hot Toys allows it. The fact is as I pointed out, this is some BS special treatment for what reason I do not know. They have a ton of talented in house sculptors with immense ability who have worked and delivered for this company for years, and they were overlooked and overstepped for this supposed golden child who delivered a subpar sculpt. Subpar for this license, this year, this pricepoint, and for this company. And instead of saying sorry Arnie, you blew this one and giving it to someone else or making him redo it, they slapped togeather a joke of a figure, given the mass response, their worst to date, and want me, not just you, to buy it.

And if anyone sculpts the same character over and over again for 20 years they can get good at that one single character. Bruce Lee is his character. I have seen a ton of his other sculpted characters and they are all way off. This should have been indication enough to a company with responsibility to their consumers that something was a miss.
@ali032373 -

This is a website who's core group of users are people who want "the best" - in this case the best versions of various toys. People here see the artistry and craftsmanship in well made collectibles vs. the crap sold most places. And any time there is a discussion of "the best" it will involve critical analysis of the subject matter.

Arnie Kim is not going to curl up in a fetal position because people are pointing out weaknesses. When you sell work as an artist-for-hire you grow a thick skin. As someone who has worked as a graphic and web designer for nearly 14 years I speak from experience. You have a layer of detachment because you are creating something tailored to your client's specific needs. It's not art where you have complete control. When you are a commercial artist you dispose of the concept of ownership.

Nobody made fun of Arnie Kim personally. Nobody said he has a dumb haircut or lives in his mom's basement. The focus is on a piece of artwork he is offering for public consumption.

That is fair game.
Me too! Do we win a prize or something for being in the .01%?

I wouldn't consider it a prize, but if you don't have a single gripe with this product then I'd say you have pretty low standards or enough money to not care. Either way, congrats! I don't get a new Indy figure, so I'm pretty sure that I'm on the losing side of this situation.
There's a universe of difference between writing "I don't like the figure" (which I do not) versus attacking a person's talent.

If you had the talent and ability of Arnie Kim you'd be doing what he does- making a living as a professional sculptor rather than sitting in front of the computer all day for years at a time opining on dolls.

Theres such a high school element to this because I think people love getting together and telling someone they suck. So go get some talent and make your own sculpt and show that bum Arnie Kim how it's done. Because of course your work is so much better than his.

Zing! That was a bit funny i will have to admit.
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>> "If you had the talent and ability of Arnie Kim you'd be doing what he does- making a living as a professional sculptor rather than sitting in front of the computer all day for years at a time opining on dolls."

That was a bit funny i will have to admit.

I thought he was being as judgmental as he is accusing others of being.
I wouldn't consider it a prize, but if you don't have a single gripe with this product then I'd say you have pretty low standards or enough money to not care. Either way, congrats! I don't get a new Indy figure, so I'm pretty sure that I'm on the losing side of this situation.

Or maybe he just honestly likes it.
Or maybe he just honestly likes it.

I think he does honestly like it, but it doesn't negate the fact that if he's in 0.01% of people who like something, and 99.99% do not, his standards are statistically lower that 99.99% of everyone else. Did I speak out of turn? I still say the 99.99% of us who are dissatisfied are the ones who are losing in this situation and he should he happy that this product meets his collecting needs.
@ali032373 -

This is a website who's core group of users are people who want "the best" - in this case the best versions of various toys. People here see the artistry and craftsmanship in well made collectibles vs. the crap sold most places. And any time there is a discussion of "the best" it will involve critical analysis of the subject matter.

Arnie Kim is not going to curl up in a fetal position because people are pointing out weaknesses. When you sell work as an artist-for-hire you grow a thick skin. As someone who has worked as a graphic and web designer for nearly 14 years I speak from experience. You have a layer of detachment because you are creating something tailored to your client's specific needs. It's not art where you have complete control. When you are a commercial artist you dispose of the concept of ownership.

Nobody made fun of Arnie Kim personally. Nobody said he has a dumb haircut or lives in his mom's basement. The focus is on a piece of artwork he is offering for public consumption.

That is fair game.

As an a hobbyist artist myself, I believe critique is always good. It pushes the quality of the finished product.
There is nothing better than telling an artist their work could be keeps them/us on our toes.
To be constantly told your work is perfect would get boring and wouldnt inspire the need to improve.
I dunno, Im waffling on a bit now so I'll stop.
But yeah, critique is always a good thing IMO.
@ Kamandi- I would find your criticism valid if it didn't ignore that the fact that the previous post told me to take off my underoos or something to that effect. At that point he opened the door.

But your post before that is articulate and reasoned. I disagree to some extent because I have seen posts that are directed more toward attacking the artist rather than the art. So my comments and vitriol are addressed to those persons.
My children like Underroos. A fine product there is no shame in owning.


