Am I the only one unhappy with the finish they put on Keaton's cowl? It looks like it's rigid and made of plastic or resin, but in the movie it looks rubber. Everything else about this figure is so awesome.
Hopefully mine will be here by Friday!!!!thanks to Jye4ever
Hopefully mine will be here by Friday!!!!thanks to Jye4ever
I love this little mangler/gauntlet gadget, I'm really glad they included it. I've posed mine a couple times with it and love how it looks. It works perfectly with the PERS, like Batman doesn't give a damn that this guy with blades is coming at him, full speed for the kill.
Very cool pics.
Yours are very nice regardless.
What were they from?
Really like the lighting and cropping on this one.
Really liking those pictures Maglor![]()
Kinda OT, but I find it amusing how Jack Nicholson agreed to do new interviews when the special edition DVDs were produced, but Keaton was no where to be seen. A little arrogant, don't you think? Clooney not participating makes sense, but it's not like Keaton had to squeeze the interview into his "busy" schedule.
Maybe they never even asked him... and maybe he was busy, just because he isn't in a new movie every six months like Clooney doesn't mean he was free.
To call him arrogant is a bit assuming... have you ever looked into how he is with fans? He hardly seems arrogant to me...
Anyway, back to the figure talk.
Yes you are.
I feel loyalty to the film and don't give a damn that the headsculpt isn't super smooth and rubbery looking. It's fine how it is.
Because given the issues Hot Toys has had with rubber in the past, I am SOOO thankful they went with some sort of vinyl/plastic/semi-rubber mix.