Nice solid chest on the new batch?!
Sounds like second to me, which is a nice consolation for you guys.
..Damn it Maglor you are making me say it...
No.... the...first...batch...looks ...better....
But this is simply based on two figures, that I have seen inhand to compare.
There could be thousands of variations in both batches.
But the solid chest sticks out a little more, which I don't think looks as good, The belt sticks out a little now, like he has more of a belly, bulkier. The rubber on my first batch bats, is glossier, which I lke. the paint around the eyes on 2nd batch is lighter showing more skin tone (a little too much) but this is probably nothing to do which batch. Likewise the paint on the shield is better on my 2nd batch, heavier paint.
All in all, I would say the only real differences of note, at least based on the 2 that I have, are the
new hard chest (which I don't like) too bulky. And the fabric on the cape (which isn't as leather-like) and the points of the scallops are more rounded, a little cruder I would say, I know someone else mentioned this before?
..don't shoot the messenger!
Let chaos reign!
That is the most incorrect looking Batman figure I have ever seen.

I think you can see the chest differences here:
1st Batch with "hollow" chest underneath rubber (much more accurate IMO):
And second batch with "hard full" chest underneath rubber (the belt tilts forward because of it):