Honestly, if you're going to be so easily injured then welcome to your first day on the web.

TheNam can be blunt (and in this case clearly sarcastic), but the remainder of his comment is something I would be inclined to agree with.
As an artist I can tell you I completely understand constructive criticism. And if I was doing that sculpt for HT, there's no way in hell I would've let that sculpt go and allow my name to be put on it with how inaccurate it is and the price they're asking. If you'd spent any time reading most everybody's posts, instead of throwing on the Underoos and tying a sheet around your neck to come to Arnie's defense, you would've read that it's pretty much agreed around the board that Arnie is awesome when it comes to Bruce Lee. He just can't seem to nail ford despite a second attempt.

He's not calling Kim talentless. He's saying Kim has a specialty. I'd be proud to own a Kim Bruce Lee. The Enterbay B.Lee stuff is sick. I still have pics of it saved on my hard drive.

But the Indy sculpt misses the mark. HT has nailed some lesser characters from other films. There's no excuse. Try again.

Indiana Jones is iconic. This will be a calling card figure for HT in the states. If they botch it, they will hurt their reputation in a big way.
Jesus built my hotrod.

I know Boyd Coddington has a beard, but... LOL!

When everyone was going on about Arnie Kim and GOD, I used to think he was revered, then I found out that GOD stood for Game Of Death. Bruce Lee is his forte, I own one of his sculpts and I love it. He's just not a jack of all trades like the other sculptors HT have used.

After viewing Trevor's portfolio on Deviant Art, I have yet to see a bad sculpt from him, it's when it's passed to SSC that things go awry. He's not only good at Indy either. If HT's Indy is, as stated, a collaborative effort between Arnie, Yulli and Kojun, then you do wonder what went wrong. All 3 have done incredible work, so, does this mean that either one of the others has had to bail Arnie out!?

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"Jesus Built My Hotrod" is a great song by the band Ministry. (Although my fav is "Stigmata")

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on it when I first posted it.
After viewing Trevor's portfolio on Deviant Art, I have yet to see a bad sculpt from him, it's when it's passed to SSC that things go awry. He's not only good at Indy either.


That's why he's hands down my favorite sculptor. There are no hits and misses with Trevor, every portrait he puts out is gold, plain and simple.
"Jesus Built My Hotrod" is a great song by the band Ministry. (Although my fav is "Stigmata")

I was wondering if anyone would pick up on it when I first posted it.

Yeah, I think I've heard it. I was just having a laugh.

Right now, I'm thanking god that I haven't blown $250 on an HT Indy and instead am putting together one that will be as good if not better.

I think he does honestly like it, but it doesn't negate the fact that if he's in 0.01% of people who like something, and 99.99% do not, his standards are statistically lower that 99.99% of everyone else. Did I speak out of turn? I still say the 99.99% of us who are dissatisfied are the ones who are losing in this situation and he should he happy that this product meets his collecting needs.

I don't really think I have low standards, but as you say "statistically" I guess I least as far as this forum is concerned. I definitely don't have enough money not to care. This will actually be my first Hot Toys figure, as nice as they are I just can't afford them. Heck, I can't afford every Sideshow figure that comes along either and have to be pretty picky about the ones I do get. Yes, I genuinely like what I have seen so far in this figure. I am a big Indy fan and have chosen to spend my money on it. Do I think it is perfect? No, I see definite areas for improvement, mostly the same ones as everyone else but, I do still want this figure and am willing to pay for it.
I've got nothing against anyone that has pre-ordered and paid for this figure, it's their money and good luck to them.

The thing is, it's not the only way they can get a really nice Indy. For what they've spent, you can still get the SSC one on eBay and have enough left over to commission a decent repaint, buy a new body and get some gear. If I had $250 to spend that'd be the route I'd take.

The thing is, it's not the only way they can get a really nice Indy. For what they've spent, you can still get the SSC one on eBay and have enough left over to commission a decent repaint, buy a new body and get some gear. If I had $250 to spend that'd be the route I'd take.

I've got nothing against anyone that has pre-ordered and paid for this figure, it's their money and good luck to them.

The thing is, it's not the only way they can get a really nice Indy. For what they've spent, you can still get the SSC one on eBay and have enough left over to commission a decent repaint, buy a new body and get some gear. If I had $250 to spend that'd be the route I'd take.


True, but I am kind of weird about keeping my figures pretty much stock. I'm not against making little tweaks here and there to them, but I like to keep them pretty much original, nothing I can't undo I guess. I do have the SS Indy, as well as the Medicom Raiders Indy. I also have a custom Indy that I did myself, back in the day, and I am considering upgrading him at some point. Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic repaints and customs on here and at some point I'd like to pick up an extra SS Indy to tinker with.
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