Can some whose cape was actually cut for the rods, take a picture of the proper place where the rods are meant to go in...
I just don't want to cut the wrong area, so if you cut them yourself... please disregard this message unless of course you just widened the area to existing cuts.
I'm starting to get overly annoyed at these little bits that, at $240 dollars shouldn't be an issue at all...
Thanks Guys!
Small issue, at least you have one.I believe theres a pic of that pages back.
Can some whose cape was actually cut for the rods, take a picture of the proper place where the rods are meant to go in...
I just don't want to cut the wrong area, so if you cut them yourself... please disregard this message unless of course you just widened the area to existing cuts.
I'm starting to get overly annoyed at these little bits that, at $240 dollars shouldn't be an issue at all...
Thanks Guys!
Lambo did you go through HK to get yours? Nice shots btw.
Thanks man
Yup I bought it through a HK seller on ebay awhile ago.
Ah, ok. I thought for a second there Eric received his shipment. Oh well, back to waiting then.