It's coming up on a year that this figure has been widely available and people are still buying it and still posting up photos. With some 13,500+ posts, this is some achievement. This is a spectacular figure! I am so glad I have mine (two actually, and 2 '89 each out and one each non-removed and MIB), and being able to add a TonyM cape was something I really am glad about too.
It's great that Tony and Crystal have had enough interest to produce another bolt of their fabric. If anyone has doubts about it, don''s something that really adds to the greatness of the figure. I'd also wager that if times turned hard and you had to sell your BAT, the TonyM cape would also add $$$ value too.
I am such a BATMAN mark! And the look of this '89 is superb, even in straight upright poses, specially in a darkened environment, a single harsh light from above to highlight the carving of the cowl and slightly smoky to catch the light.
In all of these pages, I cannot remember seeing one picture where he looks bad.